DuckDB offers a Swift API. See the announcement post for details.
Instantiating DuckDB
DuckDB supports both in-memory and persistent databases. To work with an in-memory datatabase, run:
let database = try Database(store: .inMemory)
To work with a persistent database, run:
let database = try Database(store: .file(at: "test.db"))
Queries can be issued through a database connection.
let connection = try database.connect()
DuckDB supports multiple connections per database.
Application Example
The rest of the page is based on the example of our announcement post, which uses raw data from NASA's Exoplanet Archive loaded directly into DuckDB.
Creating an Application-Specific Type
We first create an application-specific type that we'll use to house our database and connection and through which we'll eventually define our app-specific queries.
import DuckDB
final class ExoplanetStore {
let database: Database
let connection: Connection
init(database: Database, connection: Connection) {
self.database = database
self.connection = connection
Loading a CSV File
We load the data from NASA's Exoplanet Archive:
wget,+disc_year+from+pscomppars&format=csv -O downloaded_exoplanets.csv
Once we have our CSV downloaded locally, we can use the following SQL command to load it as a new table to DuckDB:
CREATE TABLE exoplanets AS
SELECT * FROM read_csv('downloaded_exoplanets.csv');
Let's package this up as a new asynchronous factory method on our ExoplanetStore
import DuckDB
import Foundation
final class ExoplanetStore {
// Factory method to create and prepare a new ExoplanetStore
static func create() async throws -> ExoplanetStore {
// Create our database and connection as described above
let database = try Database(store: .inMemory)
let connection = try database.connect()
// Download the CSV from the exoplanet archive
let (csvFileURL, _) = try await
from: URL(string: ",+disc_year+from+pscomppars&format=csv")!)
// Issue our first query to DuckDB
try connection.execute("""
CREATE TABLE exoplanets AS
SELECT * FROM read_csv('\(csvFileURL.path)');
// Create our pre-populated ExoplanetStore instance
return ExoplanetStore(
database: database,
connection: connection
// Let's make the initializer we defined previously
// private. This prevents anyone accidentally instantiating
// the store without having pre-loaded our Exoplanet CSV
// into the database
private init(database: Database, connection: Connection) {
Querying the Database
The following example queires DuckDB from within Swift via an async function. This means the callee won't be blocked while the query is executing. We'll then cast the result columns to Swift native types using DuckDB's ResultSet
family of methods, before finally wrapping them up in a DataFrame
from the TabularData framework.
import TabularData
extension ExoplanetStore {
// Retrieves the number of exoplanets discovered by year
func groupedByDiscoveryYear() async throws -> DataFrame {
// Issue the query we described above
let result = try connection.query("""
SELECT disc_year, count(disc_year) AS Count
FROM exoplanets
GROUP BY disc_year
ORDER BY disc_year
// Cast our DuckDB columns to their native Swift
// equivalent types
let discoveryYearColumn = result[0].cast(to: Int.self)
let countColumn = result[1].cast(to: Int.self)
// Use our DuckDB columns to instantiate TabularData
// columns and populate a TabularData DataFrame
return DataFrame(columns: [
Complete Project
For the complete example project, clone the DuckDB Swift repo and open up the runnable app project located in Examples/SwiftUI/ExoplanetExplorer.xcodeproj