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AWS Extension

The aws extension provides features that depend on the AWS SDK.

This extension is currently in an experimental state. Feel free to try it out, but be aware some things may not work as expected.


function type description
load_aws_credentials PRAGMA function Automatically loads the AWS credentials through the AWS Default Credentials Provider Chain


Load AWS Credentials

To load the AWS credentials, run:

CALL load_aws_credentials();
│ loaded_access_key_id    │ loaded_secret_access_key │ loaded_session_token │ loaded_region │
│       varchar           │         varchar          │       varchar        │    varchar    │
│ AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE    │ <redacted>               │                      │ eu-west-1     │

The function takes a string parameter to specify a specific profile:

CALL load_aws_credentials('minio-testing-2');
│ loaded_access_key_id │ loaded_secret_access_key │ loaded_session_token │ loaded_region │
│       varchar        │         varchar          │       varchar        │    varchar    │
│ minio_duckdb_user_2  │ <redacted>               │                      │ eu-west-2     │

There are several parameters to tweak the behavior of the call:

CALL load_aws_credentials('minio-testing-2', set_region=false, redact_secret=false);
│ loaded_access_key_id │   loaded_secret_access_key   │ loaded_session_token │ loaded_region │
│       varchar        │           varchar            │       varchar        │    varchar    │
│ minio_duckdb_user_2  │ minio_duckdb_user_password_2 │                      │               │

aws depends on httpfs extension capablities, and both will be autoloaded on the first call to load_aws_credentials. If autoinstall or autoload are disabled, you can always explicitly install and load httpfs and aws like:

LOAD aws;
INSTALL httpfs;
LOAD httpfs;

See also the S3 API capabilities of the httpfs extension.

GitHub Repository
