sentence_transformers.losses.BatchHardSoftMarginTripletLoss 源代码

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Iterable

import torch
from torch import Tensor

from sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer import SentenceTransformer

from .BatchHardTripletLoss import BatchHardTripletLoss, BatchHardTripletLossDistanceFunction

[文档] class BatchHardSoftMarginTripletLoss(BatchHardTripletLoss): def __init__( self, model: SentenceTransformer, distance_metric=BatchHardTripletLossDistanceFunction.eucledian_distance ) -> None: """ BatchHardSoftMarginTripletLoss takes a batch with (sentence, label) pairs and computes the loss for all possible, valid triplets, i.e., anchor and positive must have the same label, anchor and negative a different label. The labels must be integers, with same label indicating sentences from the same class. Your train dataset must contain at least 2 examples per label class. This soft-margin variant does not require setting a margin. Args: model: SentenceTransformer model distance_metric: Function that returns a distance between two embeddings. The class SiameseDistanceMetric contains pre-defined metrics that can be used. Definitions: :Easy triplets: Triplets which have a loss of 0 because ``distance(anchor, positive) + margin < distance(anchor, negative)``. :Hard triplets: Triplets where the negative is closer to the anchor than the positive, i.e., ``distance(anchor, negative) < distance(anchor, positive)``. :Semi-hard triplets: Triplets where the negative is not closer to the anchor than the positive, but which still have a positive loss, i.e., ``distance(anchor, positive) < distance(anchor, negative) + margin``. References: * Source: * Paper: In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification, * Blog post: Requirements: 1. Each sentence must be labeled with a class. 2. Your dataset must contain at least 2 examples per labels class. 3. Your dataset should contain hard positives and negatives. Inputs: +------------------+--------+ | Texts | Labels | +==================+========+ | single sentences | class | +------------------+--------+ Recommendations: - Use ``BatchSamplers.GROUP_BY_LABEL`` (:class:`docs <sentence_transformers.training_args.BatchSamplers>`) to ensure that each batch contains 2+ examples per label class. Relations: * :class:`BatchHardTripletLoss` uses a user-specified margin, while this loss does not require setting a margin. Example: :: from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, SentenceTransformerTrainer, losses from datasets import Dataset model = SentenceTransformer("microsoft/mpnet-base") # E.g. 0: sports, 1: economy, 2: politics train_dataset = Dataset.from_dict({ "sentence": [ "He played a great game.", "The stock is up 20%", "They won 2-1.", "The last goal was amazing.", "They all voted against the bill.", ], "label": [0, 1, 0, 0, 2], }) loss = losses.BatchHardSoftMarginTripletLoss(model) trainer = SentenceTransformerTrainer( model=model, train_dataset=train_dataset, loss=loss, ) trainer.train() """ super().__init__(model) self.sentence_embedder = model self.distance_metric = distance_metric def forward(self, sentence_features: Iterable[dict[str, Tensor]], labels: Tensor) -> Tensor: rep = self.sentence_embedder(sentence_features[0])["sentence_embedding"] return self.batch_hard_triplet_soft_margin_loss(labels, rep) # Hard Triplet Loss with Soft Margin # Paper: In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification, def batch_hard_triplet_soft_margin_loss(self, labels: Tensor, embeddings: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Build the triplet loss over a batch of embeddings. For each anchor, we get the hardest positive and hardest negative to form a triplet. Args: labels: labels of the batch, of size (batch_size,) embeddings: tensor of shape (batch_size, embed_dim) squared: Boolean. If true, output is the pairwise squared euclidean distance matrix. If false, output is the pairwise euclidean distance matrix. Returns: Label_Sentence_Triplet: scalar tensor containing the triplet loss """ # Get the pairwise distance matrix pairwise_dist = self.distance_metric(embeddings) # For each anchor, get the hardest positive # First, we need to get a mask for every valid positive (they should have same label) mask_anchor_positive = BatchHardTripletLoss.get_anchor_positive_triplet_mask(labels).float() # We put to 0 any element where (a, p) is not valid (valid if a != p and label(a) == label(p)) anchor_positive_dist = mask_anchor_positive * pairwise_dist # shape (batch_size, 1) hardest_positive_dist, _ = anchor_positive_dist.max(1, keepdim=True) # For each anchor, get the hardest negative # First, we need to get a mask for every valid negative (they should have different labels) mask_anchor_negative = BatchHardTripletLoss.get_anchor_negative_triplet_mask(labels).float() # We add the maximum value in each row to the invalid negatives (label(a) == label(n)) max_anchor_negative_dist, _ = pairwise_dist.max(1, keepdim=True) anchor_negative_dist = pairwise_dist + max_anchor_negative_dist * (1.0 - mask_anchor_negative) # shape (batch_size,) hardest_negative_dist, _ = anchor_negative_dist.min(1, keepdim=True) # Combine biggest d(a, p) and smallest d(a, n) into final triplet loss with soft margin # tl = hardest_positive_dist - hardest_negative_dist + margin # tl[tl < 0] = 0 tl = torch.log1p(torch.exp(hardest_positive_dist - hardest_negative_dist)) triplet_loss = tl.mean() return triplet_loss @property def citation(self) -> str: return """ @misc{hermans2017defense, title={In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification}, author={Alexander Hermans and Lucas Beyer and Bastian Leibe}, year={2017}, eprint={1703.07737}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } """