

我们设计这些方法是为了扩展 core.HierarchicalForecast 类的功能。查看它们的使用示例

import warnings
from typing import Dict, Optional

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

from hierarchicalforecast.utils import is_strictly_hierarchical, cov2corr

from nbdev.showdoc import add_docs, show_doc
from fastcore.test import ExceptionExpected, test_close, test_eq, test_fail

from hierarchicalforecast.methods import BottomUp, TopDown, MiddleOut, MinTrace, OptimalCombination, ERM

1. 正态性

class Normality:
    """ Normality Probabilistic Reconciliation Class.

    The Normality method leverages the Gaussian Distribution linearity, to
    generate hierarchically coherent prediction distributions. This class is 
    meant to be used as the `sampler` input as other `HierarchicalForecast` [reconciliation classes](https://nixtla.github.io/hierarchicalforecast/methods.html).

    Given base forecasts under a normal distribution:
    $$\hat{y}_{h} \sim \mathrm{N}(\hat{\\boldsymbol{\\mu}}, \hat{\mathbf{W}}_{h})$$

    The reconciled forecasts are also normally distributed:

    \\tilde{y}_{h} \sim \mathrm{N}(\mathbf{S}\mathbf{P}\hat{\\boldsymbol{\\mu}}, 
    \mathbf{S}\mathbf{P}\hat{\mathbf{W}}_{h} \mathbf{P}^{\intercal} \mathbf{S}^{\intercal})

    `S`: np.array, summing matrix of size (`base`, `bottom`).<br>
    `P`: np.array, reconciliation matrix of size (`bottom`, `base`).<br>
    `y_hat`: Point forecasts values of size (`base`, `horizon`).<br>
    `W`: np.array, hierarchical covariance matrix of size (`base`, `base`).<br>
    `sigmah`: np.array, forecast standard dev. of size (`base`, `horizon`).<br>
    `num_samples`: int, number of bootstraped samples generated.<br>
    `seed`: int, random seed for numpy generator's replicability.<br>    

    - [Panagiotelis A., Gamakumara P. Athanasopoulos G., and Hyndman R. J. (2022).
    "Probabilistic forecast reconciliation: Properties, evaluation and score optimisation". European Journal of Operational Research.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221722006087)
    def __init__(self,
                 S: np.ndarray,
                 P: np.ndarray,
                 y_hat: np.ndarray,
                 sigmah: np.ndarray,
                 W: np.ndarray,
                 seed: int = 0):
        self.S = S
        self.P = P
        self.y_hat = y_hat
        self.SP = self.S @ self.P
        self.W = W
        self.sigmah = sigmah
        self.seed = seed

        # Base Normality Errors assume independence/diagonal covariance
        # TODO: replace bilinearity with elementwise row multiplication
        R1 = cov2corr(self.W)
        Wh = [np.diag(sigma) @ R1 @ np.diag(sigma).T for sigma in self.sigmah.T]

        # Reconciled covariances across forecast horizon
        self.cov_rec = [(self.SP @ W @ self.SP.T) for W in Wh]
        self.sigmah_rec = np.hstack([np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))[:, None] for cov in self.cov_rec])

    def get_samples(self, num_samples: int):
        """Normality Coherent Samples.

        Obtains coherent samples under the Normality assumptions.

        `num_samples`: int, number of samples generated from coherent distribution.<br>

        `samples`: Coherent samples of size (`base`, `horizon`, `num_samples`).
        state = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
        n_series, n_horizon = self.y_hat.shape
        samples = np.empty(shape=(num_samples, n_series, n_horizon))
        for t in range(n_horizon):
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                # Avoid 'RuntimeWarning: covariance is not positive-semidefinite.'
                # By definition the multivariate distribution is not full-rank
                partial_samples = state.multivariate_normal(mean=self.SP @ self.y_hat[:,t],
                                                    cov=self.cov_rec[t], size=num_samples)
            samples[:,:,t] = partial_samples

        # [samples, N, H] -> [N, H, samples]
        samples = samples.transpose((1, 2, 0))
        return samples

    def get_prediction_levels(self, res, level):
        """ 将已协调的预测水平添加到结果字典中 """
        res['sigmah'] = self.sigmah_rec
        level = np.asarray(level)
        z = norm.ppf(0.5 + level / 200)
        for zs, lv in zip(z, level):
            res[f'lo-{lv}'] = res['mean'] - zs * self.sigmah_rec
            res[f'hi-{lv}'] = res['mean'] + zs * self.sigmah_rec
        return res

    def get_prediction_quantiles(self, res, quantiles):
        """ 将调和后的预测分位数添加到结果字典中 """
        # [N,H,None] + [None None,Q] * [N,H,None] -> [N,H,Q]
        z = norm.ppf(quantiles)
        res['sigmah'] = self.sigmah_rec
        res['quantiles'] = res['mean'][:,:,None] + z[None,None,:] * self.sigmah_rec[:,:,None]
        return res
show_doc(Normality, title_level=3)
show_doc(Normality.get_samples, title_level=3)

2. 引导程序 (Bootstrap)

class Bootstrap:
    """ Bootstrap Probabilistic Reconciliation Class.

    This method goes beyond the normality assumption for the base forecasts,
    the technique simulates future sample paths and uses them to generate
    base sample paths that are latered reconciled. This clever idea and its
    simplicity allows to generate coherent bootstraped prediction intervals
    for any reconciliation strategy. This class is meant to be used as the `sampler` 
    input as other `HierarchicalForecast` [reconciliation classes](https://nixtla.github.io/hierarchicalforecast/methods.html).

    Given a boostraped set of simulated sample paths:
    $$(\hat{\mathbf{y}}^{[1]}_{\\tau}, \dots ,\hat{\mathbf{y}}^{[B]}_{\\tau})$$

    The reconciled sample paths allow for reconciled distributional forecasts:
    $$(\mathbf{S}\mathbf{P}\hat{\mathbf{y}}^{[1]}_{\\tau}, \dots ,\mathbf{S}\mathbf{P}\hat{\mathbf{y}}^{[B]}_{\\tau})$$

    `S`: np.array, summing matrix of size (`base`, `bottom`).<br>
    `P`: np.array, reconciliation matrix of size (`bottom`, `base`).<br>
    `y_hat`: Point forecasts values of size (`base`, `horizon`).<br>
    `y_insample`: Insample values of size (`base`, `insample_size`).<br>
    `y_hat_insample`: Insample point forecasts of size (`base`, `insample_size`).<br>
    `num_samples`: int, number of bootstraped samples generated.<br>
    `seed`: int, random seed for numpy generator's replicability.<br>

    - [Puwasala Gamakumara Ph. D. dissertation. Monash University, Econometrics and Business Statistics (2020).
    "Probabilistic Forecast Reconciliation"](https://bridges.monash.edu/articles/thesis/Probabilistic_Forecast_Reconciliation_Theory_and_Applications/11869533)
    - [Panagiotelis A., Gamakumara P. Athanasopoulos G., and Hyndman R. J. (2022).
    "Probabilistic forecast reconciliation: Properties, evaluation and score optimisation". European Journal of Operational Research.](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0377221722006087)
    def __init__(self,
                 S: np.ndarray,
                 P: np.ndarray,
                 y_hat: np.ndarray,
                 y_insample: np.ndarray,
                 y_hat_insample: np.ndarray,
                 num_samples: int=100,
                 seed: int = 0,
                 W: np.ndarray = None):
        self.S = S
        self.P = P
        self.W = W
        self.y_hat = y_hat
        self.y_insample = y_insample
        self.y_hat_insample = y_hat_insample
        self.num_samples = num_samples
        self.seed = seed

    def get_samples(self, num_samples: int):
        """Bootstrap Sample Reconciliation Method.

        Applies Bootstrap sample reconciliation method as defined by Gamakumara 2020.
        Generating independent sample paths and reconciling them with Bootstrap.

        `num_samples`: int, number of samples generated from coherent distribution.<br>

        `samples`: Coherent samples of size (`base`, `horizon`, `num_samples`).
        residuals = self.y_insample - self.y_hat_insample
        h = self.y_hat.shape[1]

        #removing nas from residuals
        residuals = residuals[:, np.isnan(residuals).sum(axis=0) == 0]
        sample_idx = np.arange(residuals.shape[1] - h)
        state = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
        samples_idx = state.choice(sample_idx, size=num_samples)
        samples = [self.y_hat + residuals[:, idx:(idx + h)] for idx in samples_idx]
        SP = self.S @ self.P
        samples = np.apply_along_axis(lambda path: np.matmul(SP, path),
                                      axis=1, arr=samples)
        samples_np = np.stack(samples)

        # [samples, N, H] -> [N, H, samples]
        samples_np = samples_np.transpose((1, 2, 0))
        return samples_np

    def get_prediction_levels(self, res, level):
        """ 将已对账的预测水平添加到结果字典中 """
        samples = self.get_samples(num_samples=self.num_samples)
        for lv in level:
            min_q = (100 - lv) / 200
            max_q = min_q + lv / 100
            res[f'lo-{lv}'] = np.quantile(samples, min_q, axis=2)
            res[f'hi-{lv}'] = np.quantile(samples, max_q, axis=2)
        return res

    def get_prediction_quantiles(self, res, quantiles):
        """ 将调和后的预测分位数添加到结果字典中 """
        samples = self.get_samples(num_samples=self.num_samples)

        # [Q, N, H] -> [N, H, Q]
        sample_quantiles = np.quantile(samples, quantiles, axis=2)
        res['quantiles'] = sample_quantiles.transpose((1, 2, 0))
        return res
show_doc(Bootstrap, title_level=3)
show_doc(Bootstrap.get_samples, title_level=3)


class PERMBU:
    """ PERMBU Probabilistic Reconciliation Class.

    The PERMBU method leverages empirical bottom-level marginal distributions 
    with empirical copula functions (describing bottom-level dependencies) to 
    generate the distribution of aggregate-level distributions using BottomUp 
    reconciliation. The sample reordering technique in the PERMBU method reinjects 
    multivariate dependencies into independent bottom-level samples.

        1.   For all series compute conditional marginals distributions.
        2.   Compute residuals $\hat{\epsilon}_{i,t}$ and obtain rank permutations.
        2.   Obtain K-sample from the bottom-level series predictions.
        3.   Apply recursively through the hierarchical structure:<br>
            3.1.   For a given aggregate series $i$ and its children series:<br>
            3.2.   Obtain children's empirical joint using sample reordering copula.<br>
            3.2.   From the children's joint obtain the aggregate series's samples.    

    `S`: np.array, summing matrix of size (`base`, `bottom`).<br>
    `tags`: Each key is a level and each value its `S` indices.<br>
    `y_insample`: Insample values of size (`base`, `insample_size`).<br>
    `y_hat_insample`: Insample point forecasts of size (`base`, `insample_size`).<br>
    `sigmah`: np.array, forecast standard dev. of size (`base`, `horizon`).<br>
    `num_samples`: int, number of normal prediction samples generated.<br>
    `seed`: int, random seed for numpy generator's replicability.<br>

    - [Taieb, Souhaib Ben and Taylor, James W and Hyndman, Rob J. (2017). 
    Coherent probabilistic forecasts for hierarchical time series. 
    International conference on machine learning ICML.](https://proceedings.mlr.press/v70/taieb17a.html)
    def __init__(self,
                 S: np.ndarray,
                 tags: Dict[str, np.ndarray],
                 y_hat: np.ndarray,
                 y_insample: np.ndarray,
                 y_hat_insample: np.ndarray,
                 sigmah: np.ndarray,
                 num_samples: Optional[int] = None,
                 seed: int=0,
                 P: np.ndarray = None):
        # PERMBU仅适用于严格分层结构
        if not is_strictly_hierarchical(S, tags):
            raise ValueError('PERMBU probabilistic reconciliation requires strictly hierarchical structures.')
        self.S = S
        self.P = P
        self.y_hat = y_hat
        self.y_insample = y_insample
        self.y_hat_insample = y_hat_insample
        self.sigmah = sigmah
        self.num_samples = num_samples
        self.seed = seed

    def _obtain_ranks(self, array):
        """ Vector ranks

        Efficiently obtain vector ranks.
        Example `array=[4,2,7,1]` -> `ranks=[2, 1, 3, 0]`.

        `array`: np.array, matrix with floats or integers on which the 
                ranks will be computed on the second dimension.<br>

        `ranks`: np.array, matrix with ranks along the second dimension.<br>
        temp = array.argsort(axis=1)
        ranks = np.empty_like(temp)
        a_range = np.arange(temp.shape[1])
        for i_row in range(temp.shape[0]):
            ranks[i_row, temp[i_row,:]] = a_range
        return ranks

    def _permutate_samples(self, samples, permutations):
        """ Permutate Samples

        Applies efficient vectorized permutation on the samples.

        `samples`: np.array [series,samples], independent base samples.<br>
        `permutations`: np.array [series,samples], permutation ranks with wich
                  which `samples` dependence will be restored see `_obtain_ranks`.<br>

        `permutated_samples`: np.array.<br>
        # 生成辅助和扁平排列索引
        n_rows, n_cols = permutations.shape
        aux_row_idx = np.arange(n_rows)[:,None] * n_cols
        aux_row_idx = np.repeat(aux_row_idx, repeats=n_cols, axis=1)
        permutate_idxs = permutations.flatten() + aux_row_idx.flatten()

        # 应用平面排列索引并恢复原始形状
        permutated_samples = samples.flatten()
        permutated_samples = permutated_samples[permutate_idxs]
        permutated_samples = permutated_samples.reshape(n_rows, n_cols)
        return permutated_samples
    def _permutate_predictions(self, prediction_samples, permutations):
        """ Permutate Prediction Samples

        Applies permutations to prediction_samples across the horizon.

        `prediction_samples`: np.array [series,horizon,samples], independent 
                  base prediction samples.<br>
        `permutations`: np.array [series, samples], permutation ranks with which
                  `samples` dependence will be restored see `_obtain_ranks`.
                  it can also apply a random permutation.<br>

        `permutated_prediction_samples`: np.array.<br>
        # 在整个预测范围内应用排列
        permutated_prediction_samples = prediction_samples.copy()

        _, n_horizon, _ = prediction_samples.shape
        for t in range(n_horizon):
            permutated_prediction_samples[:,t,:] = \
        return permutated_prediction_samples

    def _nonzero_indexes_by_row(self, M):
        return [np.nonzero(M[row,:])[0] for row in range(len(M))]

    def get_samples(self, num_samples: Optional[int] = None):
        """PERMBU Sample Reconciliation Method.

        Applies PERMBU reconciliation method as defined by Taieb et. al 2017.
        Generating independent base prediction samples, restoring its multivariate
        dependence using estimated copula with reordering and applying the BottomUp
        aggregation to the new samples.

        `num_samples`: int, number of samples generated from coherent distribution.<br>

        `samples`: Coherent samples of size (`base`, `horizon`, `num_samples`).
        # 计算残差并排列置换
        residuals = self.y_insample - self.y_hat_insample
        residuals = residuals[:, np.isnan(residuals).sum(axis=0) == 0]

        # 样本h步超前基准边际分布
        if num_samples is None:
            num_samples = residuals.shape[1]

        # 扩展残差以匹配样本数量 [(a,b),T] -> [(a,b),num_samples]
        if num_samples > residuals.shape[1]:
            residuals_idxs = np.random.choice(residuals.shape[1], size=num_samples)
            residuals_idxs = np.random.choice(residuals.shape[1], size=num_samples, 
        residuals = residuals[:,residuals_idxs]
        rank_permutations = self._obtain_ranks(residuals)

        state = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
        n_series, n_horizon = self.y_hat.shape

        base_samples = np.array([
            state.normal(loc=m, scale=s, size=num_samples) for m, s in \
            zip(self.y_hat.flatten(), self.sigmah.flatten())
        base_samples = base_samples.reshape(n_series, n_horizon, num_samples)

        # 初始化PERMBU工具
        rec_samples = base_samples.copy()
            encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse_output=False, dtype=np.float32)
        except TypeError:
            encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False, dtype=np.float32)
        hier_links = np.vstack(self._nonzero_indexes_by_row(self.S.T))

        # 自底向上的层次遍历
        hier_levels = hier_links.shape[1]-1
        for level_idx in reversed(range(hier_levels)):
            # 从父子链接中获取聚合矩阵
            children_links = np.unique(hier_links[:,level_idx:level_idx+2], 
            children_idxs = np.unique(children_links[:,1])
            parent_idxs = np.unique(children_links[:,0])
            Agg = encoder.fit_transform(children_links).T
            Agg = Agg[:len(parent_idxs),:]

            # 在每个预测步骤中对子样本进行排列
            children_permutations = rank_permutations[children_idxs, :]
            children_samples = rec_samples[children_idxs,:,:]
            children_samples = self._permutate_predictions(

            # 用自底向上的聚合结果覆盖hier_samples
            # 并在聚合后随机打乱父预测结果
            parent_samples = np.einsum('ab,bhs->ahs', Agg, children_samples)
            random_permutation = np.array([
                np.random.permutation(np.arange(num_samples)) \
                for serie in range(len(parent_samples))
            parent_samples = self._permutate_predictions(

            rec_samples[parent_idxs,:,:] = parent_samples
        return rec_samples

    def get_prediction_levels(self, res, level):
        """ 将已协调的预测水平添加到结果字典中 """
        samples = self.get_samples(num_samples=self.num_samples)
        for lv in level:
            min_q = (100 - lv) / 200
            max_q = min_q + lv / 100
            res[f'lo-{lv}'] = np.quantile(samples, min_q, axis=2)
            res[f'hi-{lv}'] = np.quantile(samples, max_q, axis=2)
        return res

    def get_prediction_quantiles(self, res, quantiles):
        """ 将调和后的预测分位数添加到结果字典中 """
        samples = self.get_samples(num_samples=self.num_samples)

        # [Q, N, H] -> [N, H, Q]
        sample_quantiles = np.quantile(samples, quantiles, axis=2)
        res['quantiles'] = sample_quantiles.transpose((1, 2, 0))
        return res
show_doc(PERMBU, title_level=3)
show_doc(PERMBU.get_samples, title_level=3)

from hierarchicalforecast.evaluation import (

S = np.array([[1., 1., 1., 1.],
              [1., 1., 0., 0.],
              [0., 0., 1., 1.],
              [0., 1., 0., 0.],
              [1., 0., 0., 0.],
              [0., 0., 1., 0.],
              [0., 0., 0., 1.]])
h = 2
_y = np.array([10., 5., 4., 2., 1.])
y_bottom = np.vstack([i * _y for i in range(1, 5)])
y_hat_bottom_insample = np.roll(y_bottom, 1)
y_hat_bottom_insample[:, 0] = np.nan
y_hat_bottom = np.vstack([i * np.ones(h) for i in range(1, 5)])
idx_bottom = [4, 3, 5, 6]
tags = {'level1': np.array([0]),
        'level2': np.array([1, 2]),
        'level3': idx_bottom}

# 层次结构中所有级别的sigmah
# sigmah 用于朴素方法
# 如本文所计算:
y_base = S @ y_bottom
y_hat_base = S @ y_hat_bottom
y_hat_base_insample = S @ y_hat_bottom_insample
sigma = np.nansum((y_base - y_hat_base_insample) ** 2, axis=1) / (y_base.shape[1] - 1)
sigma = np.sqrt(sigma)
sigmah = sigma[:, None] * np.sqrt(np.vstack([np.arange(1, h + 1) for _ in range(y_base.shape[0])]))
noise = np.random.normal(scale=sigmah)
y_test = y_hat_base + noise

# 测试采样器
cls_bottom_up = BottomUp()
P, W = cls_bottom_up._get_PW_matrices(S=S, idx_bottom=idx_bottom)

normality_sampler = Normality(S=S, P=P, W=W,
bootstrap_sampler = Bootstrap(S=S, P=P, W=W,
empty_bootstrap_sampler = Bootstrap(S=S, P=P, W=W,
permbu_sampler = PERMBU(S=S, P=P,
empty_permbu_sampler = PERMBU(S=S, P=P,

# 测试相干样本的形状
normality_samples = normality_sampler.get_samples(num_samples=100)
bootstrap_samples = bootstrap_sampler.get_samples(num_samples=100)
permbu_samples    = permbu_sampler.get_samples(num_samples=100)
test_eq(bootstrap_samples.shape, normality_samples.shape)
test_eq(bootstrap_samples.shape, permbu_samples.shape)

# test RelMSE's execution
rel_mse(y=y_test, y_hat=y_hat_base, y_train=y_base)

# test MSSE's execution
msse(y=y_test, y_hat=y_hat_base, y_train=y_base)

# test energy score's execution
             y_sample1=bootstrap_samples, y_sample2=permbu_samples)

# test scaled CRPS' execution
quantiles = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9])
bootstrap_quantiles = np.quantile(bootstrap_samples, q=quantiles, axis=2)
bootstrap_quantiles = bootstrap_quantiles.transpose((1,2,0)) # [Q,N,H] -> [N,H,Q]
scaled_crps(y=y_test, y_hat=bootstrap_quantiles, quantiles=quantiles)

# 测试日志分数的执行
cov = np.concatenate([cov[:,:,None] for cov in normality_sampler.cov_rec], axis=2)
log_score(y=y_test, y_hat=y_hat_base, cov=cov, allow_singular=True)

# 测试分位数损失保护
quantiles = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.2])
    contains='between 0 and 1',
    args=(y_test, bootstrap_quantiles, quantiles),   


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