# 评估
为了帮助评估层次预测系统,我们提供准确性指标以及 HierarchicalEvaluation
from inspect import signature
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from fastcore.test import test_close, test_fail
from nbdev.showdoc import add_docs, show_doc
def _metric_protections(y: np.ndarray, y_hat: np.ndarray,
-> None:
weights: Optional[np.ndarray]) if not ((weights is None) or (np.sum(weights) > 0)):
raise Exception('Sum of `weights` cannot be 0')
if not ((weights is None) or (weights.shape == y.shape)):
raise Exception(
f'Wrong weight dimension weights.shape {weights.shape}, y.shape {y.shape}')
def mse(y: np.ndarray, y_hat: np.ndarray,
= None,
weights: Optional[np.ndarray] int] = None) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
axis: Optional["""Mean Squared Error
Calculates Mean Squared Error between
`y` and `y_hat`. MSE measures the relative prediction
accuracy of a forecasting method by calculating the
squared deviation of the prediction and the true
value at a given time, and averages these devations
over the length of the series.
$$ \mathrm{MSE}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}}_{\\tau}) = \\frac{1}{H} \\sum^{t+H}_{\\tau=t+1} (y_{\\tau} - \hat{y}_{\\tau})^{2} $$
`y`: numpy array, Actual values.<br>
`y_hat`: numpy array, Predicted values.<br>
`mask`: numpy array, Specifies date stamps per serie to consider in loss.<br>
`mse`: numpy array, (single value).
_metric_protections(y, y_hat, weights)
= np.square(y - y_hat)
delta_y if weights is not None:
= np.average(delta_y[~np.isnan(delta_y)],
mse =weights[~np.isnan(delta_y)],
= np.nanmean(delta_y, axis=axis)
mse return mse
def mqloss(y: np.ndarray, y_hat: np.ndarray,
quantiles: np.ndarray, = None,
weights: Optional[np.ndarray] int] = None) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
axis: Optional["""Multi-Quantile Loss
Calculates the Multi-Quantile loss (MQL) between `y` and `y_hat`.
MQL calculates the average multi-quantile Loss for
a given set of quantiles, based on the absolute
difference between predicted quantiles and observed values.
$$ \mathrm{MQL}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau},[\\mathbf{\hat{y}}^{(q_{1})}_{\\tau}, ... ,\hat{y}^{(q_{n})}_{\\tau}]) = \\frac{1}{n} \\sum_{q_{i}} \mathrm{QL}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}}^{(q_{i})}_{\\tau}) $$
The limit behavior of MQL allows to measure the accuracy
of a full predictive distribution $\mathbf{\hat{F}}_{\\tau}$ with
the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS). This can be achieved
through a numerical integration technique, that discretizes the quantiles
and treats the CRPS integral with a left Riemann approximation, averaging over
uniformly distanced quantiles.
$$ \mathrm{CRPS}(y_{\\tau}, \mathbf{\hat{F}}_{\\tau}) = \int^{1}_{0} \mathrm{QL}(y_{\\tau}, \hat{y}^{(q)}_{\\tau}) dq $$
`y`: numpy array, Actual values.<br>
`y_hat`: numpy array, Predicted values.<br>
`quantiles`: numpy array. Quantiles between 0 and 1, to perform evaluation upon size (n_quantiles).<br>
`mask`: numpy array, Specifies date stamps per serie to consider in loss.<br>
`mqloss`: numpy array, (single value).
[Roger Koenker and Gilbert Bassett, Jr., "Regression Quantiles".](https://www.jstor.org/stable/1913643)<br>
[James E. Matheson and Robert L. Winkler, "Scoring Rules for Continuous Probability Distributions".](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2629907)
if weights is None: weights = np.ones(y.shape)
if (np.sum(quantiles>1)>0 or np.sum(quantiles<0)>0):
raise Exception('`quantiles` need to be between 0 and 1')
_metric_protections(y, y_hat, weights)= len(quantiles)
= np.expand_dims(y, axis=-1)
y_rep = y_hat - y_rep
error = np.maximum(-error, np.zeros_like(error))
sq = np.maximum(error, np.zeros_like(error))
s1_q = (quantiles * sq + (1 - quantiles) * s1_q)
# 匹配y/权重维度并计算加权平均值
= np.repeat(np.expand_dims(weights, axis=-1), repeats=n_q, axis=-1)
weights = np.average(mqloss, weights=weights, axis=axis)
return mqloss
def rel_mse(y, y_hat, y_train, mask=None):
"""Relative Mean Squared Error
Computes Relative mean squared error (RelMSE), as proposed by Hyndman & Koehler (2006)
as an alternative to percentage errors, to avoid measure unstability.
\mathrm{RelMSE}(\\mathbf{y}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}}^{naive1}) =
\\frac{\mathrm{MSE}(\\mathbf{y}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}})}{\mathrm{MSE}(\\mathbf{y}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}}^{naive1})}
`y`: numpy array, Actual values of size (`n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`y_hat`: numpy array, Predicted values (`n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`mask`: numpy array, Specifies date stamps per serie to consider in loss.<br>
`loss`: float.
- [Hyndman, R. J and Koehler, A. B. (2006).
"Another look at measures of forecast accuracy",
International Journal of Forecasting, Volume 22, Issue 4.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207006000239)<br>
- [Kin G. Olivares, O. Nganba Meetei, Ruijun Ma, Rohan Reddy, Mengfei Cao, Lee Dicker.
"Probabilistic Hierarchical Forecasting with Deep Poisson Mixtures.
Submitted to the International Journal Forecasting, Working paper available at arxiv.](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.13179.pdf)
if mask is None:
= np.ones_like(y)
mask = y.shape
n_series, horizon
= np.finfo(float).eps
eps = np.repeat(y_train[:,[-1]], horizon, axis=1)
y_naive = mse(y=y, y_hat=y_naive)
norm = mse(y=y, y_hat=y_hat, weights=mask)
loss = loss / (norm + eps)
loss return loss
def msse(y, y_hat, y_train, mask=None):
"""Mean Squared Scaled Error
Computes Mean squared scaled error (MSSE), as proposed by Hyndman & Koehler (2006)
as an alternative to percentage errors, to avoid measure unstability.
\\mathrm{MSSE}(\\mathbf{y}, \\mathbf{\\hat{y}}, \\mathbf{y}^{in-sample}) =
\\frac{\\frac{1}{h} \\sum^{t+h}_{\\tau=t+1} (y_{\\tau} - \\hat{y}_{\\tau})^2}{\\frac{1}{t-1} \\sum^{t}_{\\tau=2} (y_{\\tau} - y_{\\tau-1})^2}
where $n$ ($n=$`n`) is the size of the training data, and $h$ is the forecasting horizon ($h=$`horizon`).
`y`: numpy array, Actual values of size (`n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`y_hat`: numpy array, Predicted values (`n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`y_train`: numpy array, Predicted values (`n_series`, `n`).<br>
`mask`: numpy array, Specifies date stamps per serie to consider in loss.<br>
`loss`: float.
- [Hyndman, R. J and Koehler, A. B. (2006).
"Another look at measures of forecast accuracy",
International Journal of Forecasting, Volume 22, Issue 4.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207006000239)<br>
if mask is None:
= np.ones_like(y)
mask = y.shape
n_series, horizon
= np.finfo(float).eps
eps = y_train[:, :-1]
y_in_sample_naive = y_train[:, 1:]
y_in_sample_true = mse(y=y_in_sample_true, y_hat=y_in_sample_naive)
norm = mse(y=y, y_hat=y_hat, weights=mask)
loss = loss / (norm + eps)
loss return loss
def scaled_crps(y, y_hat, quantiles):
"""Scaled Continues Ranked Probability Score
Calculates a scaled variation of the CRPS, as proposed by Rangapuram (2021),
to measure the accuracy of predicted quantiles `y_hat` compared to the observation `y`.
This metric averages percentual weighted absolute deviations as
defined by the quantile losses.
\mathrm{sCRPS}(\hat{F}_{\\tau}, \mathbf{y}_{\\tau}) = \\frac{2}{N} \sum_{i}
\\frac{\mathrm{QL}(\hat{F}_{i,\\tau}, y_{i,\\tau})_{q}}{\sum_{i} | y_{i,\\tau} |} dq
where $\hat{F}_{\\tau}$ is the an estimated multivariate distribution, and $y_{i,\\tau}$
are its realizations.
`y`: numpy array, Actual values of size (`n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`y_hat`: numpy array, Predicted quantiles of size (`n_series`, `horizon`, `n_quantiles`).<br>
`quantiles`: numpy array,(`n_quantiles`). Quantiles to estimate from the distribution of y.<br>
`loss`: float.
- [Gneiting, Tilmann. (2011). \"Quantiles as optimal point forecasts\".
International Journal of Forecasting.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207010000063)<br>
- [Spyros Makridakis, Evangelos Spiliotis, Vassilios Assimakopoulos, Zhi Chen, Anil Gaba, Ilia Tsetlin, Robert L. Winkler. (2022).
\"The M5 uncertainty competition: Results, findings and conclusions\".
International Journal of Forecasting.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169207021001722)<br>
- [Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Lucien D Werner, Konstantinos Benidis, Pedro Mercado, Jan Gasthaus, Tim Januschowski. (2021).
\"End-to-End Learning of Coherent Probabilistic Forecasts for Hierarchical Time Series\".
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v139/rangapuram21a.html)
= np.finfo(float).eps
eps = np.sum(np.abs(y))
norm = mqloss(y=y, y_hat=y_hat, quantiles=quantiles)
loss = 2 * loss * np.sum(np.ones(y.shape)) / (norm + eps)
loss return loss
def energy_score(y, y_sample1, y_sample2, beta=2):
"""Energy Score
Calculates Gneiting's Energy Score sample approximation for
`y` and independent multivariate samples `y_sample1` and `y_sample2`.
The Energy Score generalizes the CRPS (`beta`=1) in the multivariate setting.
\mathrm{ES}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}}_{\\tau}')
= \\frac{1}{2} \mathbb{E}_{\hat{P}} \\left[ ||\\mathbf{\hat{y}}_{\\tau} - \\mathbf{\hat{y}}_{\\tau}'||^{\\beta} \\right]
- \mathbb{E}_{\hat{P}} \\left[ ||\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau} - \\mathbf{\hat{y}}_{\\tau}||^{\\beta} \\right]
\quad \\beta \in (0,2]
where $\\mathbf{\hat{y}}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{\hat{y}}_{\\tau}'$ are independent samples drawn from $\hat{P}$.
`y`: numpy array, Actual values of size (`n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`y_sample1`: numpy array, predictive distribution sample of size (`n_series`, `horizon`, `n_samples`).<br>
`y_sample2`: numpy array, predictive distribution sample of size (`n_series`, `horizon`, `n_samples`).<br>
`beta`: float in (0,2], defines the energy score's power for the euclidean metric.<br>
`score`: float.
- [Gneiting, Tilmann, and Adrian E. Raftery. (2007).
\"Strictly proper scoring rules, prediction and estimation\".
Journal of the American Statistical Association.](https://sites.stat.washington.edu/raftery/Research/PDF/Gneiting2007jasa.pdf)<br>
- [Anastasios Panagiotelis, Puwasala Gamakumara, George Athanasopoulos, Rob J. Hyndman. (2022).
\"Probabilistic forecast reconciliation: Properties, evaluation and score optimisation\".
European Journal of Operational Research.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221722006087)
if beta>2 or beta<0:
raise Exception("beta needs to be between 0 and 2.")
= (y_sample1 - y_sample2)
dif1 = (y[:,:,None] - y_sample1)
= np.linalg.norm(dif1, axis=0) ** beta
term1 = np.linalg.norm(dif2, axis=0) ** beta
= np.mean(term2 - 0.5 * term1)
score return score
def log_score(y, y_hat, cov, allow_singular=True):
""" Log Score.
One of the simplest multivariate probability scoring rules,
it evaluates the negative density at the value of the realisation.
\mathrm{LS}(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\mathbf{P}(\\theta_{\\tau}))
= - \\log(f(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\theta_{\\tau}))
where $f$ is the density, $\\mathbf{P}(\\theta_{\\tau})$ is a
parametric distribution and $f(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\theta_{\\tau})$
represents its density.
For the moment we only support multivariate normal log score.
f(\\mathbf{y}_{\\tau}, \\theta_{\\tau}) =
(2\\pi )^{-k/2}\\det({\\boldsymbol{\Sigma }})^{-1/2}
\,\\exp \\left(
-{\\frac {1}{2}}(\mathbf{y}_{\\tau} -\\hat{\mathbf{y}}_{\\tau})^{\!{\mathsf{T}}}
{\\boldsymbol{\Sigma }}^{-1}
(\mathbf{y}_{\\tau} -\\hat{\mathbf{y}}_{\\tau})
`y`: numpy array, Actual values of size (`n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`y_hat`: numpy array, Predicted values (`n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`cov`: numpy matrix, Predicted values covariance (`n_series`, `n_series`, `horizon`).<br>
`allow_singular`: bool=True, if true allows singular covariance.<br>
`score`: float.
= [multivariate_normal.pdf(x=y[:,h],
scores =y_hat[:,h], cov=cov[:,:,h], allow_singular=allow_singular) \
meanfor h in range(y.shape[1])]
= np.mean(scores)
score return score
= np.linspace(0, 5, 10, endpoint=False)
x = multivariate_normal.pdf(x, mean=2.5, cov=0.5)
y y
class HierarchicalEvaluation:
"""Hierarchical Evaluation Class.
You can use your own metrics to evaluate the performance of each level in the structure.
The metrics receive `y` and `y_hat` as arguments and they are numpy arrays of size `(series, horizon)`.
Consider, for example, the function `rmse` that calculates the root mean squared error.
This class facilitates measurements across the hierarchy, defined by the `tags` list.
See also the [aggregate method](https://nixtla.github.io/hierarchicalforecast/utils.html#aggregate).
`evaluators`: functions with arguments `y`, `y_hat` (numpy arrays).<br>
def __init__(self,
evaluators: List[Callable]):self.evaluators = evaluators
def evaluate(self,
Y_hat_df: pd.DataFrame,
Y_test_df: pd.DataFrame,str, np.ndarray],
tags: Dict[= None,
Y_df: Optional[pd.DataFrame] str] = None):
benchmark: Optional["""Hierarchical Evaluation Method.
`Y_hat_df`: pd.DataFrame, Forecasts indexed by `'unique_id'` with column `'ds'` and models to evaluate.<br>
`Y_test_df`: pd.DataFrame, True values with columns `['ds', 'y']`.<br>
`tags`: np.array, each str key is a level and its value contains tags associated to that level.<br>
`Y_df`: pd.DataFrame, Training set of base time series with columns `['ds', 'y']` indexed by `unique_id`.<br>
`benchmark`: str, If passed, evaluators are scaled by the error of this benchark.<br>
`evaluation`: pd.DataFrame with accuracy measurements across hierarchical levels.
= ['ds', 'y'] if 'y' in Y_hat_df.columns else ['ds']
drop_cols = len(Y_hat_df.loc[[Y_hat_df.index[0]]])
h = Y_hat_df.drop(columns=drop_cols, axis=1).columns.to_list()
model_names = [fn.__name__ for fn in self.evaluators]
fn_names = any(['y_insample' in signature(fn).parameters for fn in self.evaluators])
has_y_insample if has_y_insample and Y_df is None:
raise Exception('At least one evaluator needs y insample, please pass `Y_df`')
if benchmark is not None:
= [f'{fn_name}-scaled' for fn_name in fn_names]
fn_names = {'Overall': np.concatenate(list(tags.values()))}
tags_ = {**tags_, **tags}
tags_ = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([tags_.keys(), fn_names], names=['level', 'metric'])
index = pd.DataFrame(columns=model_names, index=index)
evaluation for level, cats in tags_.items():
= Y_hat_df.loc[cats]
Y_h_cats = Y_test_df.loc[cats, 'y'].values.reshape(-1, h)
y_test_cats if has_y_insample and Y_df is not None:
= Y_df.pivot(columns='ds', values='y').loc[cats].values
y_insample for i_fn, fn in enumerate(self.evaluators):
if 'y_insample' in signature(fn).parameters:
= {'y_insample': y_insample}
kwargs else:
= {}
kwargs = fn_names[i_fn]
fn_name for model in model_names:
= fn(y_test_cats, Y_h_cats[model].values.reshape(-1, h), **kwargs)
loss if benchmark is not None:
= fn(y_test_cats, Y_h_cats[benchmark].values.reshape(-1, h), **kwargs)
scale if np.isclose(scale, 0., atol=np.finfo(float).eps):
+= np.finfo(float).eps
scale if np.isclose(scale, loss, atol=1e-8):
= 1.
scale /= scale
loss = loss
evaluation.loc[(level, fn_name), model] return evaluation
=3) show_doc(HierarchicalEvaluation, title_level
=3) show_doc(HierarchicalEvaluation.evaluate, title_level
def rmse(y, y_hat):
return np.mean(np.sqrt(np.mean((y-y_hat)**2, axis=1)))
def mase(y, y_hat, y_insample, seasonality=4):
= np.mean(np.abs(y - y_hat), axis=1)
errors = np.mean(np.abs(y_insample[:, seasonality:] - y_insample[:, :-seasonality]), axis=1)
scale return np.mean(errors / scale)
from hierarchicalforecast.core import HierarchicalReconciliation
from hierarchicalforecast.methods import BottomUp, MinTrace, ERM
from hierarchicalforecast.utils import aggregate
= pd.read_csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Nixtla/transfer-learning-time-series/main/datasets/tourism.csv')
df = df.rename({'Trips': 'y', 'Quarter': 'ds'}, axis=1)
df 0, 'Country', 'Australia')
# 非严格层级结构
= [
hiers_grouped 'Country'],
['Country', 'State'],
['Country', 'Purpose'],
['Country', 'State', 'Region'],
['Country', 'State', 'Purpose'],
['Country', 'State', 'Region', 'Purpose']
]# 严格的等级结构
= [
hiers_strictly 'Country'],
['Country', 'State'],
['Country', 'State', 'Region'],
# 获取数据框
= aggregate(df, hiers_grouped)
hier_grouped_df, S_grouped, tags_grouped
'y_model'] = hier_grouped_df['y']
hier_grouped_df[# 我们应该能够使用这些方法恢复y。
= hier_grouped_df.groupby('unique_id').tail(12)
hier_grouped_df_h = hier_grouped_df_h['ds'].unique()
ds_h = hier_grouped_df.query('~(ds in @ds_h)')
hier_grouped_df #向`y_model`添加噪声以避免完全拟合的值
'y_model'] += np.random.uniform(-1, 1, len(hier_grouped_df))
= HierarchicalReconciliation(reconcilers=[
hrec #这些方法应能重建原始的y
MinTrace(method# ERM正在恢复,但需要更大的每股收益
='reg_bu', lambda_reg=None),
])= hrec.reconcile(Y_hat_df=hier_grouped_df_h, Y_df=hier_grouped_df,
reconciled =S_grouped, tags=tags_grouped) S
def mse(y, y_hat):
return np.mean((y-y_hat)**2)
def rmse(y, y_hat):
return np.sqrt(mse(y, y_hat))
= HierarchicalEvaluation([mse, rmse])
evaluator =reconciled.drop(columns='y'),
evaluator.evaluate(Y_hat_df=reconciled[['ds', 'y']],
tags='y_model') benchmark
def mase(y, y_hat, y_insample, seasonality=4):
= np.mean(np.abs(y - y_hat), axis=1)
errors = np.mean(np.abs(y_insample[:, seasonality:] - y_insample[:, :-seasonality]), axis=1)
scale return np.mean(errors / scale)
= HierarchicalEvaluation([mase])
evaluator =reconciled.drop(columns='y'),
evaluator.evaluate(Y_hat_df=reconciled[['ds', 'y']],
Y_df='y_model') benchmark
# h=1 的测试工作
= HierarchicalEvaluation([mase])
evaluator =reconciled.groupby('unique_id').tail(1).drop(columns='y'),
evaluator.evaluate(Y_hat_df=reconciled.groupby('unique_id').tail(1)[['ds', 'y']],
Y_df='y_model') benchmark
- Gneiting, Tilmann, 和 Adrian E. Raftery. (2007). “严格适当的评分规则、预测和估计”。 《美国统计协会杂志》。
- Gneiting, Tilmann. (2011). “分位数作为最优点预测”。 《国际预测杂志》。
- Spyros Makridakis, Evangelos Spiliotis, Vassilios Assimakopoulos, Zhi Chen, Anil Gaba, Ilia Tsetlin, Robert L. Winkler. (2022). “第5届不确定性竞赛:结果、发现和结论”。 《国际预测杂志》。
- Anastasios Panagiotelis, Puwasala Gamakumara, George Athanasopoulos, Rob J. Hyndman. (2022). “概率预测的协调:特性、评估和得分优化”。 《欧洲运筹研究杂志》。
- Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Lucien D Werner, Konstantinos Benidis, Pedro Mercado, Jan Gasthaus, Tim Januschowski. (2021). “层次时间序列的一致概率预测的端到端学习”。 第38届国际机器学习会议(ICML)论文集。
- Kin G. Olivares, O. Nganba Meetei, Ruijun Ma, Rohan Reddy, Mengfei Cao, Lee Dicker (2022). “使用深度泊松混合的概率层次预测”。 提交给《国际预测杂志》,工作论文可在arxiv获取。
- Makridakis, S., Spiliotis E., 和 Assimakopoulos V. (2022). “M5准确性竞赛:结果、发现和结论。” 《国际预测杂志》,第38卷,第4期。
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