sentence_transformers.evaluation.SentenceEvaluator 源代码

from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

    from sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer import SentenceTransformer

[文档] class SentenceEvaluator: """ Base class for all evaluators Extend this class and implement __call__ for custom evaluators. """ def __init__(self): """ Base class for all evaluators. Notably, this class introduces the ``greater_is_better`` and ``primary_metric`` attributes. The former is a boolean indicating whether a higher evaluation score is better, which is used for choosing the best checkpoint if ``load_best_model_at_end`` is set to ``True`` in the training arguments. The latter is a string indicating the primary metric for the evaluator. This has to be defined whenever the evaluator returns a dictionary of metrics, and the primary metric is the key pointing to the primary metric, i.e. the one that is used for model selection and/or logging. """ self.greater_is_better = True self.primary_metric = None def __call__( self, model: SentenceTransformer, output_path: str = None, epoch: int = -1, steps: int = -1 ) -> float | dict[str, float]: """ This is called during training to evaluate the model. It returns a score for the evaluation with a higher score indicating a better result. Args: model: the model to evaluate output_path: path where predictions and metrics are written to epoch: the epoch where the evaluation takes place. This is used for the file prefixes. If this is -1, then we assume evaluation on test data. steps: the steps in the current epoch at time of the evaluation. This is used for the file prefixes. If this is -1, then we assume evaluation at the end of the epoch. Returns: Either a score for the evaluation with a higher score indicating a better result, or a dictionary with scores. If the latter is chosen, then `evaluator.primary_metric` must be defined """ pass def prefix_name_to_metrics(self, metrics: dict[str, float], name: str) -> dict[str, float]: if not name: return metrics metrics = {name + "_" + key: value for key, value in metrics.items()} if hasattr(self, "primary_metric") and not self.primary_metric.startswith(name + "_"): self.primary_metric = name + "_" + self.primary_metric return metrics def store_metrics_in_model_card_data(self, model: SentenceTransformer, metrics: dict[str, Any]) -> None: model.model_card_data.set_evaluation_metrics(self, metrics) @property def description(self) -> str: """ Returns a human-readable description of the evaluator: BinaryClassificationEvaluator -> Binary Classification 1. Remove "Evaluator" from the class name 2. Add a space before every capital letter """ class_name = self.__class__.__name__ try: index = class_name.index("Evaluator") class_name = class_name[:index] except IndexError: pass return re.sub(r"([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\g<1> \g<2>", class_name)