计算给定 文本或图像 的 固定大小向量表示(嵌入)。
通常作为 两步检索过程的第一步 使用,其中使用 Cross-Encoder(又名重排序器)模型对来自双编码器的 top-k 结果进行重新排序。
一旦你 安装 了 Sentence Transformers,你就可以轻松使用 Sentence Transformer 模型:
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
# 1. Load a pretrained Sentence Transformer model
model = SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
# The sentences to encode
sentences = [
"The weather is lovely today.",
"It's so sunny outside!",
"He drove to the stadium.",
# 2. Calculate embeddings by calling model.encode()
embeddings = model.encode(sentences)
# [3, 384]
# 3. Calculate the embedding similarities
similarities = model.similarity(embeddings, embeddings)
# tensor([[1.0000, 0.6660, 0.1046],
# [0.6660, 1.0000, 0.1411],
# [0.1046, 0.1411, 1.0000]])
使用 SentenceTransformer("all-MiniLM-L6-v2")
,我们选择加载哪个 Sentence Transformer 模型。在这个例子中,我们加载了 all-MiniLM-L6-v2,这是一个在超过 10 亿对训练数据集上微调的 MiniLM 模型。通过使用 SentenceTransformer.similarity(),我们计算所有句子对之间的相似度。正如预期的那样,前两句之间的相似度(0.6660)高于第一句与第三句之间的相似度(0.1046)或第二句与第三句之间的相似度(0.1411)。
微调 Sentence Transformer 模型非常简单,只需要几行代码。更多信息,请参阅 训练概述 部分。
计算给定 文本对 的 相似度分数。
通常比 Sentence Transformer 模型 更慢 ,因为它需要为每一对进行计算,而不是每个文本。
由于前两个特性,交叉编码器常用于**重新排序Sentence Transformer模型的前k个结果**。
Cross Encoder(又名重排序器)模型的使用方法与 Sentence Transformers 类似:
from sentence_transformers.cross_encoder import CrossEncoder
# 1. Load a pretrained CrossEncoder model
model = CrossEncoder("cross-encoder/stsb-distilroberta-base")
# We want to compute the similarity between the query sentence...
query = "A man is eating pasta."
# ... and all sentences in the corpus
corpus = [
"A man is eating food.",
"A man is eating a piece of bread.",
"The girl is carrying a baby.",
"A man is riding a horse.",
"A woman is playing violin.",
"Two men pushed carts through the woods.",
"A man is riding a white horse on an enclosed ground.",
"A monkey is playing drums.",
"A cheetah is running behind its prey.",
# 2. We rank all sentences in the corpus for the query
ranks = model.rank(query, corpus)
# Print the scores
print("Query: ", query)
for rank in ranks:
Query: A man is eating pasta.
0.67 A man is eating food.
0.34 A man is eating a piece of bread.
0.08 A man is riding a horse.
0.07 A man is riding a white horse on an enclosed ground.
0.01 The girl is carrying a baby.
0.01 Two men pushed carts through the woods.
0.01 A monkey is playing drums.
0.01 A woman is playing violin.
0.01 A cheetah is running behind its prey.
# 3. Alternatively, you can also manually compute the score between two sentences
import numpy as np
sentence_combinations = [[query, sentence] for sentence in corpus]
scores = model.predict(sentence_combinations)
# Sort the scores in decreasing order to get the corpus indices
ranked_indices = np.argsort(scores)[::-1]
print("Scores:", scores)
print("Indices:", ranked_indices)
Scores: [0.6732372, 0.34102544, 0.00542465, 0.07569341, 0.00525378, 0.00536814, 0.06676237, 0.00534825, 0.00516717]
Indices: [0 1 3 6 2 5 7 4 8]
使用 CrossEncoder("cross-encoder/stsb-distilroberta-base")
我们选择加载哪个 CrossEncoder 模型。在这个例子中,我们加载 cross-encoder/stsb-distilroberta-base,这是一个在 STS Benchmark 数据集上微调过的 DistilRoBERTa 模型。