import itertools
import math
import numpy as np
import toolz
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from ._incremental import IncrementalSearchCV
[文档]class SuccessiveHalvingSearchCV(IncrementalSearchCV):
Perform the successive halving algorithm [1]_.
This algorithm trains estimators for a certain number ``partial_fit``
calls to ``partial_fit``, then kills the worst performing half.
It trains the surviving estimators for twice as long, and repeats this
until one estimator survives.
The value of :math:`1/2` above is used for a clear explanation. This class
defaults to killing the worst performing ``1 - 1 // aggressiveness``
fraction of models, and trains estimators for ``aggressiveness`` times
longer, and waits until the number of models left is less than
estimator : estimator object.
A object of that type is instantiated for each initial hyperparameter
combination. This is assumed to implement the scikit-learn estimator
interface. Either estimator needs to provide a ``score`` function,
or ``scoring`` must be passed. The estimator must implement
``partial_fit``, ``set_params``, and work well with ``clone``.
parameters : dict
Dictionary with parameters names (string) as keys and distributions
or lists of parameters to try. Distributions must provide a ``rvs``
method for sampling (such as those from scipy.stats.distributions).
If a list is given, it is sampled uniformly.
aggressiveness : float, default=3
How aggressive to be in culling off the different estimators. Higher
values imply higher confidence in scoring (or that
the hyperparameters influence the ``estimator.score`` more
than the data).
n_initial_parameters : int, default=10
Number of parameter settings that are sampled.
This trades off runtime vs quality of the solution.
n_initial_iter : int
Number of times to call partial fit initially before scoring.
Estimators are trained for ``n_initial_iter`` calls to ``partial_fit``
initially. Higher values of ``n_initial_iter`` train the estimators
longer before making a decision. Metadata on the number of calls
to ``partial_fit`` is in ``metadata`` (and ``metadata_``).
max_iter : int, default None
Maximum number of partial fit calls per model. If None, will allow
SuccessiveHalvingSearchCV to run until (about) one model survives.
If specified, models will stop being trained when ``max_iter``
calls to ``partial_fit`` are reached.
test_size : float
Fraction of the dataset to hold out for computing test scores.
Defaults to the size of a single partition of the input training set
.. note::
The training dataset should fit in memory on a single machine.
Adjust the ``test_size`` parameter as necessary to achieve this.
patience : int, default False
If specified, training stops when the score does not increase by
``tol`` after ``patience`` calls to ``partial_fit``. Off by default.
tol : float, default 0.001
The required level of improvement to consider stopping training on
that model. The most recent score must be at at most ``tol`` better
than the all of the previous ``patience`` scores for that model.
Increasing ``tol`` will tend to reduce training time, at the cost
of worse models.
scoring : string, callable, None. default: None
A single string (see :ref:`scoring_parameter`) or a callable
(see :ref:`scoring`) to evaluate the predictions on the test set.
If None, the estimator's default scorer (if available) is used.
random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional, default: None
If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used
by `np.random`.
verbose : bool, float, int, optional, default: False
If False (default), don't print logs (or pipe them to stdout). However,
standard logging will still be used.
If True, print logs and use standard logging.
If float, print/log approximately ``verbose`` fraction of the time.
prefix : str, optional, default=""
While logging, add ``prefix`` to each message.
cv_results_ : dict of np.ndarrays
This dictionary has keys
* ``mean_partial_fit_time``
* ``mean_score_time``
* ``std_partial_fit_time``
* ``std_score_time``
* ``test_score``
* ``rank_test_score``
* ``model_id``
* ``partial_fit_calls``
* ``params``
* ``param_{key}``, where ``key`` is every key in ``params``.
The values in the ``test_score`` key correspond to the last score a model
received on the hold out dataset. The key ``model_id`` corresponds with
``history_``. This dictionary can be imported into Pandas.
metadata and metadata_ : dict[key, int]
Dictionary describing the computation. ``metadata`` describes the
computation that will be performed, and ``metadata_`` describes the
computation that has been performed. Both dictionaries have keys
* ``n_models``: the number of models for this run of successive halving
* ``max_iter``: the maximum number of times ``partial_fit`` is called.
At least one model will have this many ``partial_fit`` calls.
* ``partial_fit_calls``: the total number of ``partial_fit`` calls.
All models together will receive this many ``partial_fit`` calls.
When ``patience`` is specified, the reduced computation will be
reflected in ``metadata_`` but not ``metadata``.
model_history_ : dict of lists of dict
A dictionary of each models history. This is a reorganization of
``history_``: the same information is present but organized per model.
This data has the structure ``{model_id: hist}`` where ``hist`` is a
subset of ``history_`` and ``model_id`` are model identifiers.
history_ : list of dicts
Information about each model after each ``partial_fit`` call. Each dict
the keys
* ``partial_fit_time``
* ``score_time``
* ``score``
* ``model_id``
* ``params``
* ``partial_fit_calls``
The key ``model_id`` corresponds to the ``model_id`` in ``cv_results_``.
This list of dicts can be imported into Pandas.
best_estimator_ : BaseEstimator
The model with the highest validation score among all the models
retained by the "inverse decay" algorithm.
best_score_ : float
Score achieved by ``best_estimator_`` on the validation set after the
final call to ``partial_fit``.
best_index_ : int
Index indicating which estimator in ``cv_results_`` corresponds to
the highest score.
best_params_ : dict
Dictionary of best parameters found on the hold-out data.
scorer_ :
The function used to score models, which has a call signature of
``scorer_(estimator, X, y)``.
n_splits_ : int
Number of cross validation splits.
multimetric_ : bool
Whether this cross validation search uses multiple metrics.
.. [1] "Non-stochastic best arm identification and hyperparameter
optimization" by Jamieson, Kevin and Talwalkar, Ameet. 2016.
[文档] def __init__(
self.n_initial_iter = n_initial_iter
self.aggressiveness = aggressiveness
super(SuccessiveHalvingSearchCV, self).__init__(
def _adapt(self, info, first_step_completed=False):
if all(v[-1]["partial_fit_calls"] == 1 for v in info.values()):
# Do all the models have one partial fit call?
self._steps = 0
if first_step_completed:
# Sometimes, IncrementalSearchCV completes one step for us. We
# recurse in this case -- see below for a note on the condition
self._steps = 1
n, eta = self.n_initial_parameters, self.aggressiveness
r = self.n_initial_iter
n_i = int(math.floor(n * eta**-self._steps))
r_i = np.round(r * eta**self._steps).astype(int)
if r_i == 1:
# if r_i == 1, a step has already been completed for us (because
# IncrementalSearchCV completes 1 partial_fit call automatically)
return self._adapt(info, first_step_completed=True)
best = toolz.topk(n_i, info, key=lambda k: info[k][-1]["score"])
self._steps += 1
if len(best) == 0:
return {id_: 0 for id_ in info}
pf_calls = {k: info[k][-1]["partial_fit_calls"] for k in best}
additional_calls = {k: r_i - pf_calls[k] for k in best}
return additional_calls
def metadata(self):
n, r = self.n_initial_parameters, self.n_initial_iter
meta = _simulate_sha(n, r, self.aggressiveness, max_iter=self.max_iter)
return {
"partial_fit_calls": meta["total_calls"],
"n_models": self.n_initial_parameters,
"max_iter": meta["max_iter"],
def metadata_(self):
check_is_fitted(self, "model_history_")
calls = [v[-1]["partial_fit_calls"] for v in self.model_history_.values()]
return {
"partial_fit_calls": sum(calls),
"n_models": self.n_initial_parameters,
"max_iter": max(calls),
def _simulate_sha(n, r, eta, max_iter=None):
n : int
Number of initial models
r : int
Number of initial calls
eta : int
aggressiveness of the search
meta : {"total_calls": int, "max_iter": int}
n, r and eta come from Hyperband
calls = {k: 0 for k in range(n)}
for k in itertools.count():
n_i = int(math.floor(n * eta**-k))
r_i = np.round(r * eta**k).astype(int)
for k in range(n_i):
calls[k] = r_i
if n_i <= 1 or (max_iter and r_i >= max_iter):
return {"total_calls": sum(calls.values()), "max_iter": max(calls.values())}