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1.1.3 (stable)
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Swift API

DuckDB 提供了一个 Swift API。详情请参阅公告帖子

实例化 DuckDB

DuckDB 支持内存数据库和持久数据库。 要使用内存数据库,请运行:

let database = try Database(store: .inMemory)


let database = try Database(store: .file(at: "test.db"))


let connection = try database.connect()

DuckDB 支持每个数据库的多个连接。





import DuckDB

final class ExoplanetStore {

  let database: Database
  let connection: Connection

  init(database: Database, connection: Connection) {
    self.database = database
    self.connection = connection



wget https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/TAP/sync?query=select+pl_name+,+disc_year+from+pscomppars&format=csv -O downloaded_exoplanets.csv


CREATE TABLE exoplanets AS
    SELECT * FROM read_csv('downloaded_exoplanets.csv');


import DuckDB
import Foundation

final class ExoplanetStore {

  // Factory method to create and prepare a new ExoplanetStore
  static func create() async throws -> ExoplanetStore {

  // Create our database and connection as described above
    let database = try Database(store: .inMemory)
    let connection = try database.connect()

  // Download the CSV from the exoplanet archive
  let (csvFileURL, _) = try await URLSession.shared.download(
    from: URL(string: "https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/TAP/sync?query=select+pl_name+,+disc_year+from+pscomppars&format=csv")!)

  // Issue our first query to DuckDB
  try connection.execute("""
      CREATE TABLE exoplanets AS
          SELECT * FROM read_csv('\(csvFileURL.path)');

  // Create our pre-populated ExoplanetStore instance
    return ExoplanetStore(
    database: database,
      connection: connection

  // Let's make the initializer we defined previously
  // private. This prevents anyone accidentally instantiating
  // the store without having pre-loaded our Exoplanet CSV
  // into the database
  private init(database: Database, connection: Connection) {


以下示例通过异步函数在Swift中查询DuckDB。这意味着在查询执行时,调用者不会被阻塞。然后,我们将使用DuckDB的ResultSet cast(to:)系列方法将结果列转换为Swift原生类型,最后将它们包装在TabularData框架的DataFrame中。


import TabularData

extension ExoplanetStore {

  // Retrieves the number of exoplanets discovered by year
  func groupedByDiscoveryYear() async throws -> DataFrame {

  // Issue the query we described above
    let result = try connection.query("""
      SELECT disc_year, count(disc_year) AS Count
        FROM exoplanets
        GROUP BY disc_year
        ORDER BY disc_year

    // Cast our DuckDB columns to their native Swift
    // equivalent types
    let discoveryYearColumn = result[0].cast(to: Int.self)
    let countColumn = result[1].cast(to: Int.self)

    // Use our DuckDB columns to instantiate TabularData
    // columns and populate a TabularData DataFrame
    return DataFrame(columns: [

Complete Project

要获取完整的示例项目,请克隆DuckDB Swift 仓库并打开位于Examples/SwiftUI/ExoplanetExplorer.xcodeproj中的可运行应用程序项目。