"""Meta-estimators for parallelizing estimators using the scikit-learn API."""
import logging
import warnings
import dask.array as da
import dask.dataframe as dd
import dask.delayed
import numpy as np
import sklearn.base
import sklearn.metrics
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted
from dask_ml.utils import _timer, is_frame_base
from ._partial import fit
from ._utils import copy_learned_attributes
from .metrics import check_scoring, get_scorer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[文档]class ParallelPostFit(sklearn.base.BaseEstimator, sklearn.base.MetaEstimatorMixin):
"""Meta-estimator for parallel predict and transform.
estimator : Estimator
The underlying estimator that is fit.
scoring : string or callable, optional
A single string (see :ref:`scoring_parameter`) or a callable
(see :ref:`scoring`) to evaluate the predictions on the test set.
For evaluating multiple metrics, either give a list of (unique)
strings or a dict with names as keys and callables as values.
NOTE that when using custom scorers, each scorer should return a
single value. Metric functions returning a list/array of values
can be wrapped into multiple scorers that return one value each.
See :ref:`multimetric_grid_search` for an example.
.. warning::
If None, the estimator's default scorer (if available) is used.
Most scikit-learn estimators will convert large Dask arrays to
a single NumPy array, which may exhaust the memory of your worker.
You probably want to always specify `scoring`.
predict_meta: pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.array deafult: None(infer)
An empty ``pd.Series``, ``pd.DataFrame``, ``np.array`` that matches the output
type of the estimators ``predict`` call.
This meta is necessary for for some estimators to work with
``dask.dataframe`` and ``dask.array``
predict_proba_meta: pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.array deafult: None(infer)
An empty ``pd.Series``, ``pd.DataFrame``, ``np.array`` that matches the output
type of the estimators ``predict_proba`` call.
This meta is necessary for for some estimators to work with
``dask.dataframe`` and ``dask.array``
transform_meta: pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.array deafult: None(infer)
An empty ``pd.Series``, ``pd.DataFrame``, ``np.array`` that matches the output
type of the estimators ``transform`` call.
This meta is necessary for for some estimators to work with
``dask.dataframe`` and ``dask.array``
.. warning::
This class is not appropriate for parallel or distributed *training*
on large datasets. For that, see :class:`Incremental`, which provides
distributed (but sequential) training. If you're doing distributed
hyperparameter optimization on larger-than-memory datasets, see
This estimator does not parallelize the training step. This simply calls
the underlying estimators's ``fit`` method called and copies over the
learned attributes to ``self`` afterwards.
It is helpful for situations where your training dataset is relatively
small (fits on a single machine) but you need to predict or transform
a much larger dataset. ``predict``, ``predict_proba`` and ``transform``
will be done in parallel (potentially distributed if you've connected
to a ``dask.distributed.Client``).
Note that many scikit-learn estimators already predict and transform in
parallel. This meta-estimator may still be useful in those cases when your
dataset is larger than memory, as the distributed scheduler will ensure the
data isn't all read into memory at once.
See Also
>>> from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier
>>> import sklearn.datasets
>>> import dask_ml.datasets
Make a small 1,000 sample 2 training dataset and fit normally.
>>> X, y = sklearn.datasets.make_classification(n_samples=1000,
... random_state=0)
>>> clf = ParallelPostFit(estimator=GradientBoostingClassifier(),
... scoring='accuracy')
>>> clf.fit(X, y)
>>> clf.classes_
array([0, 1])
Transform and predict return dask outputs for dask inputs.
>>> X_big, y_big = dask_ml.datasets.make_classification(n_samples=100000,
>>> clf.predict(X)
dask.array<predict, shape=(10000,), dtype=int64, chunksize=(1000,)>
Which can be computed in parallel.
>>> clf.predict_proba(X).compute()
array([[0.99141094, 0.00858906],
[0.93178389, 0.06821611],
[0.99129105, 0.00870895],
[0.97996652, 0.02003348],
[0.98087444, 0.01912556],
[0.99407016, 0.00592984]])
[文档] def __init__(
self.estimator = estimator
self.scoring = scoring
self.predict_meta = predict_meta
self.predict_proba_meta = predict_proba_meta
self.transform_meta = transform_meta
def _check_array(self, X):
"""Validate an array for post-fit tasks.
X : Union[Array, DataFrame]
same type as 'X'
The following checks are applied.
- Ensure that the array is blocked only along the samples.
if isinstance(X, da.Array):
if X.ndim == 2 and X.numblocks[1] > 1:
logger.debug("auto-rechunking 'X'")
if not np.isnan(X.chunks[0]).any():
X = X.rechunk({0: "auto", 1: -1})
X = X.rechunk({1: -1})
return X
def _postfit_estimator(self):
# The estimator instance to use for postfit tasks like score
return self.estimator
def fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
"""Fit the underlying estimator.
X, y : array-like
Additional fit-kwargs for the underlying estimator.
self : object
logger.info("Starting fit")
with _timer("fit", _logger=logger):
result = self.estimator.fit(X, y, **kwargs)
# Copy over learned attributes
copy_learned_attributes(result, self)
copy_learned_attributes(result, self.estimator)
return self
def partial_fit(self, X, y=None, **kwargs):
logger.info("Starting partial_fit")
with _timer("fit", _logger=logger):
result = self.estimator.partial_fit(X, y, **kwargs)
# Copy over learned attributes
copy_learned_attributes(result, self)
copy_learned_attributes(result, self.estimator)
return self
def transform(self, X):
"""Transform block or partition-wise for dask inputs.
For dask inputs, a dask array or dataframe is returned. For other
inputs (NumPy array, pandas dataframe, scipy sparse matrix), the
regular return value is returned.
If the underlying estimator does not have a ``transform`` method, then
an ``AttributeError`` is raised.
X : array-like
transformed : array-like
X = self._check_array(X)
meta = self.transform_meta
if isinstance(X, da.Array):
if meta is None:
meta = _get_output_dask_ar_meta_for_estimator(
_transform, self._postfit_estimator, X
return X.map_blocks(
_transform, estimator=self._postfit_estimator, meta=meta
elif is_frame_base(X):
if meta is None:
# dask-dataframe relies on dd.core.no_default
# for infering meta
meta = dd.core.no_default
return X.map_partitions(
_transform, estimator=self._postfit_estimator, meta=meta
return _transform(X, estimator=self._postfit_estimator)
def score(self, X, y, compute=True):
"""Returns the score on the given data.
X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
Input data, where n_samples is the number of samples and
n_features is the number of features.
y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] or [n_samples, n_output], optional
Target relative to X for classification or regression;
None for unsupervised learning.
score : float
return self.estimator.score(X, y)
scoring = self.scoring
X = self._check_array(X)
y = self._check_array(y)
if not scoring:
if type(self._postfit_estimator).score == sklearn.base.RegressorMixin.score:
scoring = "r2"
elif (
== sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin.score
scoring = "accuracy"
scoring = self.scoring
if scoring:
if not dask.is_dask_collection(X) and not dask.is_dask_collection(y):
scorer = sklearn.metrics.get_scorer(scoring)
scorer = get_scorer(scoring, compute=compute)
return scorer(self, X, y)
return self._postfit_estimator.score(X, y)
def predict(self, X):
"""Predict for X.
For dask inputs, a dask array or dataframe is returned. For other
inputs (NumPy array, pandas dataframe, scipy sparse matrix), the
regular return value is returned.
X : array-like
y : array-like
X = self._check_array(X)
meta = self.predict_meta
if isinstance(X, da.Array):
if meta is None:
meta = _get_output_dask_ar_meta_for_estimator(
_predict, self._postfit_estimator, X
result = X.map_blocks(
_predict, estimator=self._postfit_estimator, drop_axis=1, meta=meta
return result
elif is_frame_base(X):
if meta is None:
meta = dd.core.no_default
return X.map_partitions(
_predict, estimator=self._postfit_estimator, meta=meta
return _predict(X, estimator=self._postfit_estimator)
def predict_proba(self, X):
"""Probability estimates.
For dask inputs, a dask array or dataframe is returned. For other
inputs (NumPy array, pandas dataframe, scipy sparse matrix), the
regular return value is returned.
If the underlying estimator does not have a ``predict_proba``
method, then an ``AttributeError`` is raised.
X : array or dataframe
y : array-like
X = self._check_array(X)
meta = self.predict_proba_meta
if isinstance(X, da.Array):
if meta is None:
meta = _get_output_dask_ar_meta_for_estimator(
_predict_proba, self._postfit_estimator, X
# XXX: multiclass
return X.map_blocks(
chunks=(X.chunks[0], len(self._postfit_estimator.classes_)),
elif is_frame_base(X):
if meta is None:
meta = dd.core.no_default
return X.map_partitions(
_predict_proba, estimator=self._postfit_estimator, meta=meta
return _predict_proba(X, estimator=self._postfit_estimator)
def predict_log_proba(self, X):
"""Log of probability estimates.
For dask inputs, a dask array or dataframe is returned. For other
inputs (NumPy array, pandas dataframe, scipy sparse matrix), the
regular return value is returned.
If the underlying estimator does not have a ``predict_proba``
method, then an ``AttributeError`` is raised.
X : array or dataframe
y : array-like
return da.log(self.predict_proba(X))
def _check_method(self, method):
"""Check if self.estimator has 'method'.
estimator = self._postfit_estimator
if not hasattr(estimator, method):
msg = "The wrapped estimator '{}' does not have a '{}' method.".format(
estimator, method
raise AttributeError(msg)
return getattr(estimator, method)
[文档]class Incremental(ParallelPostFit):
"""Metaestimator for feeding Dask Arrays to an estimator blockwise.
This wrapper provides a bridge between Dask objects and estimators
implementing the ``partial_fit`` API. These *incremental learners* can
train on batches of data. This fits well with Dask's blocked data
.. note::
This meta-estimator is not appropriate for hyperparameter optimization
on larger-than-memory datasets. For that, see
:class:`~dask_ml.model_selection.IncrementalSearchCV` or
See the `list of incremental learners`_ in the scikit-learn documentation
for a list of estimators that implement the ``partial_fit`` API. Note that
`Incremental` is not limited to just these classes, it will work on any
estimator implementing ``partial_fit``, including those defined outside of
scikit-learn itself.
Calling :meth:`Incremental.fit` with a Dask Array will pass each block of
the Dask array or arrays to ``estimator.partial_fit`` *sequentially*.
Like :class:`ParallelPostFit`, the methods available after fitting (e.g.
:meth:`Incremental.predict`, etc.) are all parallel and delayed.
The ``estimator_`` attribute is a clone of `estimator` that was actually
used during the call to ``fit``. All attributes learned during training
are available on ``Incremental`` directly.
.. _list of incremental learners: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/computing.html#incremental-learning # noqa
estimator : Estimator
Any object supporting the scikit-learn ``partial_fit`` API.
scoring : string or callable, optional
A single string (see :ref:`scoring_parameter`) or a callable
(see :ref:`scoring`) to evaluate the predictions on the test set.
For evaluating multiple metrics, either give a list of (unique)
strings or a dict with names as keys and callables as values.
NOTE that when using custom scorers, each scorer should return a
single value. Metric functions returning a list/array of values
can be wrapped into multiple scorers that return one value each.
See :ref:`multimetric_grid_search` for an example.
.. warning::
If None, the estimator's default scorer (if available) is used.
Most scikit-learn estimators will convert large Dask arrays to
a single NumPy array, which may exhaust the memory of your worker.
You probably want to always specify `scoring`.
random_state : int or numpy.random.RandomState, optional
Random object that determines how to shuffle blocks.
shuffle_blocks : bool, default True
Determines whether to call ``partial_fit`` on a randomly selected chunk
of the Dask arrays (default), or to fit in sequential order. This does
not control shuffle between blocks or shuffling each block.
predict_meta: pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.array deafult: None(infer)
An empty ``pd.Series``, ``pd.DataFrame``, ``np.array`` that matches the output
type of the estimators ``predict`` call.
This meta is necessary for for some estimators to work with
``dask.dataframe`` and ``dask.array``
predict_proba_meta: pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.array deafult: None(infer)
An empty ``pd.Series``, ``pd.DataFrame``, ``np.array`` that matches the output
type of the estimators ``predict_proba`` call.
This meta is necessary for for some estimators to work with
``dask.dataframe`` and ``dask.array``
transform_meta: pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, np.array deafult: None(infer)
An empty ``pd.Series``, ``pd.DataFrame``, ``np.array`` that matches the output
type of the estimators ``transform`` call.
This meta is necessary for for some estimators to work with
``dask.dataframe`` and ``dask.array``
estimator_ : Estimator
A clone of `estimator` that was actually fit during the ``.fit`` call.
See Also
>>> from dask_ml.wrappers import Incremental
>>> from dask_ml.datasets import make_classification
>>> import sklearn.linear_model
>>> X, y = make_classification(chunks=25)
>>> est = sklearn.linear_model.SGDClassifier()
>>> clf = Incremental(est, scoring='accuracy')
>>> clf.fit(X, y, classes=[0, 1])
When used inside a grid search, prefix the underlying estimator's
parameter names with ``estimator__``.
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
>>> param_grid = {"estimator__alpha": [0.1, 1.0, 10.0]}
>>> gs = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid)
>>> gs.fit(X, y, classes=[0, 1])
[文档] def __init__(
self.shuffle_blocks = shuffle_blocks
self.random_state = random_state
self.assume_equal_chunks = assume_equal_chunks
super(Incremental, self).__init__(
def _postfit_estimator(self):
check_is_fitted(self, "estimator_")
return self.estimator_
def _fit_for_estimator(self, estimator, X, y, **fit_kwargs):
check_scoring(estimator, self.scoring)
if not dask.is_dask_collection(X) and not dask.is_dask_collection(y):
result = estimator.partial_fit(X=X, y=y, **fit_kwargs)
result = fit(
copy_learned_attributes(result, self)
self.estimator_ = result
return self
def fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_kwargs):
estimator = sklearn.base.clone(self.estimator)
self._fit_for_estimator(estimator, X, y, **fit_kwargs)
return self
def partial_fit(self, X, y=None, **fit_kwargs):
"""Fit the underlying estimator.
If this estimator has not been previously fit, this is identical to
:meth:`Incremental.fit`. If it has been previously fit,
``self.estimator_`` is used as the starting point.
X, y : array-like
Additional fit-kwargs for the underlying estimator.
self : object
estimator = getattr(self, "estimator_", None)
if estimator is None:
estimator = sklearn.base.clone(self.estimator)
return self._fit_for_estimator(estimator, X, y, **fit_kwargs)
def _first_block(dask_object):
"""Extract the first block / partition from a dask object"""
if isinstance(dask_object, da.Array):
if dask_object.ndim > 1 and dask_object.numblocks[-1] != 1:
raise NotImplementedError(
"IID estimators require that the array "
"blocked only along the first axis. "
"Rechunk your array before fitting."
shape = (dask_object.chunks[0][0],)
if dask_object.ndim > 1:
shape = shape + (dask_object.chunks[1][0],)
return da.from_delayed(
dask_object.to_delayed().flatten()[0], shape, dask_object.dtype
if is_frame_base(dask_object):
return dask_object.get_partition(0)
return dask_object
def _predict(part, estimator):
return estimator.predict(part)
def _predict_proba(part, estimator):
return estimator.predict_proba(part)
def _transform(part, estimator):
return estimator.transform(part)
def _get_output_dask_ar_meta_for_estimator(model_fn, estimator, input_dask_ar):
Returns the output metadata array
for the model function (predict, transform etc)
by running the appropriate function on dummy data
of shape (1, n_features)
model_fun: Model function
_predict, _transform etc
estimator : Estimator
The underlying estimator that is fit.
input_dask_ar: The input dask_array
metadata: metadata of output dask array
# sklearn fails if input array has size size
# It requires at least 1 sample to run successfully
input_meta = input_dask_ar._meta
if hasattr(input_meta, "__array_function__"):
ar = np.zeros(
shape=(1, input_dask_ar.shape[1]),
elif "scipy.sparse" in type(input_meta).__module__:
# sparse matrices dont support
# `like` due to non implimented __array_function__
# Refer https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/10362
# Note below works for both cupy and scipy sparse matrices
ar = type(input_meta)((1, input_dask_ar.shape[1]), dtype=input_dask_ar.dtype)
func_name = model_fn.__name__.strip("_")
msg = (
f"Metadata for {func_name} is not provided, so Dask is "
f"running the {func_name} "
"function on a small dataset to guess output metadata. "
"As a result, It is possible that Dask will guess incorrectly.\n"
"To silence this warning, provide explicit "
f"`{func_name}_meta` to the dask_ml.wrapper."
"\nExample: \n"
"wrap_clf = dask_ml.wrappers.Incremental(GradientBoostingClassifier(), "
f"{func_name}_meta = np.array([1],dtype=np.int8))"
ar = np.zeros(shape=(1, input_dask_ar.shape[1]), dtype=input_dask_ar.dtype)
return model_fn(ar, estimator)