
处理转录拼写错误:提示 vs 后处理




  • 我们直接将正确拼写的列表输入Whisper的提示参数,以指导初始转录。

  • 我们利用GPT-4在转录后修复拼写错误,再次使用相同的正确拼写列表在提示中。




  • 导入OpenAI Python库(如果没有,请使用pip install openai进行安装)
  • 下载音频文件示例
# 导入
from openai import OpenAI # 用于进行OpenAI API调用
import urllib # 用于下载示例音频文件
import os # 用于访问环境变量

client = OpenAI(api_key=os.environ.get("OPENAI_API_KEY", "<your OpenAI API key if not set as env var>"))

# 设置下载路径
ZyntriQix_remote_filepath = "https://cdn.openai.com/API/examples/data/ZyntriQix.wav"

# 设置本地保存位置
ZyntriQix_filepath = "data/ZyntriQix.wav"

# 下载示例音频文件并保存到本地
urllib.request.urlretrieve(ZyntriQix_remote_filepath, ZyntriQix_filepath)

('data/ZyntriQix.wav', <http.client.HTTPMessage at 0x10559a910>)



我们的虚构公司ZyntriQix提供各种科技产品。这些产品包括Digique Plus,CynapseFive,VortiQore V8,EchoNix Array,OrbitalLink Seven和DigiFractal Matrix。我们还发起了几项倡议,如PULSE,RAPT,B.R.I.C.K.,Q.U.A.R.T.Z.和F.L.I.N.T.。

# 定义一个包装函数,用于观察提示如何影响转录结果
def transcribe(prompt: str, audio_filepath) -> str:
transcript = client.audio.transcriptions.create(
file=open(audio_filepath, "rb"),
return transcript.text

# 无提示的基础转录
transcribe(prompt="", audio_filepath=ZyntriQix_filepath)

"Have you heard of ZentricX? This tech giant boasts products like Digi-Q+, Synapse 5, VortiCore V8, Echo Nix Array, and not to forget the latest Orbital Link 7 and Digifractal Matrix. Their innovation arsenal also includes the Pulse framework, Wrapped system, they've developed a brick infrastructure court system, and launched the Flint initiative, all highlighting their commitment to relentless innovation. ZentricX, in just 30 years, has soared from a startup to a tech titan, serving us tech marvels alongside a stimulating linguistic challenge. Quite an adventure, wouldn't you agree?"


# 将正确的拼写名称添加到提示中
prompt="ZyntriQix, Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array, OrbitalLink Seven, DigiFractal Matrix, PULSE, RAPT, B.R.I.C.K., Q.U.A.R.T.Z., F.L.I.N.T.",

"Have you heard of ZyntriQix? This tech giant boasts products like Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array, and not to forget the latest OrbitalLink Seven and DigiFractal Matrix. Their innovation arsenal also includes the PULSE framework, RAPT system. They've developed a B.R.I.C.K. infrastructure, Q.U.A.R.T. system, and launched the F.L.I.N.T. initiative, all highlighting their commitment to relentless innovation. ZyntriQix in just 30 years has soared from a startup to a tech titan, serving us tech marvels alongside a stimulating linguistic challenge. Quite an adventure, wouldn't you agree?"


# 请在提示中添加完整的产品清单。
prompt="ZyntriQix, Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array, OrbitalLink Seven, DigiFractal Matrix, PULSE, RAPT, AstroPixel Array, QuantumFlare Five, CyberPulse Six, VortexDrive Matrix, PhotonLink Ten, TriCircuit Array, PentaSync Seven, UltraWave Eight, QuantumVertex Nine, HyperHelix X, DigiSpiral Z, PentaQuark Eleven, TetraCube Twelve, GigaPhase Thirteen, EchoNeuron Fourteen, FusionPulse V15, MetaQuark Sixteen, InfiniCircuit Seventeen, TeraPulse Eighteen, ExoMatrix Nineteen, OrbiSync Twenty, QuantumHelix TwentyOne, NanoPhase TwentyTwo, TeraFractal TwentyThree, PentaHelix TwentyFour, ExoCircuit TwentyFive, HyperQuark TwentySix, B.R.I.C.K., Q.U.A.R.T.Z., F.L.I.N.T.",

"Have you heard of ZentricX? This tech giant boasts products like DigiCube Plus, Synapse 5, VortiCore V8, EchoNix Array, and not to forget the latest Orbital Link 7 and Digifractal Matrix. Their innovation arsenal also includes the PULSE framework, RAPT system. They've developed a brick infrastructure court system and launched the F.L.I.N.T. initiative, all highlighting their commitment to relentless innovation. ZentricX in just 30 years has soared from a startup to a tech titan, serving us tech marvels alongside a stimulating linguistic challenge. Quite an adventure, wouldn't you agree?"






# 定义一个包装函数,用于观察提示如何影响转录结果
def transcribe_with_spellcheck(system_message, audio_filepath):
completion = client.chat.completions.create(
{"role": "system", "content": system_message},
"role": "user",
"content": transcribe(prompt="", audio_filepath=audio_filepath),
return completion.choices[0].message.content


system_prompt = "You are a helpful assistant for the company ZyntriQix. Your task is to correct any spelling discrepancies in the transcribed text. Make sure that the names of the following products are spelled correctly: ZyntriQix, Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array, OrbitalLink Seven, DigiFractal Matrix, PULSE, RAPT, B.R.I.C.K., Q.U.A.R.T.Z., F.L.I.N.T."
new_text = transcribe_with_spellcheck(system_prompt, audio_filepath=ZyntriQix_filepath)

Have you heard of ZyntriQix? This tech giant boasts products like Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array, and not to forget the latest OrbitalLink Seven and DigiFractal Matrix. Their innovation arsenal also includes the PULSE framework, RAPT system, they've developed a B.R.I.C.K. infrastructure court system, and launched the F.L.I.N.T. initiative, all highlighting their commitment to relentless innovation. ZyntriQix, in just 30 years, has soared from a startup to a tech titan, serving us tech marvels alongside a stimulating linguistic challenge. Quite an adventure, wouldn't you agree?


system_prompt = "You are a helpful assistant for the company ZyntriQix. Your task is to correct any spelling discrepancies in the transcribed text. Make sure that the names of the following products are spelled correctly: ZyntriQix, Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array,  OrbitalLink Seven, DigiFractal Matrix, PULSE, RAPT, AstroPixel Array, QuantumFlare Five, CyberPulse Six, VortexDrive Matrix, PhotonLink Ten, TriCircuit Array, PentaSync Seven, UltraWave Eight, QuantumVertex Nine, HyperHelix X, DigiSpiral Z, PentaQuark Eleven, TetraCube Twelve, GigaPhase Thirteen, EchoNeuron Fourteen, FusionPulse V15, MetaQuark Sixteen, InfiniCircuit Seventeen, TeraPulse Eighteen, ExoMatrix Nineteen, OrbiSync Twenty, QuantumHelix TwentyOne, NanoPhase TwentyTwo, TeraFractal TwentyThree, PentaHelix TwentyFour, ExoCircuit TwentyFive, HyperQuark TwentySix, GigaLink TwentySeven, FusionMatrix TwentyEight, InfiniFractal TwentyNine, MetaSync Thirty, B.R.I.C.K., Q.U.A.R.T.Z., F.L.I.N.T. Only add necessary punctuation such as periods, commas, and capitalization, and use only the context provided."
new_text = transcribe_with_spellcheck(system_prompt, audio_filepath=ZyntriQix_filepath)

Have you heard of ZyntriQix? This tech giant boasts products like Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array, and not to forget the latest OrbitalLink Seven and DigiFractal Matrix. Their innovation arsenal also includes the PULSE framework, RAPT system, they've developed a B.R.I.C.K. infrastructure court system, and launched the F.L.I.N.T. initiative, all highlighting their commitment to relentless innovation. ZyntriQix, in just 30 years, has soared from a startup to a tech titan, serving us tech marvels alongside a stimulating linguistic challenge. Quite an adventure, wouldn't you agree?


system_prompt = "You are a helpful assistant for the company ZyntriQix. Your first task is to list the words that are not spelled correctly according to the list provided to you and to tell me the number of misspelled words. Your next task is to insert those correct words in place of the misspelled ones. List: ZyntriQix, Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array,  OrbitalLink Seven, DigiFractal Matrix, PULSE, RAPT, AstroPixel Array, QuantumFlare Five, CyberPulse Six, VortexDrive Matrix, PhotonLink Ten, TriCircuit Array, PentaSync Seven, UltraWave Eight, QuantumVertex Nine, HyperHelix X, DigiSpiral Z, PentaQuark Eleven, TetraCube Twelve, GigaPhase Thirteen, EchoNeuron Fourteen, FusionPulse V15, MetaQuark Sixteen, InfiniCircuit Seventeen, TeraPulse Eighteen, ExoMatrix Nineteen, OrbiSync Twenty, QuantumHelix TwentyOne, NanoPhase TwentyTwo, TeraFractal TwentyThree, PentaHelix TwentyFour, ExoCircuit TwentyFive, HyperQuark TwentySix, GigaLink TwentySeven, FusionMatrix TwentyEight, InfiniFractal TwentyNine, MetaSync Thirty, B.R.I.C.K., Q.U.A.R.T.Z., F.L.I.N.T."
new_text = transcribe_with_spellcheck(system_prompt, audio_filepath=ZyntriQix_filepath)

The misspelled words are: ZentricX, Digi-Q+, Synapse 5, VortiCore V8, Echo Nix Array, Orbital Link 7, Digifractal Matrix, Pulse, Wrapped, brick, Flint, and 30. The total number of misspelled words is 12.

The corrected paragraph is:

Have you heard of ZyntriQix? This tech giant boasts products like Digique Plus, CynapseFive, VortiQore V8, EchoNix Array, and not to forget the latest OrbitalLink Seven and DigiFractal Matrix. Their innovation arsenal also includes the PULSE framework, RAPT system, they've developed a B.R.I.C.K. infrastructure court system, and launched the F.L.I.N.T. initiative, all highlighting their commitment to relentless innovation. ZyntriQix, in just MetaSync Thirty years, has soared from a startup to a tech titan, serving us tech marvels alongside a stimulating linguistic challenge. Quite an adventure, wouldn't you agree?