- class langchain_community.document_loaders.dedoc.DedocAPIFileLoader(file_path: str, *, url: str = '', split: str = 'document', with_tables: bool = True, with_attachments: str | bool = False, recursion_deep_attachments: int = 10, pdf_with_text_layer: str = 'auto_tabby', language: str = 'rus+eng', pages: str = ':', is_one_column_document: str = 'auto', document_orientation: str = 'auto', need_header_footer_analysis: str | bool = False, need_binarization: str | bool = False, need_pdf_table_analysis: str | bool = True, delimiter: str | None = None, encoding: str | None = None)[source]#
使用dedoc API加载文件。 文件加载器会自动检测文件类型(即使扩展名错误)。 默认情况下,加载器会调用本地托管的dedoc API。 有关dedoc API的更多信息可以在dedoc文档中找到:
请参阅 DedocBaseLoader 的文档以获取更多详细信息。
- Setup:
您不需要安装dedoc库来使用此加载器。 相反,需要运行dedoc API。 为此,您可以使用Docker容器。 请参阅dedoc文档以获取更多详细信息:
docker pull dedocproject/dedoc docker run -p 1231:1231
- Instantiate:
from langchain_community.document_loaders import DedocAPIFileLoader loader = DedocAPIFileLoader( file_path="example.pdf", # url=..., # split=..., # with_tables=..., # pdf_with_text_layer=..., # pages=..., # ... )
- Load:
docs = loader.load() print(docs[0].page_content[:100]) print(docs[0].metadata)
Some text { 'file_name': 'example.pdf', 'file_type': 'application/pdf', # ... }
- Lazy load:
docs = [] docs_lazy = loader.lazy_load() for doc in docs_lazy: docs.append(doc) print(docs[0].page_content[:100]) print(docs[0].metadata)
Some text { 'file_name': 'example.pdf', 'file_type': 'application/pdf', # ... }
使用文件路径、API URL 和解析参数进行初始化。
- Parameters:
file_path (str) – 用于处理的文件路径
url (str) – 调用 dedoc API 的 URL
split (str) –
文档分割成部分的类型(每个部分单独返回),默认值为“document” “document”:文档作为单个langchain Document对象返回
“page”:将文档分割成页面(适用于PDF、DJVU、PPTX、PPT、ODP) “node”:将文档分割成树节点(标题节点、列表项节点、
with_tables (bool) – 将表格添加到结果中 - 每个表格作为一个单独的 langchain Document 对象返回
dedoc (Parameters used for document parsing via) –
with_attachments: enable attached files extraction recursion_deep_attachments: recursion level for attached files
extraction, works only when with_attachments==True
- pdf_with_text_layer: type of handler for parsing PDF documents,
available options [“true”, “false”, “tabby”, “auto”, “auto_tabby” (default)]
- language: language of the document for PDF without a textual layer and
images, available options [“eng”, “rus”, “rus+eng” (default)], the list of languages can be extended, please see
pages: page slice to define the reading range for parsing PDF documents is_one_column_document: detect number of columns for PDF without
a textual layer and images, available options [“true”, “false”, “auto” (default)]
- document_orientation: fix document orientation (90, 180, 270 degrees)
for PDF without a textual layer and images, available options [“auto” (default), “no_change”]
- need_header_footer_analysis: remove headers and footers from the output
result for parsing PDF and images
- need_binarization: clean pages background (binarize) for PDF without a
textual layer and images
- need_pdf_table_analysis: parse tables for PDF without a textual layer
and images
delimiter: column separator for CSV, TSV files encoding: encoding of TXT, CSV, TSV
with_attachments (str | bool)
recursion_deep_attachments (int)
pdf_with_text_layer (str)
language (str)
pages (str)
is_one_column_document (str)
document_orientation (str)
need_header_footer_analysis (str | bool)
need_binarization (str | bool)
need_pdf_table_analysis (str | bool)
delimiter (str | None)
encoding (str | None)
(file_path, *[, url, split, ...])使用文件路径、API URL 和解析参数进行初始化。
- __init__(file_path: str, *, url: str = '', split: str = 'document', with_tables: bool = True, with_attachments: str | bool = False, recursion_deep_attachments: int = 10, pdf_with_text_layer: str = 'auto_tabby', language: str = 'rus+eng', pages: str = ':', is_one_column_document: str = 'auto', document_orientation: str = 'auto', need_header_footer_analysis: str | bool = False, need_binarization: str | bool = False, need_pdf_table_analysis: str | bool = True, delimiter: str | None = None, encoding: str | None = None) None [来源]#
使用文件路径、API URL 和解析参数进行初始化。
- Parameters:
file_path (str) – 用于处理的文件路径
url (str) – 调用 dedoc API 的 URL
split (str) –
文档分割成部分的类型(每个部分单独返回),默认值为“document” “document”:文档作为单个langchain Document对象返回
“page”:将文档分割成页面(适用于PDF、DJVU、PPTX、PPT、ODP) “node”:将文档分割成树节点(标题节点、列表项节点、
with_tables (bool) – 将表格添加到结果中 - 每个表格作为一个单独的 langchain Document 对象返回
dedoc (Parameters used for document parsing via) –
with_attachments: enable attached files extraction recursion_deep_attachments: recursion level for attached files
extraction, works only when with_attachments==True
- pdf_with_text_layer: type of handler for parsing PDF documents,
available options [“true”, “false”, “tabby”, “auto”, “auto_tabby” (default)]
- language: language of the document for PDF without a textual layer and
images, available options [“eng”, “rus”, “rus+eng” (default)], the list of languages can be extended, please see
pages: page slice to define the reading range for parsing PDF documents is_one_column_document: detect number of columns for PDF without
a textual layer and images, available options [“true”, “false”, “auto” (default)]
- document_orientation: fix document orientation (90, 180, 270 degrees)
for PDF without a textual layer and images, available options [“auto” (default), “no_change”]
- need_header_footer_analysis: remove headers and footers from the output
result for parsing PDF and images
- need_binarization: clean pages background (binarize) for PDF without a
textual layer and images
- need_pdf_table_analysis: parse tables for PDF without a textual layer
and images
delimiter: column separator for CSV, TSV files encoding: encoding of TXT, CSV, TSV
with_attachments (str | bool)
recursion_deep_attachments (int)
pdf_with_text_layer (str)
language (str)
pages (str)
is_one_column_document (str)
document_orientation (str)
need_header_footer_analysis (str | bool)
need_binarization (str | bool)
need_pdf_table_analysis (str | bool)
delimiter (str | None)
encoding (str | None)
- Return type:
- load_and_split(text_splitter: TextSplitter | None = None) list[Document] #
- Parameters:
text_splitter (可选[TextSplitter]) – 用于分割文档的TextSplitter实例。 默认为RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter。
- Returns:
- Return type:
使用 DedocAPIFileLoader 的示例