






LlamaIndex 是用于LLM应用程序的数据框架。 您只需几行代码就可以开始构建一个检索增强生成(RAG)系统,并在几分钟内完成。 对于更高级的用户,LlamaIndex提供了丰富的工具包,用于摄取和索引数据,检索和重新排序的模块,以及用于构建自定义查询引擎的可组合组件。



财务分析师工作的关键部分是从长篇财务文件中提取信息并综合洞察。 一个很好的例子是10-K表格 - 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)要求的年度报告,它提供了公司财务表现的全面摘要。 这些文件通常有数百页之长,并包含领域特定术语,这使得普通人很难快速理解。




!pip install llama-index pypdf


from langchain import OpenAI

from llama_index import SimpleDirectoryReader, ServiceContext, VectorStoreIndex
from llama_index import set_global_service_context
from llama_index.response.pprint_utils import pprint_response
from llama_index.tools import QueryEngineTool, ToolMetadata
from llama_index.query_engine import SubQuestionQueryEngine


llm = OpenAI(temperature=0, model_name="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct", max_tokens=-1)


service_context = ServiceContext.from_defaults(llm=llm)




lyft_docs = SimpleDirectoryReader(input_files=["../data/10k/lyft_2021.pdf"]).load_data()
uber_docs = SimpleDirectoryReader(input_files=["../data/10k/uber_2021.pdf"]).load_data()

print(f'Loaded lyft 10-K with {len(lyft_docs)} pages')
print(f'Loaded Uber 10-K with {len(uber_docs)} pages')

Loaded lyft 10-K with 238 pages
Loaded Uber 10-K with 307 pages


注意:这个操作可能需要一段时间才能运行,因为它调用OpenAI API来计算文档块的向量嵌入。

lyft_index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(lyft_docs)
uber_index = VectorStoreIndex.from_documents(uber_docs)





lyft_engine = lyft_index.as_query_engine(similarity_top_k=3)

uber_engine = uber_index.as_query_engine(similarity_top_k=3)


response = await lyft_engine.aquery('What is the revenue of Lyft in 2021? Answer in millions with page reference')


$3,208.3 million (page 63)
response = await uber_engine.aquery('What is the revenue of Uber in 2021? Answer in millions, with page reference')


$17,455 (page 53)

高级问答 - 比较和对比



query_engine_tools = [
metadata=ToolMetadata(name='lyft_10k', description='Provides information about Lyft financials for year 2021')
metadata=ToolMetadata(name='uber_10k', description='Provides information about Uber financials for year 2021')

s_engine = SubQuestionQueryEngine.from_defaults(query_engine_tools=query_engine_tools)


response = await s_engine.aquery('Compare and contrast the customer segments and geographies that grew the fastest')

Generated 4 sub questions.
[uber_10k] Q: What customer segments grew the fastest for Uber
[uber_10k] A: in 2021?

The customer segments that grew the fastest for Uber in 2021 were its Mobility Drivers, Couriers, Riders, and Eaters. These segments experienced growth due to the continued stay-at-home order demand related to COVID-19, as well as Uber's introduction of its Uber One, Uber Pass, Eats Pass, and Rides Pass membership programs. Additionally, Uber's marketplace-centric advertising helped to connect merchants and brands with its platform network, further driving growth.
[uber_10k] Q: What geographies grew the fastest for Uber
[uber_10k] A:
Based on the context information, it appears that Uber experienced the most growth in large metropolitan areas, such as Chicago, Miami, New York City, Sao Paulo, and London. Additionally, Uber experienced growth in suburban and rural areas, as well as in countries such as Argentina, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and Spain.
[lyft_10k] Q: What customer segments grew the fastest for Lyft
[lyft_10k] A:
The customer segments that grew the fastest for Lyft were ridesharing, light vehicles, and public transit. Ridesharing grew as Lyft was able to predict demand and proactively incentivize drivers to be available for rides in the right place at the right time. Light vehicles grew as users were looking for options that were more active, usually lower-priced, and often more efficient for short trips during heavy traffic. Public transit grew as Lyft integrated third-party public transit data into the Lyft App to offer users a robust view of transportation options around them.
[lyft_10k] Q: What geographies grew the fastest for Lyft
[lyft_10k] A:
It is not possible to answer this question with the given context information.

The customer segments that grew the fastest for Uber in 2021 were its Mobility Drivers, Couriers, Riders, and Eaters. These segments experienced growth due to the continued stay-at-home order demand related to COVID-19, as well as Uber's introduction of its Uber One, Uber Pass, Eats Pass, and Rides Pass membership programs. Additionally, Uber's marketplace-centric advertising helped to connect merchants and brands with its platform network, further driving growth. Uber experienced the most growth in large metropolitan areas, such as Chicago, Miami, New York City, Sao Paulo, and London. Additionally, Uber experienced growth in suburban and rural areas, as well as in countries such as Argentina, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and Spain.

The customer segments that grew the fastest for Lyft were ridesharing, light vehicles, and public transit. Ridesharing grew as Lyft was able to predict demand and proactively incentivize drivers to be available for rides in the right place at the right time. Light vehicles grew as users were looking for options that were more active, usually lower-priced, and often more efficient for short trips during heavy traffic. Public transit grew as Lyft integrated third-party public transit data into the Lyft App to offer users a robust view of transportation options around them. It is not possible to answer the question of which geographies grew the fastest for Lyft with the given context information.

In summary, Uber and Lyft both experienced growth in customer segments related to mobility, couriers, riders, and eaters. Uber experienced the most growth in large metropolitan areas, as well as in suburban and rural areas, and in countries such as Argentina, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, and Spain. Lyft experienced the most growth in ridesharing, light vehicles, and public transit. It is not possible to answer the question of which geographies grew the fastest for Lyft with the given context information.
response = await s_engine.aquery('Compare revenue growth of Uber and Lyft from 2020 to 2021')

Generated 2 sub questions.
[uber_10k] Q: What is the revenue growth of Uber from 2020 to 2021
[uber_10k] A:
The revenue growth of Uber from 2020 to 2021 was 57%, or 54% on a constant currency basis.
[lyft_10k] Q: What is the revenue growth of Lyft from 2020 to 2021
[lyft_10k] A:
The revenue growth of Lyft from 2020 to 2021 is 36%, increasing from $2,364,681 thousand to $3,208,323 thousand.

The revenue growth of Uber from 2020 to 2021 was 57%, or 54% on a constant currency basis, while the revenue growth of Lyft from 2020 to 2021 was 36%. This means that Uber had a higher revenue growth than Lyft from 2020 to 2021.