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Result Conversion

DuckDB's Python client provides multiple additional methods that can be used to efficiently retrieve data.


  • fetchnumpy() fetches the data as a dictionary of NumPy arrays


  • df() fetches the data as a Pandas DataFrame
  • fetchdf() is an alias of df()
  • fetch_df() is an alias of df()
  • fetch_df_chunk(vector_multiple) fetches a portion of the results into a DataFrame. The number of rows returned in each chunk is the vector size (2048 by default) * vector_multiple (1 by default).

Apache Arrow

  • arrow() fetches the data as an Arrow table
  • fetch_arrow_table() is an alias of arrow()
  • fetch_record_batch(chunk_size) returns an Arrow record batch reader with chunk_size rows per batch


  • pl() fetches the data as a Polars DataFrame

Below are some examples using this functionality. See the Python guides for more examples.

# fetch as Pandas DataFrame
df = con.execute("SELECT * FROM items").fetchdf()
#        item   value  count
# 0     jeans    20.0      1
# 1    hammer    42.2      2
# 2    laptop  2000.0      1
# 3  chainsaw   500.0     10
# 4    iphone   300.0      2

# fetch as dictionary of numpy arrays
arr = con.execute("SELECT * FROM items").fetchnumpy()
# {'item': masked_array(data=['jeans', 'hammer', 'laptop', 'chainsaw', 'iphone'],
#              mask=[False, False, False, False, False],
#        fill_value='?',
#             dtype=object), 'value': masked_array(data=[20.0, 42.2, 2000.0, 500.0, 300.0],
#              mask=[False, False, False, False, False],
#        fill_value=1e+20), 'count': masked_array(data=[1, 2, 1, 10, 2],
#              mask=[False, False, False, False, False],
#        fill_value=999999,
#             dtype=int32)}

# fetch as an Arrow table. Converting to Pandas afterwards just for pretty printing
tbl = con.execute("SELECT * FROM items").fetch_arrow_table()
#        item    value  count
# 0     jeans    20.00      1
# 1    hammer    42.20      2
# 2    laptop  2000.00      1
# 3  chainsaw   500.00     10
# 4    iphone   300.00      2