sentence_transformers.losses.CachedMultipleNegativesSymmetricRankingLoss 源代码

from __future__ import annotations

from contextlib import nullcontext
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Iterable, Iterator

import torch
import tqdm
from torch import Tensor, nn

from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
from sentence_transformers.losses.CachedMultipleNegativesRankingLoss import RandContext

def _backward_hook(
    grad_output: Tensor,
    sentence_features: Iterable[dict[str, Tensor]],
    loss_obj: CachedMultipleNegativesSymmetricRankingLoss,
) -> None:
    """A backward hook to backpropagate the cached gradients mini-batch by mini-batch."""
    assert loss_obj.cache is not None
    assert loss_obj.random_states is not None
    with torch.enable_grad():
        for sentence_feature, grad, random_states in zip(sentence_features, loss_obj.cache, loss_obj.random_states):
            for (reps_mb, _), grad_mb in zip(
                surrogate =, grad_mb.flatten()) * grad_output

[文档] class CachedMultipleNegativesSymmetricRankingLoss(nn.Module): def __init__( self, model: SentenceTransformer, scale: float = 20.0, similarity_fct: callable[[Tensor, Tensor], Tensor] = util.cos_sim, mini_batch_size: int = 32, show_progress_bar: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Boosted version of :class:`MultipleNegativesSymmetricRankingLoss` (MNSRL) by GradCache ( Given a list of (anchor, positive) pairs, MNSRL sums the following two losses: 1. Forward loss: Given an anchor, find the sample with the highest similarity out of all positives in the batch. 2. Backward loss: Given a positive, find the sample with the highest similarity out of all anchors in the batch. For example with question-answer pairs, the forward loss finds the answer for a given question and the backward loss finds the question for a given answer. This loss is common in symmetric tasks, such as semantic textual similarity. The caching modification allows for large batch sizes (which give a better training signal) with constant memory usage, allowing you to reach optimal training signal with regular hardware. Note: If you pass triplets, the negative entry will be ignored. An anchor is just searched for the positive. Args: model: SentenceTransformer model scale: Output of similarity function is multiplied by scale value similarity_fct: similarity function between sentence embeddings. By default, cos_sim. Can also be set to dot product (and then set scale to 1) mini_batch_size: Mini-batch size for the forward pass, this denotes how much memory is actually used during training and evaluation. The larger the mini-batch size, the more memory efficient the training is, but the slower the training will be. show_progress_bar: If True, shows progress bar during processing Requirements: 1. (anchor, positive) pairs 2. Should be used with large batch sizes for superior performance, but has slower training time than non-cached versions Inputs: +---------------------------------------+--------+ | Texts | Labels | +=======================================+========+ | (anchor, positive) pairs | none | +---------------------------------------+--------+ Recommendations: - Use ``BatchSamplers.NO_DUPLICATES`` (:class:`docs <sentence_transformers.training_args.BatchSamplers>`) to ensure that no in-batch negatives are duplicates of the anchor or positive samples. Relations: - Like :class:`MultipleNegativesRankingLoss`, but with an additional symmetric loss term and caching mechanism. - Inspired by :class:`CachedMultipleNegativesRankingLoss`, adapted for symmetric loss calculation. Example: :: from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, SentenceTransformerTrainer, losses from datasets import Dataset model = SentenceTransformer("microsoft/mpnet-base") train_dataset = Dataset.from_dict({ "anchor": ["It's nice weather outside today.", "He drove to work."], "positive": ["It's so sunny.", "He took the car to the office."], }) loss = losses.CachedMultipleNegativesSymmetricRankingLoss(model, mini_batch_size=32) trainer = SentenceTransformerTrainer( model=model, train_dataset=train_dataset, loss=loss, ) trainer.train() References: - Efficient Natural Language Response Suggestion for Smart Reply, Section 4.4: - Scaling Deep Contrastive Learning Batch Size under Memory Limited Setup: """ super().__init__() self.model = model self.scale = scale self.similarity_fct = similarity_fct self.cross_entropy_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() self.mini_batch_size = mini_batch_size self.cache: list[list[Tensor]] | None = None self.random_states: list[list[RandContext]] | None = None self.show_progress_bar = show_progress_bar def embed_minibatch( self, sentence_feature: dict[str, Tensor], begin: int, end: int, with_grad: bool, copy_random_state: bool, random_state: RandContext | None = None, ) -> tuple[Tensor, RandContext | None]: """Embed a mini-batch of sentences.""" grad_context = nullcontext if with_grad else torch.no_grad random_state_context = nullcontext() if random_state is None else random_state sentence_feature_minibatch = {k: v[begin:end] for k, v in sentence_feature.items()} with random_state_context: with grad_context(): random_state = RandContext(*sentence_feature_minibatch.values()) if copy_random_state else None reps = self.model(sentence_feature_minibatch)["sentence_embedding"] return reps, random_state def embed_minibatch_iter( self, sentence_feature: dict[str, Tensor], with_grad: bool, copy_random_state: bool, random_states: list[RandContext] | None = None, ) -> Iterator[tuple[Tensor, RandContext | None]]: """Iterate over mini-batches of sentences for embedding.""" input_ids: Tensor = sentence_feature["input_ids"] bsz, _ = input_ids.shape for i, b in enumerate( tqdm.trange( 0, bsz, self.mini_batch_size, desc="Embed mini-batches", disable=not self.show_progress_bar, ) ): e = b + self.mini_batch_size reps, random_state = self.embed_minibatch( sentence_feature=sentence_feature, begin=b, end=e, with_grad=with_grad, copy_random_state=copy_random_state, random_state=None if random_states is None else random_states[i], ) yield reps, random_state def calculate_loss_and_cache_gradients(self, reps: list[list[Tensor]]) -> Tensor: """Calculate the symmetric loss and cache gradients.""" embeddings_a =[0]) # (bsz, hdim) embeddings_b =[ for r in reps[1:]]) # ((1 + nneg) * bsz, hdim) batch_size = len(embeddings_a) labels = torch.arange(batch_size, device=embeddings_a.device) losses: list[torch.Tensor] = [] for b in tqdm.trange( 0, batch_size, self.mini_batch_size, desc="Preparing caches", disable=not self.show_progress_bar, ): e = min(b + self.mini_batch_size, batch_size) scores: Tensor = self.similarity_fct(embeddings_a[b:e], embeddings_b) * self.scale forward_loss: torch.Tensor = self.cross_entropy_loss(scores, labels[b:e]) positive_scores = scores[:, b:e] backward_loss: torch.Tensor = self.cross_entropy_loss(positive_scores.t(), labels[: len(positive_scores)]) loss_mbatch = (forward_loss + backward_loss) / 2 loss_mbatch.backward() losses.append(loss_mbatch.detach()) loss = sum(losses) / len(losses) loss = loss.requires_grad_() self.cache = [[r.grad for r in rs] for rs in reps] return loss def calculate_loss(self, reps: list[list[Tensor]]) -> Tensor: """Calculate the symmetric loss without caching gradients (for evaluation).""" embeddings_a =[0]) # (bsz, hdim) embeddings_b =[ for r in reps[1:]]) # ((1 + nneg) * bsz, hdim) batch_size = len(embeddings_a) labels = torch.arange(batch_size, device=embeddings_a.device) losses: list[torch.Tensor] = [] for b in tqdm.trange( 0, batch_size, self.mini_batch_size, desc="Calculating loss", disable=not self.show_progress_bar, ): e = min(b + self.mini_batch_size, batch_size) scores: Tensor = self.similarity_fct(embeddings_a[b:e], embeddings_b) * self.scale forward_loss: torch.Tensor = self.cross_entropy_loss(scores, labels[b:e]) positive_scores = scores[:, b:e] backward_loss: torch.Tensor = self.cross_entropy_loss(positive_scores.t(), labels[: len(positive_scores)]) loss_mbatch = (forward_loss + backward_loss) / 2 losses.append(loss_mbatch) loss = sum(losses) / len(losses) return loss def forward(self, sentence_features: Iterable[dict[str, Tensor]], labels: Tensor) -> Tensor: """Forward pass of the loss function.""" reps = [] self.random_states = [] for sentence_feature in sentence_features: reps_mbs = [] random_state_mbs = [] for reps_mb, random_state in self.embed_minibatch_iter( sentence_feature=sentence_feature, with_grad=False, copy_random_state=True, ): reps_mbs.append(reps_mb.detach().requires_grad_()) random_state_mbs.append(random_state) reps.append(reps_mbs) self.random_states.append(random_state_mbs) if torch.is_grad_enabled(): loss = self.calculate_loss_and_cache_gradients(reps) loss.register_hook(partial(_backward_hook, sentence_features=sentence_features, loss_obj=self)) else: loss = self.calculate_loss(reps) return loss def get_config_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get the configuration of the loss function.""" return { "scale": self.scale, "similarity_fct": self.similarity_fct.__name__, "mini_batch_size": self.mini_batch_size, }