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Hive Partitioning


-- read data from a hive partitioned data set
SELECT * FROM read_parquet('orders/*/*/*.parquet', hive_partitioning=1);
-- parquet_scan is an alias of read_parquet, so they are equivalent
SELECT * FROM parquet_scan('orders/*/*/*.parquet', hive_partitioning=1);
-- write a table to a hive partitioned data set
COPY orders TO 'orders' (FORMAT PARQUET, PARTITION_BY (year, month));

Hive Partitioning

Hive partitioning is a partitioning strategy that is used to split a table into multiple files based on partition keys. The files are organized into folders. Within each folder, the partition key has a value that is determined by the name of the folder.

Below is an example of a hive partitioned file hierarchy. The files are partitioned on two keys (year and month).

├── year=2021
│    ├── month=1
│    │   ├── file1.parquet
│    │   └── file2.parquet
│    └── month=2
│        └── file3.parquet
└── year=2022
     ├── month=11
     │   ├── file4.parquet
     │   └── file5.parquet
     └── month=12
         └── file6.parquet

Files stored in this hierarchy can be read using the hive_partitioning flag.

SELECT * FROM read_parquet('orders/*/*/*.parquet', hive_partitioning=1);

When we specify the hive_partitioning flag, the values of the columns will be read from the directories.

Filter Pushdown

Filters on the partition keys are automatically pushed down into the files. This way the system skips reading files that are not necessary to answer a query. For example, consider the following query on the above dataset:

FROM read_parquet('orders/*/*/*.parquet', hive_partitioning=1)
WHERE year=2022 AND month=11;

When executing this query, only the following files will be read:

└── year=2022
     └── month=11
         ├── file4.parquet
         └── file5.parquet


By default the system tries to infer if the provided files are in a hive partitioned hierarchy. And if so, the hive_partitioning flag is enabled automatically. The autodetection will look at the names of the folders and search for a 'key'='value' pattern. This behaviour can be overridden by setting the hive_partitioning flag manually.

Hive Types

hive_types is a way to specify the logical types of the hive partitions in a struct:

FROM read_parquet('dir/**/*.parquet', hive_partitioning=1, hive_types={'release': date, 'orders': bigint});

hive_types will be autodetected for the following types: DATE, TIMESTAMP and BIGINT. To switch off the autodetection, the flag hive_types_autocast=0 can be set.

Writing Partitioned Files

See the Partitioned Writes section.