jax.typing 模块

jax.typing 模块#

JAX 类型模块是 JAX 特定静态类型注释的所在地。这个子模块正在开发中;要查看此处导出的类型的提案,请参见 https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/jep/12049-type-annotations.html


  • jax.Array: 用于任何 JAX 数组或 tracer 的注解(即在 JAX 变换中的数组表示)。

  • jax.typing.ArrayLike: annotation for any value that is safe to implicitly cast to a JAX array; this includes jax.Array, numpy.ndarray, as well as Python builtin numeric values (e.g. int, float, etc.) and numpy scalar values (e.g. numpy.int32, numpy.flota64, etc.)

  • jax.typing.DTypeLike: annotation for any value that can be cast to a JAX-compatible dtype; this includes strings (e.g. ‘float32’, ‘int32’), scalar types (e.g. float, np.float32), dtypes (e.g. np.dtype(‘float32’)), or objects with a dtype attribute (e.g. jnp.float32, jnp.int32).


JAX 类型注解最佳实践#

在公共API函数中注释JAX数组时,我们建议对数组输入使用 ArrayLike ,对数组输出使用 Array


import numpy as np
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import Array
from jax.typing import ArrayLike

def my_function(x: ArrayLike) -> Array:
  # Runtime type validation, Python 3.10 or newer:
  if not isinstance(x, ArrayLike):
    raise TypeError(f"Expected arraylike input; got {x}")
  # Runtime type validation, any Python version:
  if not (isinstance(x, (np.ndarray, Array)) or np.isscalar(x)):
    raise TypeError(f"Expected arraylike input; got {x}")

  # Convert input to jax.Array:
  x_arr = jnp.asarray(x)

  # ... do some computation; JAX functions will return Array types:
  result = x_arr.sum(0) / x_arr.shape[0]

  # return an Array
  return result

JAX 的大多数公共 API 都遵循这种模式。特别要注意的是,我们建议 JAX 函数不接受诸如 listtuple 这样的序列来代替数组,因为这可能会在 JAX 变换(如 jit())中造成额外的开销,并且在批量变换(如 vmap()jax.pmap())中可能会出现意外行为。有关更多信息,请参阅 非数组输入 NumPy 与 JAX



JAX 数组类对象的类型注解。


str | type[Any] | dtype | SupportsDType 的别名