

  • 为什么选择变压器? sktime 中的变压器

    • transformers = 模块化数据处理步骤

    • 简单的管道示例 & 转换器解释

  • transformer 功能概览

    • 变压器类型 - 输入类型,输出类型

    • 广播/向量化到面板、分层、多变量

    • 使用 all_estimators 搜索转换器

import warnings



  • 3. sktime 中的 Transformers

    • 3.1 为何选择变压器?

    • 3.2 变压器 - 接口和特性

      • 3.2.1 什么是变压器?

      • 3.2.2 不同类型的变压器

      • 3.2.3 广播,即变压器的矢量化

      • 3.2.4 作为流水线组件的变压器

    • 3.3 结合变换器、特征工程

    • 3.4 技术细节 - 变压器类型和签名

    • 3.5 扩展指南

    • 3.6 总结

3. sktime 中的转换器#

3.1 为何选择变压器?#

或者:为什么 sktime 转换器会改善你的生活!



from sktime.datasets import load_airline
from sktime.utils.plotting import plot_series

y = load_airline()
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
 <AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)


  • 存在季节性周期,12个月周期

  • 季节性周期看起来是乘法性质的(不是加法性质的),与趋势相关。


  • 去除季节性

  • 在对数数值尺度上(乘法变为加法)

天真的方法 - 不要在家里尝试!#


import numpy as np

# compute the logarithm
logy = np.log(y)

(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
 <AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)


好的,接下来 - 去季节性

from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose

# apply this to y
# wait no, to logy

seasonal_result = seasonal_decompose(logy, period=12)

trend = seasonal_result.trend
resid = seasonal_result.resid
seasonal = seasonal_result.seasonal
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: ylabel='trend'>)
plot_series(seasonal, resid, labels=["seasonal component", "residual component"])
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: ylabel='seasonal'>)


… 什么的?


# forecast this:
plot_series(trend + resid)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: >)
# this has nans??
1949-01   NaN
1949-02   NaN
1949-03   NaN
1949-04   NaN
1949-05   NaN
1960-08   NaN
1960-09   NaN
1960-10   NaN
1960-11   NaN
1960-12   NaN
Freq: M, Name: trend, Length: 144, dtype: float64
# ok, forecast this instead then:
y_to_forecast = logy - seasonal

# phew, no nans!
1949-01    4.804314
1949-02    4.885097
1949-03    4.864689
1949-04    4.872858
1949-05    4.804757
1960-08    6.202368
1960-09    6.165645
1960-10    6.208669
1960-11    6.181992
1960-12    6.168741
Freq: M, Length: 144, dtype: float64
from sktime.forecasting.trend import PolynomialTrendForecaster

f = PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2), fh=list(range(1, 13)))
y_fcst = f.predict()

plot_series(y_to_forecast, y_fcst)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: >)


现在将其转化为原始 y 的预测…

  • 添加季节性

  • 反转对数

1961-01    6.195931
1961-02    6.202857
1961-03    6.209740
1961-04    6.216580
1961-05    6.223378
1961-06    6.230132
1961-07    6.236843
1961-08    6.243512
1961-09    6.250137
1961-10    6.256719
1961-11    6.263259
1961-12    6.269755
Freq: M, dtype: float64
y_fcst_orig = y_fcst + seasonal[0:12]
y_fcst_orig_orig = np.exp(y_fcst_orig)

1949-01   NaN
1949-02   NaN
1949-03   NaN
1949-04   NaN
1949-05   NaN
1949-06   NaN
1949-07   NaN
1949-08   NaN
1949-09   NaN
1949-10   NaN
1949-11   NaN
1949-12   NaN
1961-01   NaN
1961-02   NaN
1961-03   NaN
1961-04   NaN
1961-05   NaN
1961-06   NaN
1961-07   NaN
1961-08   NaN
1961-09   NaN
1961-10   NaN
1961-11   NaN
1961-12   NaN
Freq: M, dtype: float64

好吧,那没有起作用。某些东西与 pandas 索引有关??

y_fcst_orig = y_fcst + seasonal[0:12].values
y_fcst_orig_orig = np.exp(y_fcst_orig)

plot_series(y, y_fcst_orig_orig)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
 <AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)



稍微不那么天真的方法 - 使用 sktime 转换器(糟糕地)#


解决方案:使用 transformers!


from sktime.forecasting.trend import PolynomialTrendForecaster
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import LogTransformer
from sktime.transformations.series.detrend import Deseasonalizer

y = load_airline()

t_log = LogTransformer()
ylog = t_log.fit_transform(y)

t_deseason = Deseasonalizer(sp=12)
y_deseason = t_deseason.fit_transform(ylog)

f = PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2), fh=list(range(1, 13)))
y_fcst = f.predict()



y_fcst_orig = t_deseason.inverse_transform(y_fcst)
# the deseasonalizer remembered the seasonality component! nice!

y_fcst_orig_orig = t_log.inverse_transform(y_fcst_orig)

plot_series(y, y_fcst_orig_orig)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
 <AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)

专家方法 - 使用 sktime 转换器与管道!#


from sktime.forecasting.trend import PolynomialTrendForecaster
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import LogTransformer
from sktime.transformations.series.detrend import Deseasonalizer

y = load_airline()

f = LogTransformer() * Deseasonalizer(sp=12) * PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2), fh=list(range(1, 13)))
y_fcst = f.predict()

plot_series(y, y_fcst)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
 <AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)


“链”操作符 * 创建一个“预测管道”


Transformers 作为标准化组件“插入”。

TransformedTargetForecaster(steps=[LogTransformer(), Deseasonalizer(sp=12),
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  • sktime 转换器接口

  • sktime 管道构建

3.2 变压器 - 接口和功能#

  • transformer 接口

  • 变压器类型

  • 按类型搜索转换器

  • 广播/向量化到面板和分层数据

  • 转换器和管道

3.2.1 什么是变压器?#

Transformer = 模块化数据处理步骤,常用于机器学习

(“transformer” 在 scikit-learn 的意义上使用)

Transformer 是一些估计器,它们:

  • 通过 fit(data) 对一批数据进行拟合,从而改变其状态

  • 通过 transform(X) 应用于另一批数据,生成转换后的数据

  • 可能有一个 inverse_transform(X)

sktime 中,输入 Xfittransform 通常是一个时间序列或一个面板(时间序列的集合)。

sktime 时间序列转换器的基本用法如下:

# 1. prepare the data
from sktime.utils._testing.series import _make_series

X = _make_series()
X_train = X[:7]
X_test = X[7:12]
# X_train and X_test are both pandas.Series

X_train, X_test
(2000-01-01    4.708975
 2000-01-02    1.803052
 2000-01-03    2.403074
 2000-01-04    3.076577
 2000-01-05    2.902616
 2000-01-06    3.831219
 2000-01-07    2.121627
 Freq: D, dtype: float64,
 2000-01-08    4.858755
 2000-01-09    3.460329
 2000-01-10    2.280978
 2000-01-11    1.930733
 2000-01-12    4.604839
 Freq: D, dtype: float64)
# 2. construct the transformer
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import BoxCoxTransformer

# trafo is an sktime estimator inheriting from BaseTransformer
# Box-Cox transform with lambda parameter fitted via mle
trafo = BoxCoxTransformer(method="mle")
# 3. fit the transformer to training data

# 4. apply the transformer to transform test data
# Box-Cox transform with lambda fitted on X_train
X_transformed = trafo.transform(X_test)

2000-01-08    1.242107
2000-01-09    1.025417
2000-01-10    0.725243
2000-01-11    0.593567
2000-01-12    1.209380
Freq: D, dtype: float64

如果训练集和测试集相同,可以通过使用 fit_transform 更简洁地(有时更高效地)执行步骤 3 和 4:

# 3+4. apply the transformer to fit and transform on the same data, X
X_transformed = trafo.fit_transform(X)

3.2.2 不同类型的变压器#

sktime 根据 fittransform 的输入类型,以及 transform 的输出类型,区分不同类型的转换器。


  • fittransform 中使用额外的 y 参数

  • fittransform 的输入是一个时间序列、一组时间序列,还是标量值(数据框行)

  • transform 的输出是单个时间序列、时间序列集合,还是标量值(数据框行)

  • fittransform 的输入是一个对象还是两个对象。两个对象作为输入和一个标量输出意味着该转换器是一个距离或核函数。



  • Box-Cox 变换器 BoxCoxTrannsformer,它将一个时间序列转换为另一个时间序列

  • 摘要转换器 SummaryTransformer,它将时间序列转换为均值等标量

# constructing the transformer
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import BoxCoxTransformer
from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import SummaryTransformer
from sktime.utils._testing.series import _make_series

# getting some data
# this is one pandas.Series
X = _make_series(n_timepoints=10)

# constructing the transformers
boxcox_trafo = BoxCoxTransformer(method="mle")
summary_trafo = SummaryTransformer()
# this produces a pandas Series
2000-01-01    3.217236
2000-01-02    6.125564
2000-01-03    5.264381
2000-01-04    3.811121
2000-01-05    1.966839
2000-01-06    2.621609
2000-01-07    3.851400
2000-01-08    3.199416
2000-01-09    0.000000
2000-01-10    6.629380
Freq: D, dtype: float64
# this produces a pandas.DataFrame row
mean std min max 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9
0 3.368131 1.128705 1.0 4.881081 2.339681 2.963718 3.376426 4.0816 4.67824

对于时间序列转换器,元数据标签描述了 transform 的预期输出:


要查找转换器,请使用 all_estimators 并按标签过滤:

  • "scitype:transform-output" - 输出类型。Series 表示时间序列,Primitives 表示原始特征(浮点数、类别),Panel 表示时间序列集合。

  • "scitype:transform-input" - 输入的科学类型。Series 用于时间序列。

  • "scitype:instancewise" - 如果 True,则按序列进行矢量化操作。如果 False,则使用多个时间序列非平凡地操作。


from sktime.registry import all_estimators

# now subset to transformers that extract scalar features
    filter_tags={"scitype:transform-output": "Series"},
Importing plotly failed. Interactive plots will not work.
name estimator
0 Aggregator <class '
1 AutoCorrelationTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.acf.Auto...
2 BoxCoxTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.boxcox.B...
3 ClaSPTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.clasp.Cl...
4 ClearSky <class 'sktime.transformations.series.clear_sk...
... ... ...
69 TransformerPipeline <class 'sktime.transformations.compose.Transfo...
70 TruncationTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.truncatio...
71 WhiteNoiseAugmenter <class 'sktime.transformations.series.augmente...
72 WindowSummarizer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.summariz...
73 YtoX <class 'sktime.transformations.compose.YtoX'>

74 rows × 2 columns

关于变压器类型和标签的更完整概述,请参见 sktime 变压器教程。

3.2.3 广播,即变压器的向量化#

sktime 转换器可能是原生单变量的,或者仅适用于单个时间序列。

即使在这种情况下,它们也会在变量和时间序列实例之间广播,如果适用的话(在 numpy 术语中也称为矢量化)。

这确保了所有 sktime 转换器都可以应用于多元和多实例(面板、层次结构)时间序列数据。

示例 1: 时间序列到时间序列变换器的广播/矢量化

来自前几节的 BoxCoxTransformer 适用于单个单变量时间序列实例。当看到多个实例或变量时,它会在两者之间广播:

from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import BoxCoxTransformer
from sktime.utils._testing.hierarchical import _make_hierarchical

# hierarchical data with 2 variables and 2 levels
X = _make_hierarchical(n_columns=2)

c0 c1
h0 h1 time
h0_0 h1_0 2000-01-01 3.068024 3.177475
2000-01-02 2.917533 3.615065
2000-01-03 3.654595 3.327944
2000-01-04 2.848652 4.694433
2000-01-05 3.458690 3.349914
... ... ... ... ...
h0_1 h1_3 2000-01-08 4.056444 3.726508
2000-01-09 2.462253 3.938115
2000-01-10 2.689640 1.000000
2000-01-11 1.233706 3.999155
2000-01-12 3.101318 3.632666

96 rows × 2 columns

# constructing the transformers
boxcox_trafo = BoxCoxTransformer(method="mle")

# applying to X results in hierarchical data
c0 c1
h0 h1 time
h0_0 h1_0 2000-01-01 0.307301 3.456645
2000-01-02 0.305723 4.416187
2000-01-03 0.311191 3.777609
2000-01-04 0.304881 7.108861
2000-01-05 0.310189 3.825267
... ... ... ... ...
h0_1 h1_3 2000-01-08 1.884165 9.828613
2000-01-09 1.087370 11.311330
2000-01-10 1.216886 0.000000
2000-01-11 0.219210 11.761224
2000-01-12 1.435712 9.208733

96 rows × 2 columns

向量化变换器的拟合模型组件可以在 transformers_ 属性中找到,或者通过通用的 get_fitted_params 接口访问:

# this is a pandas.DataFrame that contains the fitted transformers
# one per time series instance and variable
c0 c1
h0 h1
h0_0 h1_0 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_1 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_2 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_3 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h0_1 h1_0 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_1 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_2 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_3 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
# this returns a dictionary
# the transformers DataFrame is available at the key "transformers"
# individual transformers are available at dataframe-like keys
# it also contains all fitted lambdas as keyed parameters
{'transformers':                             c0                   c1
 h0   h1
 h0_0 h1_0  BoxCoxTransformer()  BoxCoxTransformer()
      h1_1  BoxCoxTransformer()  BoxCoxTransformer()
      h1_2  BoxCoxTransformer()  BoxCoxTransformer()
      h1_3  BoxCoxTransformer()  BoxCoxTransformer()
 h0_1 h1_0  BoxCoxTransformer()  BoxCoxTransformer()
      h1_1  BoxCoxTransformer()  BoxCoxTransformer()
      h1_2  BoxCoxTransformer()  BoxCoxTransformer()
      h1_3  BoxCoxTransformer()  BoxCoxTransformer(),
 "transformers.loc[('h0_0', 'h1_0'),c0]": BoxCoxTransformer(),
 "transformers.loc[('h0_0', 'h1_0'),c0]__lambda": -3.1599525634239187,
 "transformers.loc[('h0_0', 'h1_1'),c1]": BoxCoxTransformer(),
 "transformers.loc[('h0_0', 'h1_1'),c1]__lambda": 0.37511296223989965}

示例 2:将时间序列广播/矢量化为标量特征转换器

SummaryTransformer 的行为类似。多个时间序列实例被转换为结果数据框的不同列。

from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import SummaryTransformer

summary_trafo = SummaryTransformer()

# this produces a pandas DataFrame with more rows and columns
# rows correspond to different instances in X
# columns are multiplied and names prefixed by [variablename]__
# there is one column per variable and transformed feature
c0__mean c0__std c0__min c0__max c0__0.1 c0__0.25 c0__0.5 c0__0.75 c0__0.9 c1__mean c1__std c1__min c1__max c1__0.1 c1__0.25 c1__0.5 c1__0.75 c1__0.9
h0 h1
h0_0 h1_0 3.202174 0.732349 2.498101 5.283440 2.709206 2.834797 2.975883 3.348140 3.635005 3.360042 0.744295 1.910203 4.694433 2.278782 3.194950 3.377147 3.722876 3.981182
h1_1 2.594633 0.850142 1.000000 4.040674 1.618444 1.988190 2.742309 3.084133 3.349082 3.637274 1.006419 2.376048 5.112509 2.402845 2.703573 3.644124 4.535796 4.873311
h1_2 3.649374 1.181054 1.422356 5.359634 2.249409 2.881057 3.813969 4.319322 5.021987 2.945555 1.245355 1.684464 6.469536 1.795508 2.324243 2.757053 3.159779 3.547420
h1_3 2.865339 0.745604 1.654998 4.718420 2.313490 2.477173 2.839630 3.137472 3.372838 3.394633 0.971250 1.866518 5.236633 2.506371 2.653524 3.259750 4.192159 4.419325
h0_1 h1_0 2.946692 1.025167 1.085568 5.159135 1.933525 2.375844 2.952310 3.412478 3.687086 3.203431 0.970914 1.554428 4.546142 1.756260 2.405147 3.544128 3.954901 4.046171
h1_1 3.274710 0.883594 1.930773 4.771649 1.988411 2.710401 3.434244 3.799033 4.167242 3.116279 0.604060 2.235531 4.167924 2.426392 2.655720 3.079178 3.660901 3.762036
h1_2 3.397527 0.630344 2.277090 4.571272 2.791987 2.965040 3.457581 3.783002 4.031893 3.297039 0.938834 1.826276 4.919249 2.292343 2.646870 3.139703 3.975298 4.365553
h1_3 3.356722 1.326547 1.233706 5.505544 2.467667 2.567089 2.884737 4.308726 5.273261 3.232578 1.003957 1.000000 4.234051 2.113028 2.568151 3.659943 3.953375 4.022143

3.2.4 作为流水线组件的转换器#

sktime 转换器可以与任何其他 sktime 估计器类型进行流水线操作,包括预测器、分类器和其他转换器。

管道 = 同一类型的估计器,与专用类具有相同的接口

流水线构建操作:make_pipeline 或通过 * 双下划线

流水线 pipe = trafo * est 生成与 est 相同类型的 pipe 中,首先执行 trafo.fit_transform,然后对结果执行

pipe.predict 中,首先执行 trafo.transform,然后执行 est.predict



from sktime.forecasting.trend import PolynomialTrendForecaster
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import LogTransformer
from sktime.transformations.series.detrend import Deseasonalizer

y = load_airline()

pipe = LogTransformer() * Deseasonalizer(sp=12) * PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2)

TransformedTargetForecaster(steps=[LogTransformer(), Deseasonalizer(sp=12),
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# this is a forecaster with the same interface as Polynomial Trend Forecaster, fh=[1, 2, 3])
y_pred = pipe.predict()

plot_series(y, y_pred)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
 <AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)


from sktime.classification.distance_based import KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier
from sktime.transformations.series.exponent import ExponentTransformer

pipe = ExponentTransformer() * KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier()

# this constructs a ClassifierPipeline, which is also a classifier
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from sktime.datasets import load_unit_test

X_train, y_train = load_unit_test(split="TRAIN")
X_test, _ = load_unit_test(split="TEST")

# this is a forecaster with the same interface as knn-classifier
# first applies exponent transform, then knn-classifier, y_train)
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3.3 结合变换器和特征工程#


  • 数据处理步骤

  • 特征工程步骤

  • 后处理步骤


  • pipelining = 顺序链接

  • 特征联合 = 并行,特征的增加

  • 特征子集化 = 选择列

  • inversion = 切换变换和逆变换

  • 多路复用 = 在变压器之间切换

  • passthrough = 开关 开/关

通过 * 链接转换器#

from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import SummaryTransformer

pipe = Differencer() * SummaryTransformer()

# this constructs a TransformerPipeline, which is also a transformer
TransformerPipeline(steps=[Differencer(), SummaryTransformer()])
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from sktime.utils._testing.hierarchical import _bottom_hier_datagen

X = _bottom_hier_datagen(no_levels=1, no_bottom_nodes=2)

# this is a transformer with the same interface
# first applies differencer, then summary transform
mean std min max 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9
0 2.222222 33.636569 -101.0 87.00 -37.700 -16.000 3.50 22.25 43.000
1 48.111111 810.876526 -2680.3 2416.86 -826.462 -323.145 76.33 448.86 1021.974

兼容 sklearn 转换器!

默认情况下,对每个时间序列作为数据框表应用 sklearn 转换器

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

pipe = Differencer() * StandardScaler()

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l1_agg timepoints
l1_node01 1949-01 -0.066296
1949-02 0.112704
1949-03 0.351370
1949-04 -0.155796
1949-05 -0.304963
... ... ...
l1_node02 1960-08 -0.623659
1960-09 -3.376512
1960-10 -1.565994
1960-11 -2.231567
1960-12 1.210249

288 rows × 1 columns


  • sktime.transformations.compose.TransformerPipeline

  • sktime.transformations.series.adapt.TabularToSeriesAdaptor 用于 sklearn

复合对象与 get_params / set_params 参数接口兼容:

{'steps': [Differencer(),
 'Differencer': Differencer(),
 'TabularToSeriesAdaptor': TabularToSeriesAdaptor(transformer=StandardScaler()),
 'Differencer__lags': 1,
 'Differencer__memory': 'all',
 'Differencer__na_handling': 'fill_zero',
 'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__fit_in_transform': False,
 'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__transformer__copy': True,
 'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__transformer__with_mean': True,
 'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__transformer__with_std': True,
 'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__transformer': StandardScaler()}

通过 + 进行特征联合#

from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.lag import Lag

pipe = Differencer() + Lag()

# this constructs a FeatureUnion, which is also a transformer
FeatureUnion(transformer_list=[Differencer(), Lag()])
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from sktime.utils._testing.hierarchical import _bottom_hier_datagen

X = _bottom_hier_datagen(no_levels=1, no_bottom_nodes=2)

# applies both Differencer and Lag, returns transformed in different columns
Differencer__passengers Lag__lag_0__passengers
l1_agg timepoints
l1_node01 1949-01 0.00 112.00
1949-02 6.00 118.00
1949-03 14.00 132.00
1949-04 -3.00 129.00
1949-05 -8.00 121.00
... ... ... ...
l1_node02 1960-08 -1920.80 38845.27
1960-09 -10759.42 28085.85
1960-10 -4546.78 23539.07
1960-11 -6114.52 17424.55
1960-12 3507.42 20931.97

288 rows × 2 columns

要保留原始列,请使用 Id 转换器:

from sktime.transformations.compose import Id
from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.lag import Lag

pipe = Id() + Differencer() + Lag([1, 2], index_out="original")

Id__passengers Differencer__passengers Lag__lag_1__passengers Lag__lag_2__passengers
l1_agg timepoints
l1_node01 1949-01 112.00 0.00 NaN NaN
1949-02 118.00 6.00 112.00 NaN
1949-03 132.00 14.00 118.00 112.00
1949-04 129.00 -3.00 132.00 118.00
1949-05 121.00 -8.00 129.00 132.00
... ... ... ... ... ...
l1_node02 1960-08 38845.27 -1920.80 40766.07 30877.65
1960-09 28085.85 -10759.42 38845.27 40766.07
1960-10 23539.07 -4546.78 28085.85 38845.27
1960-11 17424.55 -6114.52 23539.07 28085.85
1960-12 20931.97 3507.42 17424.55 23539.07

288 rows × 4 columns

# parameter inspection
{'flatten_transform_index': True,
 'n_jobs': None,
 'transformer_list': [Id(),
  Lag(index_out='original', lags=[1, 2])],
 'transformer_weights': None,
 'Id': Id(),
 'Differencer': Differencer(),
 'Lag': Lag(index_out='original', lags=[1, 2]),
 'Id___output_convert': 'auto',
 'Differencer__lags': 1,
 'Differencer__memory': 'all',
 'Differencer__na_handling': 'fill_zero',
 'Lag__flatten_transform_index': True,
 'Lag__freq': None,
 'Lag__index_out': 'original',
 'Lag__keep_column_names': False,
 'Lag__lags': [1, 2]}

通过 [colname] 选择输入列的子集#

假设我们要将 Differencer 应用于第0列,并将 Lag 应用于第1列。


from sktime.utils._testing.hierarchical import _make_hierarchical

X = _make_hierarchical(
    hierarchy_levels=(2, 2), n_columns=2, min_timepoints=3, max_timepoints=3

c0 c1
h0 h1 time
h0_0 h1_0 2000-01-01 3.356766 2.649204
2000-01-02 2.262487 2.204119
2000-01-03 2.087692 2.186494
h1_1 2000-01-01 4.311237 3.129610
2000-01-02 3.190134 1.747807
2000-01-03 4.231399 2.483151
h0_1 h1_0 2000-01-01 4.356575 3.550554
2000-01-02 2.865619 2.783107
2000-01-03 3.781770 2.619533
h1_1 2000-01-01 3.113704 1.000000
2000-01-02 2.673081 2.561047
2000-01-03 1.000000 2.953516
from sktime.transformations.compose import Id
from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.lag import Lag

pipe = Id() + Differencer()["c0"] + Lag([1, 2], index_out="original")["c1"]

Id__c0 Id__c1 TransformerPipeline_1__c0 TransformerPipeline_2__lag_1__c1 TransformerPipeline_2__lag_2__c1
h0 h1 time
h0_0 h1_0 2000-01-01 3.356766 2.649204 0.000000 NaN NaN
2000-01-02 2.262487 2.204119 -1.094279 2.649204 NaN
2000-01-03 2.087692 2.186494 -0.174795 2.204119 2.649204
h1_1 2000-01-01 4.311237 3.129610 0.000000 NaN NaN
2000-01-02 3.190134 1.747807 -1.121103 3.129610 NaN
2000-01-03 4.231399 2.483151 1.041265 1.747807 3.129610
h0_1 h1_0 2000-01-01 4.356575 3.550554 0.000000 NaN NaN
2000-01-02 2.865619 2.783107 -1.490956 3.550554 NaN
2000-01-03 3.781770 2.619533 0.916151 2.783107 3.550554
h1_1 2000-01-01 3.113704 1.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN
2000-01-02 2.673081 2.561047 -0.440623 1.000000 NaN
2000-01-03 1.000000 2.953516 -1.673081 2.561047 1.000000

可以通过显式使用 FeatureUnion 来替换自动生成的名称:

from sktime.transformations.compose import FeatureUnion

pipe = FeatureUnion(
        ("original", Id()),
        ("diff", Differencer()["c0"]),
        ("lag", Lag([1, 2], index_out="original")),

original__c0 original__c1 diff__c0 lag__lag_1__c0 lag__lag_1__c1 lag__lag_2__c0 lag__lag_2__c1
h0 h1 time
h0_0 h1_0 2000-01-01 3.356766 2.649204 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2000-01-02 2.262487 2.204119 -1.094279 3.356766 2.649204 NaN NaN
2000-01-03 2.087692 2.186494 -0.174795 2.262487 2.204119 3.356766 2.649204
h1_1 2000-01-01 4.311237 3.129610 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2000-01-02 3.190134 1.747807 -1.121103 4.311237 3.129610 NaN NaN
2000-01-03 4.231399 2.483151 1.041265 3.190134 1.747807 4.311237 3.129610
h0_1 h1_0 2000-01-01 4.356575 3.550554 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2000-01-02 2.865619 2.783107 -1.490956 4.356575 3.550554 NaN NaN
2000-01-03 3.781770 2.619533 0.916151 2.865619 2.783107 4.356575 3.550554
h1_1 2000-01-01 3.113704 1.000000 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2000-01-02 2.673081 2.561047 -0.440623 3.113704 1.000000 NaN NaN
2000-01-03 1.000000 2.953516 -1.673081 2.673081 2.561047 3.113704 1.000000

通过反转 ~ 将对数变换转换为指数变换#

import numpy as np

from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import LogTransformer

log = LogTransformer()

exp = ~log

# this behaves like an "e to the power of" transformer now
exp.fit_transform(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
array([ 2.71828183,  7.3890561 , 20.08553692])

autoML 结构组合器:多路复用器开关 ¦ 和 开/关开关 -#


  • 我们想要差分器 还是 滞后?用于后续调优

  • 我们想要 [差异和滞后] 还是 [原始特征和滞后] ? 以便稍后进行调整

# differencer or lag

from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.lag import Lag

pipe = Differencer() | Lag()

{'selected_transformer': None,
 'transformers': [Differencer(), Lag()],
 'Differencer': Differencer(),
 'Lag': Lag(),
 'Differencer__lags': 1,
 'Differencer__memory': 'all',
 'Differencer__na_handling': 'fill_zero',
 'Lag__flatten_transform_index': True,
 'Lag__freq': None,
 'Lag__index_out': 'extend',
 'Lag__keep_column_names': False,
 'Lag__lags': 0}

selected_transformer 参数暴露了选择:

这是表现为 Lag 还是 Differencer

# switch = Lag -> this is a Lag transformer now!
                     transformers=[Differencer(), Lag()])
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# switch = Lag -> this is a Differencer now!
                     transformers=[Differencer(), Lag()])
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类似地,带有 ~ 的开关用于打开/关闭


optional_differencer = -Differencer()

# this behaves as Differencer now
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# this is now just the identity transformer
OptionalPassthrough(passthrough=True, transformer=Differencer())
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3.4 技术细节 - 变压器类型和签名#

本节详细解释了 sktime 中不同类型的变压器。

sktime 中有四种主要的转换类型:

  • 将一系列/序列转换为标量或类别值特征。例如:tsfresh,或提取整体的``均值``和``方差``。

  • 将一个序列转换为另一个序列。例如:去趋势化、平滑化、过滤、滞后。

  • 将一个面板转换为另一个面板。示例:主成分投影;将单个序列到序列的转换应用于面板中的所有序列。

  • 将一对序列转换为标量值。示例:序列/序列之间的动态时间规整距离;序列/序列之间的广义对齐核。



3.4.1 数据容器格式#

sktime 转换器应用于单个时间序列和面板。面板是时间序列的集合,我们将面板中的每个时间序列称为面板的“实例”。这被形式化为抽象的“科学类型” SeriesPanel,具有多种可能的内存中表示,即所谓的“mtypes”。


Series 通常表示为:

  • pandas.Series 用于单变量时间序列和序列

  • pandas.DataFrame 用于单变量或多变量时间序列和序列

Series.indexDataFrame.index 用于表示时间序列或序列索引。sktime 支持 pandas 整数、周期和时间戳索引。

Panel 通常表示为:* 一个特定格式的 pandas.DataFrame,由 pd-multiindex mtype 定义。它具有一个2级索引,用于时间点和实例 * 一个 pandas.DataFramelist,其中所有 pandas.DataFrame 都是 Series 格式。不同的 list 元素代表不同的实例

在任何情况下,“时间”索引必须是与 sktime 兼容的时间索引类型,就像 Series 一样。

from sktime.datatypes import get_examples
# example of a univariate series
get_examples("pd.Series", "Series")[0]
0    1.0
1    4.0
2    0.5
3   -3.0
Name: a, dtype: float64
# example of a multivariate series
get_examples("pd.DataFrame", "Series")[1]
a b
0 1.0 3.000000
1 4.0 7.000000
2 0.5 2.000000
3 -3.0 -0.428571
# example of a panel with mtype pd-multiindex
get_examples("pd-multiindex", "Panel")[0]
var_0 var_1
instances timepoints
0 0 1 4
1 2 5
2 3 6
1 0 1 4
1 2 55
2 3 6
2 0 1 42
1 2 5
2 3 6
# example of the same panel with mtype df-list
get_examples("df-list", "Panel")[0]
[   var_0  var_1
 0      1      4
 1      2      5
 2      3      6,
    var_0  var_1
 0      1      4
 1      2     55
 2      3      6,
    var_0  var_1
 0      1     42
 1      2      5
 2      3      6]

sktime 支持更多 mtypes,详情请参阅“数据类型和数据集”教程。

3.4.2 通用变压器签名 - 时间序列变压器#

SeriesPanel 的转换器具有相同的高级接口。根据它们更常用于哪种数据类型,它们可以在 transformations.seriestransformations.panel 模块中找到。如前所述,这并不意味着接口是分开的。

transformers 最重要的接口点是:

  1. 带有参数的构造,这与任何其他 sktime 估计器相同

  2. 通过 fit 拟合变换器

  3. 通过 transform 转换数据

  4. 逆变换,通过 inverse_transform - 并非所有变换器都有这个接口点,因为并非所有变换都是可逆的

  5. 通过 update 更新转换器 - 并非所有转换器都有这个接口点(update 目前正在开发中,截至 v0.8.x,欢迎贡献)

我们通过以下两个示例转换器展示这一点——一个转换器的 transform 输出 Series,另一个转换器的 transform 输出原始特征(数字或类别)。

我们将对以下 SeriesPanel 数据应用这两种转换:

from sktime.datatypes import get_examples

# univariate series used in the examples
X_series = get_examples("pd.Series", "Series")[3]
# panel used in the examples
X_panel = get_examples("pd-multiindex", "Panel")[2]
0    1.0
1    4.0
2    0.5
3    3.0
Name: a, dtype: float64
instances timepoints
0 0 4
1 5
2 6

Box-Cox 转换器将 Box-Cox 变换应用于序列或面板中的单个值。开始时,转换器需要使用参数设置进行构造,这与任何 sktime 估计器相同。

# constructing the transformer
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import BoxCoxTransformer

my_boxcox_trafo = BoxCoxTransformer(method="mle")

现在,我们将构建的转换器 my_trafo 应用于一个(单变量)序列。首先,转换器被拟合:

# fitting the transformer
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# transforming the series
0    0.000000
1    1.636217
2   -0.640098
3    1.251936
Name: a, dtype: float64

通常,传递给 transform 的序列不必与 fit 中的相同,但如果它们相同,则可以使用简写 fit_transform

0    0.000000
1    1.636217
2   -0.640098
3    1.251936
Name: a, dtype: float64

转换器也可以应用于 Panel 数据。

instances timepoints
0 0 2.156835
1 2.702737
2 3.206011

注意:使用的 BoxCoxTransformer 对面板中的每个系列单独应用了 Box-Cox 变换,但这并不一定是所有变换器的通用情况。


# constructing the transformer
from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import SummaryTransformer

my_summary_trafo = SummaryTransformer()

和之前一样,我们可以使用 fittransformfit_transform 进行拟合/应用。

SummaryTransformer 返回原始特征,因此输出将是一个 pandas.DataFrame,每一行对应输入中的一个序列。

如果输入是一个单一序列,transformfit_transform 的输出将是一个一行九列的 DataFrame,对应于该单一序列的九数概括:

mean std min max 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9
0 2.125 1.652019 0.5 4.0 0.65 0.875 2.0 3.25 3.7

如果输入是一个面板,transformfit_transform 的输出将是一个 DataFrame,其行数与 Panel 中的序列数相同。第 i 行包含面板 X_panel 中第 i 个序列的汇总统计数据:

mean std min max 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9
0 5.0 1.0 4.0 6.0 4.2 4.5 5.0 5.5 5.8

transform 是否会返回时间序列类对象(如 SeriesPanel)或基本类型(即 pandas.DataFrame),可以通过使用 "scitype:transform-output" 标签来检查。对于第一个示例(BoxCoxTransformer),其行为对应的标签为 "Series",而对于第二个示例(SummaryTransformer),其行为对应的标签为 "Primitives"



注意:目前并非所有转换器都已重构以接受 SeriesPanel 的参数,因此上述内容可能无法完全适用于所有转换器。非常感谢对转换器重构的贡献。

3.4.3 通用转换器签名 - 成对系列转换器#

成对系列变换器模型数学对象的签名 (Series, Series) -> float,或者用数学符号表示,

\[\texttt{series} \times\texttt{series}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\]


成对变换器有一个参数化的构造函数,就像其他 sktime 对象一样。变换是通过 transform 方法实现的,或者为了简洁起见,通过调用构造的对象来实现。

方法 transform 总是返回一个 2D 的 numpy.ndarray,并且可以通过多种方式调用:


from sktime.datatypes import get_examples

# unviariate series used in the examples
X_series = get_examples("pd.Series", "Series")[0]
X2_series = get_examples("pd.Series", "Series")[1]
# panel used in the examples
X_panel = get_examples("pd-multiindex", "Panel")[0]


# constructing the transformer
from sktime.dists_kernels import AggrDist, ScipyDist

# mean of paired Euclidean distances
my_series_dist = AggrDist(ScipyDist(metric="euclidean"))

然后我们可以通过 transform 或直接调用来评估距离:

# evaluate the metric on two series, via transform
my_series_dist.transform(X_series, X2_series)
# evaluate the metric on two series, by direct call - this is the same
my_series_dist(X_series, X2_series)
# evaluate the metric on two identical panels of three series
my_series_dist(X_panel, X_panel)
array([[ 1.25707872, 17.6116986 , 13.12667685],
       [17.6116986 , 22.85520736, 21.30677498],
       [13.12667685, 21.30677498, 16.55183053]])
# this is the same as providing only one argument
array([[ 1.25707872, 17.6116986 , 13.12667685],
       [17.6116986 , 22.85520736, 21.30677498],
       [13.12667685, 21.30677498, 16.55183053]])
# one series, one panel
# we subset X_panel to univariate, since the distance in question
#     cannot compare series with different number of variables
my_series_dist(X_series, X_panel[["var_1"]])
array([[ 4.375     , 21.04166667, 17.04166667]])

成对变换器是可组合的,并且使用熟悉的 get_params 接口,就像任何其他 sktime 对象和 scikit-learn 估计器一样:

{'aggfunc': None,
 'aggfunc_is_symm': False,
 'transformer': ScipyDist(),
 'transformer__colalign': 'intersect',
 'transformer__metric': 'euclidean',
 'transformer__metric_kwargs': None,
 'transformer__p': 2,
 'transformer__var_weights': None}

3.4.4 通用转换器签名 - 成对转换器#

sktime 还提供了对表格数据进行成对变换的功能,即签名 (DataFrame-行, DataFrame-行) -> 浮点数 的数学对象,或者用数学符号表示,

\[\mathbb{R}^n \times\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\]

. 常见的例子包括序列之间的距离,或(正定)序列上的核。

行为与系列变压器相同,可以通过 transform(X, X2) 或直接调用来进行评估。

成对(表格)转换器的 transform 输入必须始终为 pandas.DataFrame。输出是一个 m x n 矩阵,即一个二维的 np.ndarray,其中 m = len(X), n=len(X2)。第 (i,j) 个条目对应于 t(Xi, X2j),其中 XiX 的第 i 行,X2jX2 的第 j 行。如果未传递 X2,则默认为 X


from sktime.datatypes import get_examples

# we retrieve some DataFrame examples
X_tabular = get_examples("pd.DataFrame", "Series")[1]
X2_tabular = get_examples("pd.DataFrame", "Series")[1][0:3]
# constructing the transformer
from sktime.dists_kernels import ScipyDist

# mean of paired Euclidean distances
my_tabular_dist = ScipyDist(metric="euclidean")
# obtain matrix of distances between each pair of rows in X_tabular, X2_tabular
my_tabular_dist(X_tabular, X2_tabular)
array([[ 0.        ,  5.        ,  1.11803399],
       [ 5.        ,  0.        ,  6.10327781],
       [ 1.11803399,  6.10327781,  0.        ],
       [ 5.26831112, 10.20704039,  4.26004216]])

3.4.5 搜索变压器#

与所有 sktime 对象一样,我们可以使用 registry.all_estimators 工具来显示 sktime 中的所有转换器。

相关的科学类型有:* "transformer" 表示所有转换器(如第2.2节所述)* "transformer-pairwise" 表示所有表格数据上的成对转换器(如第2.4节所述)* "transformer-panel" 表示所有面板数据上的成对转换器(如第2.3节所述)

要进一步按输入和输出来筛选转换器("transformer" 科学类型),请使用标签,最重要的是:


from sktime.registry import all_estimators
# listing all pairwise panel transformers - distances, kernels on time series
all_estimators("transformer", as_dataframe=True)
name object
0 ADICVTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.adi_cv.A...
1 Aggregator <class '
2 AutoCorrelationTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.acf.Auto...
3 BKFilter <class 'sktime.transformations.series.bkfilter...
4 Bollinger <class 'sktime.transformations.series.bollinge...
... ... ...
123 TruncationTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.truncatio...
124 VmdTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.vmd.VmdT...
125 WhiteNoiseAugmenter <class 'sktime.transformations.series.augmente...
126 WindowSummarizer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.summariz...
127 YtoX <class 'sktime.transformations.compose._ytox.Y...

128 rows × 2 columns

# now subset to transformers that extract scalar features
    filter_tags={"scitype:transform-output": "Primitives"},
name object
0 ADICVTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.adi_cv.A...
1 Catch22 <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.catch22.C...
2 Catch22Wrapper <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.catch22wr...
3 DistanceFeatures <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.compose_d...
4 FittedParamExtractor <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.summarize...
5 MatrixProfile <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.matrix_pr...
6 MiniRocket <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m...
7 MiniRocketMultivariate <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m...
8 MiniRocketMultivariateVariable <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m...
9 MultiRocket <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m...
10 MultiRocketMultivariate <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m...
11 RandomIntervalFeatureExtractor <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.summarize...
12 RandomIntervals <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.random_in...
13 RandomShapeletTransform <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.shapelet_...
14 Rocket <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._r...
15 RocketPyts <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._r...
16 ShapeletTransform <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.shapelet_...
17 ShapeletTransformPyts <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.shapelet_...
18 SignatureTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.signature...
19 SummaryTransformer <class 'sktime.transformations.series.summariz...
20 SupervisedIntervals <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.supervise...
21 TSFreshFeatureExtractor <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.tsfresh.T...
22 TSFreshRelevantFeatureExtractor <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.tsfresh.T...
23 Tabularizer <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.reduce.Ta...
24 TimeBinner <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.reduce.Ti...
# listing all pairwise (tabular) transformers - distances, kernels on vectors/df-rows
all_estimators("transformer-pairwise", as_dataframe=True)
name object
0 ScipyDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.scipy_dist.ScipyD...
# listing all pairwise panel transformers - distances, kernels on time series
all_estimators("transformer-pairwise-panel", as_dataframe=True)
name object
0 AggrDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.compose_tab_to_pa...
1 CombinedDistance <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.algebra.CombinedD...
2 ConstantPwTrafoPanel <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dummy.ConstantPwT...
3 CtwDistTslearn <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.ctw.CtwDistTslearn'>
4 DistFromAligner <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.compose_from_alig...
5 DistFromKernel <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dist_to_kern.Dist...
6 DtwDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_sktime.D...
7 DtwDistTslearn <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_tslearn....
8 DtwDtaidistMultiv <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_dtaidist...
9 DtwDtaidistUniv <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_dtaidist...
10 DtwPythonDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_python.D...
11 EditDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.edit_dist.EditDist'>
12 FlatDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.compose_tab_to_pa...
13 GAKernel <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.gak.GAKernel'>
14 IndepDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.indep.IndepDist'>
15 KernelFromDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dist_to_kern.Kern...
16 LcssTslearn <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.lcss.LcssTslearn'>
17 LuckyDtwDist <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.lucky.LuckyDtwDist'>
18 PwTrafoPanelPipeline <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.compose.PwTrafoPa...
19 SignatureKernel <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.signature_kernel....
20 SoftDtwDistTslearn <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_tslearn....

3.5 扩展指南 - 实现你自己的转换器#

sktime 旨在易于扩展,既可以直接为 sktime 贡献,也可以通过自定义方法进行本地/私有扩展。

要通过新的本地或贡献的转换器扩展 sktime ,一个好的工作流程是:

  1. 阅读 transformer 扩展模板 - 这是一个包含 todo 块的 python 文件,标记了需要添加更改的位置。

  2. 可选地,如果你计划对界面进行任何重大手术:查看 基类架构 - 请注意,“普通”扩展(例如,新算法)应该可以轻松完成,无需此操作。

  3. 将转换器扩展模板复制到您自己仓库中的本地文件夹(本地/私有扩展),或者复制到您克隆的 sktime 或相关仓库中的合适位置(如果是贡献的扩展),位于 sktime.transformations 内;重命名文件并适当地更新文件文档字符串。

  4. 解决“待办”部分。通常,这意味着:更改类的名称,设置标签值,指定超参数,填充 __init___fit_transform 以及可选的方法如 _inverse_transform``_update``(详情见扩展模板)。你可以添加私有方法,只要它们不覆盖默认的公共接口。更多详情,请参见扩展模板。

  5. 手动测试您的估计器:导入您的估计器并在第2.2节的工作流中运行它;然后在第2.3节的合成器中使用它。

  6. 要自动测试您的估计器:在您的估计器上调用 sktime.tests.test_all_estimators.check_estimator。您可以在类或对象实例上调用此方法。确保您已根据扩展模板在 get_test_params 方法中指定了测试参数。

在直接向 sktime 或其附属包贡献的情况下,还需:

3.6 总结#

  • transformers 是具有统一接口的数据处理步骤 - fittransform,以及可选的 inverse_transform

  • 用作任何学习任务、预测、分类的管道组件

  • 按输入/输出类型分类 - 时间序列、基本类型、时间序列对、面板/层次结构。

  • 使用 all_estimators 通过标签如 scitype:transform-outputscitype:instancewise 查找转换器

  • 丰富的组合语法 - * 表示管道,+ 表示特征联合,[in, out] 表示变量子集,| 表示多路复用/切换

  • sktime 提供了易于使用的转换器扩展模板,构建您自己的,即插即用

致谢:笔记本 3 - 转换器#

笔记本创建: fkiraly

transformer 管道与合成器: fkiraly, mloning, miraep8
预测器管道: fkiraly, aiwalter
分类器/回归器管道: fkiraly
transformer 基础接口: mloning, fkiraly
dunder 接口: fkiraly, miraep8


使用 nbsphinx 生成。Jupyter 笔记本可以在 这里 找到。