
! [ -e /content ] && pip install -Uqq fastai  # 在Colab上升级fastai

::: {#cell-2 .cell 0=‘d’ 1=‘e’ 2=‘f’ 3=‘a’ 4=‘u’ 5=‘l’ 6=‘t’ 7=’_’ 8=‘e’ 9=‘x’ 10=‘p’ 11=’ ’ 12=‘v’ 13=‘i’ 14=‘s’ 15=‘i’ 16=‘o’ 17=‘n’ 18=‘.’ 19=‘a’ 20=‘u’ 21=‘g’ 22=‘m’ 23=‘e’ 24=‘n’ 25=‘t’}

### 默认类级别 3



from __future__ import annotations
from fastai.data.all import *
from fastai.vision.core import *
from fastai.vision.data import *
from nbdev.showdoc import *
from torch import stack, zeros_like as t0, ones_like as t1
from torch.distributions.bernoulli import Bernoulli
img = PILImage(PILImage.create(TEST_IMAGE).resize((600,400)))


class RandTransform(DisplayedTransform):
    "A transform that before_call its state at each `__call__`"
    do,nm,supports,split_idx = True,None,[],0
    def __init__(self, 
        p:float=1., # 应用变换的概率
        before_call:callable=None, # 可选的批处理预处理函数
        self.before_call = ifnone(before_call,self.before_call)

    def before_call(self, 
        split_idx:int, # 列车/验证数据集索引
        "This function can be overridden. Set `self.do` based on `self.p`"
        self.do = self.p==1. or random.random() < self.p

    def __call__(self, 
        split_idx:int=None, # 列车/验证数据集索引
        self.before_call(b, split_idx=split_idx)
        return super().__call__(b, split_idx=split_idx, **kwargs) if self.do else b

对于所有的 Transform,您可以在初始化时传递 encodesdecodes,或者通过子类化并实现它们。您可以对每次 __call__ 调用时被调用的 before_call 方法做同样的操作。请注意,为了确保输入和目标的一致状态,RandTransform 必须在元组级别应用。

默认情况下,before_call 的行为是以概率 p 执行变换(如果是子类化并想要调节该行为,则会检查属性 self.do,如果存在的话,用于决定是否执行变换)。


默认情况下,RandTransform 仅应用于训练集,因此如果您直接调用它而不是通过 Datasets,则必须传递 split_idx=0。通过将变换的属性 split_idx 设置为 None,可以更改这种行为。

<function __main__.RandTransform.before_call(self, b, split_idx: 'int')>



 RandTransform.before_call (b, split_idx:int)

This function can be overridden. Set self.do based on self.p

Type Details
split_idx int Index of the train/valid dataset
def _add1(x): return x+1
dumb_tfm = RandTransform(enc=_add1, p=0.5)
start,d1,d2 = 2,False,False
for _ in range(40):
    t = dumb_tfm(start, split_idx=0)
    if dumb_tfm.do: test_eq(t, start+1); d1=True
    else:           test_eq(t, start)  ; d2=True
assert d1 and d2
_add1 -- {'p': 0.5}:
encodes: (object,object) -> _add1decodes: 


def _neg_axis(x, axis):
    x[...,axis] = -x[...,axis]
    return x

TensorTypes = (TensorImage,TensorMask,TensorPoint,TensorBBox)
def flip_lr(x:Image.Image): return x.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
def flip_lr(x:TensorImageBase): return x.flip(-1)
def flip_lr(x:TensorPoint): return TensorPoint(_neg_axis(x.clone(), 0))
def flip_lr(x:TensorBBox):  return TensorBBox(TensorPoint(x.view(-1,2)).flip_lr().view(-1,4))
_,axs = subplots(1,2)
show_image(img, ctx=axs[0], title='original')
show_image(img.flip_lr(), ctx=axs[1], title='flipped');
/var/folders/fk/s29n0g1x4qnbp5h0xvh8dsnm0000gn/T/ipykernel_5338/3686934465.py:3: DeprecationWarning: FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 (2023-07-01). Use Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT instead.
  def flip_lr(x:Image.Image): return x.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)

def _pnt2tensor(pnts, sz):
    t = torch.zeros(*sz)
    for p in pnts: t[p[1],p[0]] = 1.
    return t

t = _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [2,1]], (3,3))
x = PILImage.create(t)
y = x.flip_lr()
test_eq(tensor(array(y)), _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [0,1]], (3,3)))

pnts = TensorPoint(tensor([[1.,0], [2,1]]) -1)
test_eq(pnts.flip_lr(), tensor([[1.,0], [0,1]]) -1)

bbox = TensorBBox((tensor([[1.,0., 2.,1]]) -1))
test_eq(bbox.flip_lr(), tensor([[1.,0., 0.,1]]) -1)
/var/folders/fk/s29n0g1x4qnbp5h0xvh8dsnm0000gn/T/ipykernel_5338/3686934465.py:3: DeprecationWarning: FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT is deprecated and will be removed in Pillow 10 (2023-07-01). Use Transpose.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT instead.
  def flip_lr(x:Image.Image): return x.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT)
class FlipItem(RandTransform):
    "Randomly flip with probability `p`"
    def __init__(self, p:float=0.5): super().__init__(p=p)
    def encodes(self, x:(Image.Image,*TensorTypes)): return x.flip_lr()

调用 @patch 修饰的 flip_lr 行为用于 ImageTensorImageTensorPointTensorBBox

tflip = FlipItem(p=1.)
test_eq(tflip(bbox,split_idx=0), tensor([[1.,0., 0.,1]]) -1)
def dihedral(x:PILImage, 
    k:int, # 应用二面角变换
    return x if k==0 else x.transpose(k-1)
def dihedral(x:TensorImage,
    k:int, # 应用二面角变换
    if k in [1,3,4,7]: x = x.flip(-1)
    if k in [2,4,5,7]: x = x.flip(-2)
    if k in [3,5,6,7]: x = x.transpose(-1,-2)
    return x
def dihedral(x:TensorPoint, 
    k:int, # 应用二面角变换
    if k in [1,3,4,7]: x = _neg_axis(x, 0)
    if k in [2,4,5,7]: x = _neg_axis(x, 1)
    if k in [3,5,6,7]: x = x.flip(1)
    return x
def dihedral(x:TensorBBox, 
    k:int, #应用二面角变换
    pnts = TensorPoint(x.view(-1,2)).dihedral(k).view(-1,2,2)
    tl,br = pnts.min(dim=1)[0],pnts.max(dim=1)[0]
    return TensorBBox(torch.cat([tl, br], dim=1), img_size=x.img_size)
class DihedralItem(RandTransform):
    "Randomly flip with probability `p`"
    def before_call(self, b, split_idx):
        super().before_call(b, split_idx)
        self.k = random.randint(0,7)

    def encodes(self, x:(Image.Image,*TensorTypes)): return x.dihedral(self.k)

调用 @patch 修饰的 PILImageTensorImageTensorPointTensorBBox 的二面体变换行为。

默认情况下,应用变换时这 8 种二面体变换(包括无操作)的被选中概率相同。您可以通过传递自定义的 draw 函数来定制此行为。要强制进行特定的翻转,您也可以传递一个介于 0 和 7 之间的整数。

_,axs = subplots(2, 4)
for ax in axs.flatten():
    show_image(DihedralItem(p=1.)(img, split_idx=0), ctx=ax)

t = _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [2,1]], (3,3))
x = PILImage.create(t)
for i in range(8):
    y = x.dihedral(i)
    res = tensor(array(y))
    pnts = TensorPoint(tensor([[1.,0.], [2,1]]) -1)
    a,b = pnts.dihedral(i), res.nonzero().flip(1).float()-1
    assert equals(a,b) or equals(a,b.flip(0))


from torchvision.transforms.functional import pad as tvpad
mk_class('PadMode', **{o:o.lower() for o in ['Zeros', 'Border', 'Reflection']},
         doc="All possible padding mode as attributes to get tab-completion and typo-proofing")
_all_ = ['PadMode']
show_doc(PadMode, title_level=3)


 PadMode (*args, **kwargs)

All possible padding mode as attributes to get tab-completion and typo-proofing

_pad_modes = {'zeros': 'constant', 'border': 'edge', 'reflection': 'reflect'}

def _do_crop_pad(x:Image.Image, sz, tl, orig_sz,
                 pad_mode=PadMode.Zeros, resize_mode=BILINEAR, resize_to=None):
    if any(tl.ge(0)) or any(tl.add(sz).le(orig_sz)):
        # 图像中至少有一个暗部,因此需要进行裁剪。
        c = tl.max(0)
        x = x.crop((*c, *tl.add(sz).min(orig_sz)))
    if any(tl.lt(0)) or any(tl.add(sz).ge(orig_sz)):
        # 至少有一个维度在图像之外,因此需要进行填充。
        p = (-tl).max(0)
        f = (sz-orig_sz).add(tl).max(0)
        x = tvpad(x, (*p, *f), padding_mode=_pad_modes[pad_mode])
    if resize_to is not None: x = x.resize(resize_to, resize_mode)
    return x

def _do_crop_pad(x:TensorPoint, sz, tl, orig_sz, pad_mode=PadMode.Zeros, resize_to=None, **kwargs):
    #断言 pad_mode 等于 PadMode.Zeros,"Only zero padding is supported for `TensorPoint` and `TensorBBox`"
    orig_sz,sz,tl = map(FloatTensor, (orig_sz,sz,tl))
    return TensorPoint((x+1)*orig_sz/sz - tl*2/sz - 1, sz=sz if resize_to is None else resize_to)

def _do_crop_pad(x:TensorBBox, sz, tl, orig_sz, pad_mode=PadMode.Zeros, resize_to=None, **kwargs):
    bbox = TensorPoint._do_crop_pad(x.view(-1,2), sz, tl, orig_sz, pad_mode, resize_to).view(-1,4)
    return TensorBBox(bbox, img_size=x.img_size)

def crop_pad(x:TensorBBox|TensorPoint|Image.Image,
    sz:int|tuple, # 输入的裁剪/填充尺寸,如果只指定一个值则重复使用
    tl:tuple=None, # 裁剪/填充的可选左上角坐标,如果为 `None`,则进行中心裁剪
    orig_sz:tuple=None, # 输入的原始大小
    pad_mode:PadMode=PadMode.Zeros, # Fastai填充模式
    resize_mode=BILINEAR, # Pillow `Image` 调整大小模式
    resize_to:tuple=None # 可选的输入后裁剪/填充调整大小
    if isinstance(sz,int): sz = (sz,sz)
    orig_sz = fastuple(_get_sz(x) if orig_sz is None else orig_sz)
    sz,tl = fastuple(sz),fastuple(((_get_sz(x)-sz)//2) if tl is None else tl)
    return x._do_crop_pad(sz, tl, orig_sz=orig_sz, pad_mode=pad_mode, resize_mode=resize_mode, resize_to=resize_to)
def _process_sz(size):
    if isinstance(size,int): size=(size,size)
    return fastuple(size[1],size[0])

def _get_sz(x):
    if isinstance(x, tuple): x = x[0]
    if not isinstance(x, Tensor): return fastuple(x.size)
    return fastuple(getattr(x, 'img_size', getattr(x, 'sz', (x.shape[-1], x.shape[-2]))))
class CropPad(DisplayedTransform):
    "Center crop or pad an image to `size`"
    order = 0
    def __init__(self, 
        size:int|tuple, # 裁剪或填充的目标尺寸,若指定一个值则重复使用
        pad_mode:PadMode=PadMode.Zeros, # 一个 `PadMode`
        size = _process_sz(size)

    def encodes(self, x:Image.Image|TensorBBox|TensorPoint):
        orig_sz = _get_sz(x)
        tl = (orig_sz-self.size)//2
        return x.crop_pad(self.size, tl, orig_sz=orig_sz, pad_mode=self.pad_mode)

调用 @patchcrop_pad 行为适用于 ImageTensorImageTensorPointTensorBBox

_,axs = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(12,4))
for ax,sz in zip(axs.flatten(), [300, 500, 700]):
    show_image(img.crop_pad(sz), ctx=ax, title=f'Size {sz}');
(300, 300)
(500, 500)
(700, 700)

_,axs = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(12,4))
for ax,mode in zip(axs.flatten(), [PadMode.Zeros, PadMode.Border, PadMode.Reflection]):
    show_image(img.crop_pad((600,700), pad_mode=mode), ctx=ax, title=mode);

ta = torch.empty(16,16).uniform_(0,1)
tb = torch.empty(20,20).uniform_(0,1)
x1 = PILImage.create(ta)
x2 = PILImage.create(tb)
crop = CropPad(10)
y1,y2 = crop((x1,x2))
test_eq(y1.size, (10,10))
test_eq(y2.size, (10,10))
test_eq(tensor(array(y1)), ta[3:13,3:13])
test_eq(tensor(array(y2)), tb[5:15,5:15])
t = torch.empty(20,16).uniform_(0,1)
x = PILImage.create(t)
crop = CropPad(10)
y = crop(x)
test_eq(y.size, (10,10))
test_eq(tensor(array(y)), t[5:15,3:13])

pts = TensorPoint(torch.tensor([[-1,-1], [-0.5,-0.5], [0.,0.]]), img_size=(16,20))
y,p1 = crop((x,pts))
test_eq(p1, torch.tensor([[-1.6, -2], [-0.8,-1], [0,0]]))
t = torch.empty(10,8).uniform_(0,1)
x = PILImage.create(t)
crop = CropPad(12)
y = crop(x)
test_eq(y.size, (12,12))
test_eq(tensor(array(y))[1:11,2:10], t)

pts = TensorPoint(torch.tensor([[-1,-1], [-0.5,-0.5], [0.,0.]]), img_size=(8,10))
y,p1 = crop((x,pts))
test_close(p1, torch.tensor([[-2/3, -5/6], [-1/3,-5/12], [0,0]]))
# 裁剪和填充测试
t = torch.empty(10,10).uniform_(0,1)
x = PILImage.create(t)
y1 = x.crop_pad((5, 5), (-2, 2))
y2 = x.crop_pad((5, 5), (8, 2))
y3 = x.crop_pad((5, 5), (-1, -1))
test_eq(y1.shape, (5, 5))
test_eq(y2.shape, (5, 5))
test_eq(y3.shape, (5, 5))
test_eq(tensor(array(y1))[:, 2:], t[2:7, 0:3])
test_eq(tensor(array(y2))[:, :2], t[2:7, 8:])
test_eq(tensor(array(y3))[1:, 1:], t[:4, :4])

随机裁剪 -

class RandomCrop(RandTransform):
    "Randomly crop an image to `size`"
    split_idx,order = None,1
    def __init__(self, 
        size:int|tuple, # 裁剪尺寸,若指定一个值则重复使用
        size = _process_sz(size)

    def before_call(self, 
        split_idx:int # 列车/验证数据集索引
        "Randomly positioning crop if train dataset else center crop"
        self.orig_sz = _get_sz(b)
        if split_idx: self.tl = (self.orig_sz-self.size)//2
            wd = self.orig_sz[0] - self.size[0]
            hd = self.orig_sz[1] - self.size[1]
            w_rand = (wd, -1) if wd < 0 else (0, wd)
            h_rand = (hd, -1) if hd < 0 else (0, hd)
            self.tl = fastuple(random.randint(*w_rand), random.randint(*h_rand))

    def encodes(self, x:Image.Image|TensorBBox|TensorPoint):
        return x.crop_pad(self.size, self.tl, orig_sz=self.orig_sz)



 RandomCrop (size:int|tuple, **kwargs)

Randomly crop an image to size

Type Details
size int | tuple Size to crop to, duplicated if one value is specified
class OldRandomCrop(CropPad):
    "Randomly crop an image to `size`"
    def before_call(self, b, split_idx):
        super().before_call(b, split_idx)
        w,h = self.orig_sz
        if not split_idx: self.tl = (random.randint(0,w-self.cp_size[0]), random.randint(0,h-self.cp_size[1]))
_,axs = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(12,4))
f = RandomCrop(200)
for ax in axs: show_image(f(img), ctx=ax);


_,axs = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(12,4))
for ax in axs: show_image(f(img, split_idx=1), ctx=ax);

large_sz = 25
t = torch.empty(20, 16, 3).uniform_(0,255).type(torch.uint8)
x = PILImage.create(t)
crop = RandomCrop(large_sz)
y = crop(x, split_idx=0)
test_eq(y.size, (large_sz,large_sz))
test_eq(tensor(y)[:-crop.tl[1], :-crop.tl[0], :].sum(), 0)

small_sz = 10
crop = RandomCrop(small_sz)
y = crop(x, split_idx=0)
test_eq(y.size, (small_sz,small_sz))
test_eq(tensor(array(y)), t[crop.tl[1]:crop.tl[1]+small_sz,crop.tl[0]:crop.tl[0]+small_sz])

pts = TensorPoint(torch.tensor([[-1,-1], [-0.5,-0.5], [0.,0.]]))
y,p1 = crop((x,pts), split_idx=0)
test_eq(p1, (pts+1) * tensor([1.6,2.]) - tensor(crop.tl).float()/5 - 1)
#测试 这是验证集上的中心裁剪
y = crop(x, split_idx=1)
test_eq(y.size, (10,10))
test_eq(tensor(array(y)), t[5:15,3:13])
mk_class('ResizeMethod', **{o:o.lower() for o in ['Squish', 'Crop', 'Pad']},
         doc="All possible resize method as attributes to get tab-completion and typo-proofing")
_all_ = ['ResizeMethod']
show_doc(ResizeMethod, title_level=3)


 ResizeMethod (*args, **kwargs)

All possible resize method as attributes to get tab-completion and typo-proofing

test_eq(ResizeMethod.Squish, 'squish')

调整大小 -

class Resize(RandTransform):
    split_idx,mode,mode_mask,order = None,BILINEAR,NEAREST,1
    "Resize image to `size` using `method`"
    def __init__(self, 
        size:int|tuple, # 调整后的尺寸,若指定一个值则重复使用
        method:ResizeMethod=ResizeMethod.Crop, # 一个 `ResizeMethod`
        pad_mode:PadMode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        resamples=(BILINEAR, NEAREST), # Pillow 的 `Image` 类提供了重采样模式,用于对掩码进行重采样。
        size = _process_sz(size)
        self.mode,self.mode_mask = resamples

    def before_call(self, 
        split_idx:int # 列车/验证数据集索引
        if self.method==ResizeMethod.Squish: return
        self.pcts = (0.5,0.5) if split_idx else (random.random(),random.random())

    def encodes(self, x:Image.Image|TensorBBox|TensorPoint):
        orig_sz = _get_sz(x)
        if self.method==ResizeMethod.Squish:
            return x.crop_pad(orig_sz, fastuple(0,0), orig_sz=orig_sz, pad_mode=self.pad_mode,
                   resize_mode=self.mode_mask if isinstance(x,PILMask) else self.mode, resize_to=self.size)

        w,h = orig_sz
        op = (operator.lt,operator.gt)[self.method==ResizeMethod.Pad]
        m = w/self.size[0] if op(w/self.size[0],h/self.size[1]) else h/self.size[1]
        cp_sz = (int(m*self.size[0]),int(m*self.size[1]))
        tl = fastuple(int(self.pcts[0]*(w-cp_sz[0])), int(self.pcts[1]*(h-cp_sz[1])))
        return x.crop_pad(cp_sz, tl, orig_sz=orig_sz, pad_mode=self.pad_mode,
                   resize_mode=self.mode_mask if isinstance(x,PILMask) else self.mode, resize_to=self.size)

size 可以是一个整数(在这种情况下,图像将被调整为正方形)或者一个元组。根据 method: - 我们将任何矩形挤压到 size - 我们调整大小,使得较短的维度匹配,并使用 pad_mode 进行填充 - 我们调整大小,使得较大的维度匹配并裁剪(在训练集上随机裁剪,在验证集上居中裁剪)

在进行调整大小时,我们对图像使用 resamples[0],对分割掩码使用 resamples[1]

_,axs = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(12,4))
for ax,method in zip(axs.flatten(), [ResizeMethod.Squish, ResizeMethod.Pad, ResizeMethod.Crop]):
    rsz = Resize(256, method=method)
    show_image(rsz(img, split_idx=0), ctx=ax, title=method);


_,axs = plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(12,4))
for ax,method in zip(axs.flatten(), [ResizeMethod.Squish, ResizeMethod.Pad, ResizeMethod.Crop]):
    rsz = Resize(256, method=method)
    show_image(rsz(img, split_idx=1), ctx=ax, title=method);

t = torch.empty(20,16).uniform_(0,1)
x = PILImage.create(t)
rsz = Resize(10)
y = rsz(x, split_idx=0)
test_eq(y.size, (10,10))

y = rsz(x, split_idx=1)
test_eq(y.size, (10,10))

随机调整大小裁剪 -

class RandomResizedCrop(RandTransform):
    "Picks a random scaled crop of an image and resize it to `size`"
    split_idx,order = None,1
    def __init__(self, 
         size:int|tuple, # 最终尺寸,若指定一个值则重复。 
         min_scale:float=0.08, # 作物相对于图像区域的最小比例
         ratio=(3/4, 4/3), # 输出宽高比范围
         resamples=(BILINEAR, NEAREST), # Pillow `Image` 重采样模式,用于掩码的重采样[1]
         val_xtra:float=0.14, # 验证集中边缘裁剪尺寸的比例
         max_scale:float=1., # 裁剪的最大比例,相对于图像区域
        size = _process_sz(size)
        self.mode,self.mode_mask = resamples

    def before_call(self, 
        split_idx # 列车/验证数据集索引
        w,h = self.orig_sz = _get_sz(b)
        if split_idx:
            xtra = math.ceil(max(*self.size[:2])*self.val_xtra/8)*8
            self.final_size = (self.size[0]+xtra, self.size[1]+xtra)
            self.tl,self.cp_size = (0,0),self.orig_sz
        self.final_size = self.size
        for attempt in range(10):
            area = random.uniform(self.min_scale, self.max_scale) * w * h
            ratio = math.exp(random.uniform(math.log(self.ratio[0]), math.log(self.ratio[1])))
            nw = int(round(math.sqrt(area * ratio)))
            nh = int(round(math.sqrt(area / ratio)))
            if nw <= w and nh <= h:
                self.cp_size = (nw,nh)
                self.tl = random.randint(0,w-nw), random.randint(0,h - nh)
        if   w/h < self.ratio[0]: self.cp_size = (w, int(w/self.ratio[0]))
        elif w/h > self.ratio[1]: self.cp_size = (int(h*self.ratio[1]), h)
        else:                     self.cp_size = (w, h)
        self.tl = ((w-self.cp_size[0])//2, (h-self.cp_size[1])//2)

    def encodes(self, x:Image.Image|TensorBBox|TensorPoint):
        res = x.crop_pad(self.cp_size, self.tl, orig_sz=self.orig_sz,
            resize_mode=self.mode_mask if isinstance(x,PILMask) else self.mode, resize_to=self.final_size)
        if self.final_size != self.size: res = res.crop_pad(self.size) #验证集:最终的中心裁剪
        return res

作物随机选择一个范围为 (min_scale,max_scale) 的缩放比例和一个范围内的比例,然后使用 resamples[0] 对图像进行调整大小,使用 resamples[1] 对分割掩码进行调整大小。在验证集上,如果图像的比例不在范围内(达到最小值或最大值),则进行中心裁剪,然后调整大小。

crop = RandomResizedCrop(256)
_,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(9,9))
for ax in axs.flatten():
    cropped = crop(img)
    show_image(cropped, ctx=ax);

test_eq(cropped.shape, [256,256])


_,axs = subplots(1,3)
for ax in axs.flatten(): show_image(crop(img, split_idx=1), ctx=ax);


small_crop = RandomResizedCrop(256, min_scale=0.05, max_scale=0.15)
_,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(9,9))
for ax in axs.flatten():
    cropped = small_crop(img)
    show_image(cropped, ctx=ax);

test_eq(cropped.shape, [256,256])

RatioResize -

class RatioResize(DisplayedTransform):
    'Resizes the biggest dimension of an image to `max_sz` maintaining the aspect ratio'
    order = 1
    def __init__(self, 
        max_sz: int, # 调整大小后的图像的最大尺寸 
        resamples=(BILINEAR, NEAREST), # Pillow `Image` 重采样模式,用于掩码的重采样[1]

    def encodes(self, x:Image.Image|TensorBBox|TensorPoint):
        w,h = _get_sz(x)
        if w >= h: nw,nh = self.max_sz,h*self.max_sz/w
        else:      nw,nh = w*self.max_sz/h,self.max_sz
        return Resize(size=(int(nh),int(nw)), resamples=self.resamples)(x)

test_eq(RatioResize(256)(img).size[0], 256)
test_eq(RatioResize(256)(img.dihedral(3)).size[1], 256)


timg = TensorImage(array(img)).permute(2,0,1).float()/255.
def _batch_ex(bs): return TensorImage(timg[None].expand(bs, *timg.shape).clone())
def _init_mat(x):
    mat = torch.eye(3, device=x.device).float()
    return mat.unsqueeze(0).expand(x.size(0), 3, 3).contiguous()

仿射坐标变换 -

使用 coords 中的坐标将 x 中的坐标映射到新的位置,以进行如 flip 等变换。最好使用 TensorImage.affine_coord,因为这将 _grid_sampleF.affine_grid 组合在一起,便于使用。使用 F.affine_grid 更容易生成 coords,因为这通常是一个大的 [H,W,2],其中 HW 是图像 x 的高度和宽度。

def _grid_sample(x, coords, mode='bilinear', padding_mode='reflection', align_corners=None):
    "Resample pixels in `coords` from `x` by `mode`, with `padding_mode` in ('reflection','border','zeros')."
    # #coords = coords.permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous().permute(0, 2, 3, 1) 优化布局以适应grid_sample
    if mode=='bilinear': # 获取更平滑向下采样的技巧
        mn,mx = coords.min(),coords.max()
        # max amount we're affine zooming by (>1 means zooming in)
        z = 1/(mx-mn).item()*2
        # amount we're resizing by, with 100% extra margin
        d = min(x.shape[-2]/coords.shape[-2], x.shape[-1]/coords.shape[-1])/2
        # If we're resizing up by >200%, and we're zooming less than that, interpolate first
        if d>1 and d>z:
            x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=1/d, mode='area', recompute_scale_factor=True)
    return F.grid_sample(x, coords, mode=mode, padding_mode=padding_mode, align_corners=align_corners)



在这里我们使用 _grid_sample,但不改变原始图像。注意 grid 中的坐标是如何映射到 img 中的坐标的。

img=_grid_sample(img, grid,align_corners=True)


img=_grid_sample(img, grid[None],align_corners=True)

接下来,我们将图像向上移动一个位置。默认情况下,_grid_sample 使用反射填充。

img=_grid_sample(img, grid,align_corners=True)

affine_coord 使我们能够更轻松地处理图像,因为它允许我们指定远比网格更小的 mat,而网格则要求我们为每个像素指定值。

def affine_grid(
    theta:Tensor, # 一批仿射变换矩阵
    size:tuple, # 输出尺寸 
    align_corners:bool=None # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    " Generates `TensorFlowField` from a transformation affine matrices `theta`"
    return TensorFlowField(F.affine_grid(theta, size, align_corners=align_corners))
def affine_coord(x: TensorImage, 
     mat:Tensor=None, # 一批仿射变换矩阵
     coord_tfm:callable=None, # 可组合坐标变换的部分功能
     sz:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
     mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `TensorImage`
     pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 应用于 `TensorImage` 的填充
     align_corners=True # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    "Apply affine and coordinate transforms to `TensorImage`"
    if mat is None and coord_tfm is None and sz is None: return x
    size = tuple(x.shape[-2:]) if sz is None else (sz,sz) if isinstance(sz,int) else tuple(sz)
    if mat is None: mat = _init_mat(x)[:,:2]
    coords = affine_grid(mat, x.shape[:2] + size, align_corners=align_corners)
    if coord_tfm is not None: coords = coord_tfm(coords)
    return TensorImage(_grid_sample(x, coords, mode=mode, padding_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners))

def affine_coord(x: TensorMask, 
    mat:Tensor=None, # 一批仿射变换矩阵
    coord_tfm:callable=None, # 可组合坐标变换的部分功能
    sz:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
    mode='nearest', # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `TensorMask`
    pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 应用于 `TensorMask` 的填充
    align_corners=True # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    "Apply affine and coordinate transforms to `TensorMask`"
    add_dim = (x.ndim==3)
    if add_dim: x = x[:,None]
    res = TensorImage.affine_coord(x.float(), mat, coord_tfm, sz, mode, pad_mode, align_corners).long()
    if add_dim: res = res[:,0]
    return TensorMask(res)

def affine_coord(x: TensorPoint, 
    mat:Tensor=None, # 一批仿射变换矩阵
    coord_tfm=None, # 可组合坐标变换的部分功能
    sz=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
    mode='nearest', # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `TensorPoint`
    pad_mode=PadMode.Zeros, # 应用于 `TensorPoint` 的填充
    align_corners=True # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    "Apply affine and coordinate transforms to `TensorPoint`"
    #断言 pad_mode 等于 PadMode.Zeros, "Only zero padding is supported for `TensorPoint` and `TensorBBox`"
    if sz is None: sz = getattr(x, "img_size", None)
    if coord_tfm is not None: x = coord_tfm(x, invert=True)
    if mat is not None:
        mat = TensorPoint(mat)
        x = (x - mat[:,:,2].unsqueeze(1)) @ torch.inverse(mat[:,:,:2].transpose(1,2))
    return TensorPoint(x, sz=sz)

def affine_coord(x: TensorBBox, 
    mat=None, # 一批仿射变换矩阵
    coord_tfm=None, # 可组合坐标变换的部分功能
    sz=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
    mode='nearest', # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `TensorBBox`
    pad_mode=PadMode.Zeros, # 应用于 `TensorBBox` 的填充
    align_corners=True # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    "Apply affine and coordinate transforms to `TensorBBox`"
    if mat is None and coord_tfm is None: return x
    if sz is None: sz = getattr(x, "img_size", None)
    bs,n = x.shape[:2]
    pnts = stack([x[...,:2], stack([x[...,0],x[...,3]],dim=2),
                  stack([x[...,2],x[...,1]],dim=2), x[...,2:]], dim=2)
    pnts = TensorPoint(pnts.view(bs, 4*n, 2), img_size=sz).affine_coord(mat, coord_tfm, sz, mode, pad_mode)
    pnts = pnts.view(bs, n, 4, 2)
    tl,dr = pnts.min(dim=2)[0],pnts.max(dim=2)[0]
    return TensorBBox(torch.cat([tl, dr], dim=2), img_size=sz)
def _prepare_mat(x, mat):
    h,w = getattr(x, 'img_size', x.shape[-2:])
    mat[:,0,1] *= h/w
    mat[:,1,0] *= w/h
    return mat[:,:2]
class AffineCoordTfm(RandTransform):
    "Combine and apply affine and coord transforms"
    order,split_idx = 30,None
    def __init__(self, 
        aff_fs:callable|MutableSequence=None, # 仿射变换作用于一批数据 
        coord_fs:callable|MutableSequence=None, # 批量坐标变换功能 
        size:int|tuple=None, # 如果只指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
        mode='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
        pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        mode_mask='nearest', # 遮罩重采样模式
        align_corners=None, # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
        self.aff_fs,self.coord_fs = L(aff_fs),L(coord_fs)
        self.cp_size = None if size is None else (size,size) if isinstance(size, int) else tuple(size)

    def before_call(self, 
        split_idx, # 列车/验证数据集索引
        while isinstance(b, tuple): b = b[0]
        self.split_idx = split_idx
        self.do,self.mat = True,self._get_affine_mat(b)
        for t in self.coord_fs: t.before_call(b)

    def compose(self, tfm):
        "Compose `self` with another `AffineCoordTfm` to only do the interpolation step once"
        # 待办事项:保持 `name` 与组合同步更新
        # 待办:添加选项以仅显示属性的子集,例如,对于 `Flip`
        self.aff_fs   += tfm.aff_fs
        self.coord_fs += tfm.coord_fs

    def _get_affine_mat(self, x):
        aff_m = _init_mat(x)
        if self.split_idx: return _prepare_mat(x, aff_m)
        ms = [f(x) for f in self.aff_fs]
        ms = [m for m in ms if m is not None]
        for m in ms: aff_m = aff_m @ m
        return _prepare_mat(x, aff_m)

    def _encode(self, x, mode, reverse=False):
        coord_func = None if len(self.coord_fs)==0 or self.split_idx else partial(compose_tfms, tfms=self.coord_fs, reverse=reverse)
        return x.affine_coord(self.mat, coord_func, sz=self.size, mode=mode, pad_mode=self.pad_mode, align_corners=self.align_corners)

    def encodes(self, x:TensorImage): return self._encode(x, self.mode)
    def encodes(self, x:TensorMask):  return self._encode(x, self.mode_mask)
    def encodes(self, x:TensorPoint|TensorBBox): return self._encode(x, self.mode, reverse=True)

调用 @patchaffine_coord 行为用于 TensorImageTensorMaskTensorPointTensorBBox

在对与 size 相对应的基本网格上执行相应的仿射变换之前,先将 aff_fs 返回的所有矩阵相乘,然后在得到的坐标流上应用所有 coord_fs,最后使用 modepad_mode 进行插值。

下面是如何在图像上使用 affine_coord 的示例。包括身份变换或原始图像、翻转,以及将图像向左移动。

show_images(imgs.affine_coord(mats,pad_mode=PadMode.Zeros)) #最容易观察到的零点

现在你可能会问:“这个 mat 是什么?”让我们快速看一下下面的标识。

(tensor([[1., 0.],
         [0., 1.]]),


xy=torch.tensor([-1.,-1]) #左上角
torch.sum(xy*eye,dim=1)+bi[0] #现在右上角
tensor([ 1., -1.])



 AffineCoordTfm.compose (tfm)

Compose self with another AffineCoordTfm to only do the interpolation step once

tfm = AffineCoordTfm(size=10)
t = TensorImage(torch.empty(2, 3, 20,16).uniform_(0,1))
for i in [0,1]:
    y = tfm(t, split_idx=i)
    test_eq(y.shape, [2, 3, 10, 10])

随机调整大小裁剪GPU -

class RandomResizedCropGPU(RandTransform):
    "Picks a random scaled crop of an image and resize it to `size`"
    split_idx,order = None,30
    def __init__(self, 
        size, # 如果指定了一个值,则最终尺寸将重复。
        min_scale=0.08, # 作物相对于图像区域的最小比例
        ratio=(3/4, 4/3), # 输出宽高比范围
        mode='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
        valid_scale=1., # 验证集作物相对于图像区域的缩放比例
        max_scale=1., # 裁剪的最大比例,相对于图像区域
        mode_mask='nearest', # `TensorMask` 的插值模式
        if isinstance(size, int): size = (size,size)

    def before_call(self, b, split_idx):
        self.do = True
        h,w = fastuple((b[0] if isinstance(b, tuple) else b).shape[-2:])
        for attempt in range(10):
            if split_idx: break
            area = random.uniform(self.min_scale,self.max_scale) * w * h
            ratio = math.exp(random.uniform(math.log(self.ratio[0]), math.log(self.ratio[1])))
            nw = int(round(math.sqrt(area * ratio)))
            nh = int(round(math.sqrt(area / ratio)))
            if nw <= w and nh <= h:
                self.cp_size = (nh,nw)
                self.tl = random.randint(0,h - nh),random.randint(0,w-nw)
        if   w/h < self.ratio[0]: self.cp_size = (int(w/self.ratio[0]), w)
        elif w/h > self.ratio[1]: self.cp_size = (h, int(h*self.ratio[1]))
        else:                     self.cp_size = (h, w)
        if split_idx: self.cp_size = (int(self.cp_size[0]*self.valid_scale), int(self.cp_size[1]*self.valid_scale))
        self.tl = ((h-self.cp_size[0])//2,(w-self.cp_size[1])//2)

    def _encode(self, x, mode):
        x = x[...,self.tl[0]:self.tl[0]+self.cp_size[0], self.tl[1]:self.tl[1]+self.cp_size[1]]
        return x.affine_coord(sz=self.size, mode=mode)

    def encodes(self, x:TensorImage|TensorPoint|TensorBBox): return self._encode(x, self.mode)
    def encodes(self, x:TensorMask):                         return self._encode(x, self.mode_mask)
t = _batch_ex(8)
rrc = RandomResizedCropGPU(224, p=1.)
y = rrc(t)
_,axs = plt.subplots(2,4, figsize=(12,6))
for ax in axs.flatten():
    show_image(y[i], ctx=ax)

t = _batch_ex(2)
rrc = RandomResizedCropGPU(224, p=1., min_scale=0.05, max_scale=0.1)
y = rrc(t)
_,axs = plt.subplots(2,4, figsize=(12,6))
for ax in axs.flatten():
    show_image(y[i], ctx=ax)


RandomResizedCropGPU 在批处理中的所有图像使用相同的区域。

GPU 辅助工具


def mask_tensor(
    x:Tensor, # 输入 `Tensor` 
    p=0.5, # 不戴口罩的概率
    neutral=0., # 掩码值
    batch=False # 在整个批次上应用相同的掩码
    "Mask elements of `x` with `neutral` with probability `1-p`"
    if p==1.: return x
    if batch: return x if random.random() < p else x.new_zeros(*x.size()) + neutral
    if neutral != 0: x.add_(-neutral)
    # 额外投射以浮点数和长整型防止在mps加速器上崩溃(问题 #3911)
    mask = x.new_empty(*x.size()).float().bernoulli_(p).long()
    return x.add_(neutral) if neutral != 0 else x


with no_random():
    print('p=0.5: ',mask_tensor(x.clone()))
    print('p=1.0: ',mask_tensor(x.clone(),p=1.))
    print('p=0.0: ',mask_tensor(x.clone(),p=0.))
p=0.5:  tensor([  60,  -30,   90, -210,    0, -180,    0,    0,  150])
p=1.0:  tensor([  60,  -30,   90, -210,  270, -180,  120, -240,  150])
p=0.0:  tensor([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

注意到 p 控制一个值被替换为 0 的可能性,或者保持不变,因为 0 度旋转就只是原始图像。batch 作用于整个批次,而不是批次中的单个元素。现在让我们考虑一个不同的例子,即处理亮度。注意:亮度为 0 时是完全黑色的图像。

print('p=0.: ',mask_tensor(x.clone(),p=0))
print('p=0.,neutral=0.5: ',mask_tensor(x.clone(),p=0,neutral=0.5))
p=0.:  tensor([0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
p=0.,neutral=0.5:  tensor([0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000])

在这里,如果我们有一幅完全黑色的图像,那将是非常糟糕的,因为这不是一幅未改变的图像。相反,我们将 neutral 设置为 0.5,这个值是未改变图像的亮度值。

_draw_mask用于支持许多后续变换的API,以创建mask_tensor(p, neutral, batch)将传递给mask_tensordef_draw默认绘制函数,当未提供自定义用户设置时将执行此函数。draw是用户定义的行为,可以是一个函数、浮点数列表或单个浮点数。drawdef_draw必须返回一个张量。

def _draw_mask(x, def_draw, draw=None, p=0.5, neutral=0., batch=False):
    "Creates mask_tensor based on `x` with `neutral` with probability `1-p`. "
    if draw is None: draw=def_draw
    if callable(draw): res=draw(x)
    elif is_listy(draw):
        assert len(draw)>=x.size(0)
        res = tensor(draw[:x.size(0)], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
    else: res = x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + draw
    return TensorBase(mask_tensor(res, p=p, neutral=neutral, batch=batch))


x = torch.zeros(10,2,3)
def def_draw(x):
    x=torch.randint(1,8, (x.size(0),))
    return x
with no_random(): print(torch.randint(1,8, (x.size(0),)))
with no_random(): print(_draw_mask(x, def_draw))
tensor([2, 3, 5, 6, 5, 4, 6, 6, 1, 1])
TensorBase([2, 0, 0, 6, 5, 4, 6, 0, 0, 1])

接下来,有三种方式来定义 draw,作为常量、作为列表,以及作为函数。所有这些都覆盖了 def_draw,因此它对最终结果没有影响。

with no_random():
    print('const: ',_draw_mask(x, def_draw, draw=1))
    print('list : ', _draw_mask(x, def_draw, draw=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]))
    print('list : ',_draw_mask(x[0:2], def_draw, draw=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]))
    print('funct: ',_draw_mask(x, def_draw, draw=lambda x: torch.arange(1,x.size(0)+1)))
        _draw_mask(x, def_draw, draw=[1,2])
    except AssertionError as e:
const:  TensorBase([1., 1., 1., 1., 0., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1.])
list :  TensorBase([ 1.,  2.,  0.,  0.,  5.,  0.,  7.,  0.,  0., 10.])
list :  TensorBase([1., 0.])
funct:  TensorBase([ 1,  2,  3,  4,  0,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10])
<class 'AssertionError'> 


x = torch.zeros(5,2,3)
def_draw = lambda x: torch.randint(0,8, (x.size(0),))
t = _draw_mask(x, def_draw)
assert (0. <= t).all() and (t <= 7).all() 
t = _draw_mask(x, def_draw, 1)
assert (0. <= t).all() and (t <= 1).all() 
test_eq(_draw_mask(x, def_draw, 1, p=1), tensor([1.,1,1,1,1]))
test_eq(_draw_mask(x, def_draw, [0,1,2,3,4], p=1), tensor([0.,1,2,3,4]))
test_eq(_draw_mask(x[0:3], def_draw, [0,1,2,3,4], p=1), tensor([0.,1,2]))
for i in range(5):
    t = _draw_mask(x, def_draw, 1,batch=True)
    assert (t==torch.zeros(5)).all() or (t==torch.ones(5)).all()

翻转/二面角 GPU 辅助函数

affine_mat 用于将长度为6的向量转换为形状为 [bs,3,3] 的张量。这使我们能够组合仿射变换。

def affine_mat(*ms):
    "Restructure length-6 vector `ms` into an affine matrix with 0,0,1 in the last line"
    return stack([stack([ms[0], ms[1], ms[2]], dim=1),
                  stack([ms[3], ms[4], ms[5]], dim=1),
                  stack([t0(ms[0]), t0(ms[0]), t1(ms[0])], dim=1)], dim=1)

这是使用 affine_mat 翻转图像的示例。

tensor([[[-1,  0,  0],
         [ 0,  1,  0],
         [ 0,  0,  1]],

        [[ 1,  0,  0],
         [ 0,  1,  0],
         [ 0,  0,  1]],

        [[-1,  0,  0],
         [ 0,  1,  0],
         [ 0,  0,  1]]])


如果您想了解更多关于此如何工作的内容,请参见 affine_coord

x = torch.eye(3,dtype=torch.int64)
for affine in affines: 
    x @= affine
tensor([[-1,  0,  0],
        [ 0,  1,  0],
        [ 0,  0,  1]])
tensor([[-1,  0,  0],
        [ 0,  1,  0],
        [ 0,  0,  1]])
tensor([[1, 0, 0],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [0, 0, 1]])

flip_mat 将生成一个 [bs,3,3] 的张量,表示我们对一个批次的翻转操作,其概率为 pdraw 可以用来定义一个函数、常量或列表,指定使用哪些翻转操作。如果 draw 是一个列表,则长度必须大于或等于批次大小。对于 draw,0 表示原始图像,1 表示翻转后的图像。batch 表示整个批次将被翻转或不翻转。

def flip_mat(
    x:Tensor, # 输入张量
    p=0.5, # 应用变换的概率
    draw:int|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 自定义翻转而非随机
    batch:bool=False # 对整个批次应用相同的翻转
    "Return a random flip matrix"
    def _def_draw(x): return x.new_ones(x.size(0))
    mask = x.new_ones(x.size(0)) - 2*_draw_mask(x, _def_draw, draw=draw, p=p, batch=batch)
    return affine_mat(mask,     t0(mask), t0(mask),
                      t0(mask), t1(mask), t0(mask))


with no_random():
    print('const: ',flip_mat(x, draw=1))
    print('list : ', flip_mat(x, draw=[1, 0]))
    print('list : ',flip_mat(x[0:2], draw=[1, 0, 1, 0, 1]))
    print('funct: ',flip_mat(x, draw=lambda x: torch.ones(x.size(0))))
    test_fail(lambda: flip_mat(x, draw=[1]))
const:  TensorBase([[[-1.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],

            [[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]]])
list :  TensorBase([[[-1.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],

            [[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]]])
list :  TensorBase([[[-1.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],

            [[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]]])
funct:  TensorBase([[[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],

            [[-1.,  0.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
             [ 0.,  0.,  1.]]])
x = flip_mat(torch.randn(100,4,3))
test_eq(set(x[:,0,0].numpy()), {-1,1}) #可能失败,失败概率为2*2**(-100)(仅选择1或-1)
def _get_default(x, mode=None, pad_mode=None):
    if mode is None: mode='bilinear' if isinstance(x, TensorMask) else 'bilinear'
    if pad_mode is None: pad_mode=PadMode.Zeros if isinstance(x, (TensorPoint, TensorBBox)) else PadMode.Reflection
    x0 = x[0] if isinstance(x, tuple) else x
    return x0,mode,pad_mode

翻转 -

水平翻转图像、掩膜、点和边界框。p 是应用翻转的概率。draw 可用于定义自定义翻转行为。

def flip_batch(x: TensorImage|TensorMask|TensorPoint|TensorBBox, 
    p=0.5, # 翻转应用的概率
    draw:int|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 自定义翻转而非随机
    size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
    mode=None, # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `x`
    pad_mode=None, # 应用于 `x` 的填充
    align_corners=True, # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    batch=False # 对整个批次应用相同的翻转
    x0,mode,pad_mode = _get_default(x, mode, pad_mode)
    mat=flip_mat(x0, p=p, draw=draw, batch=batch)
    return x.affine_coord(mat=mat[:,:2], sz=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)
t = _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [2,1]], (3,3))
y = TensorImage(t[None,None]).flip_batch(p=1.)
test_eq(y, _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [0,1]], (3,3))[None,None])

pnts = TensorPoint((tensor([[1.,0.], [2,1]]) -1)[None])
test_eq(pnts.flip_batch(p=1.), tensor([[[1.,0.], [0,1]]]) -1)

bbox = TensorBBox(((tensor([[1.,0., 2.,1]]) -1)[None]))
test_eq(bbox.flip_batch(p=1.), tensor([[[0.,0., 1.,1.]]]) -1)
class Flip(AffineCoordTfm):
    "Randomly flip a batch of images with a probability `p`"
    def __init__(self,
        p=0.5, # 翻转应用的概率
        draw:int|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 自定义翻转而非随机
        size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
        mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
        pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        align_corners=True, # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
        batch=False # 对整个批次应用相同的翻转
        aff_fs = partial(flip_mat, p=p, draw=draw, batch=batch)
        super().__init__(aff_fs, size=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners, p=p)

调用 @patchflip_batch 行为用于 TensorImageTensorMaskTensorPointTensorBBox

以下是使用 flip 的一些示例。请注意,常量 draw=1 实际上与默认设置相同。同时请注意,通过将 p=1. 并定义自定义 draw,我们可以在第三个示例中获得更细致的控制。

with no_random(32):
    imgs = _batch_ex(5)
    deflt = Flip()
    const = Flip(p=1.,draw=1) #与默认相同
    listy = Flip(p=1.,draw=[1,0,1,0,1]) #完全手动操作!!!
    funct = Flip(draw=lambda x: torch.ones(x.size(0))) #与默认相同

    show_images( deflt(imgs) ,suptitle='Default Flip')
    show_images( const(imgs) ,suptitle='Constant Flip',titles=[f'Flipped' for i in['','','','','']]) #同上
    show_images( listy(imgs) ,suptitle='Listy Flip',titles=[f'{i}Flipped' for i in ['','Not ','','Not ','']])
    show_images( funct(imgs) ,suptitle='Flip By Function') #与默认相同

flip = Flip(p=1.)
t = _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [2,1]], (3,3))

y = flip(TensorImage(t[None,None]), split_idx=0)
test_eq(y, _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [0,1]], (3,3))[None,None])

pnts = TensorPoint((tensor([[1.,0.], [2,1]]) -1)[None])
test_eq(flip(pnts, split_idx=0), tensor([[[1.,0.], [0,1]]]) -1)

bbox = TensorBBox(((tensor([[1.,0., 2.,1]]) -1)[None]))
test_eq(flip(bbox, split_idx=0), tensor([[[0.,0., 1.,1.]]]) -1)
class DeterministicDraw():
    def __init__(self, vals): self.vals,self.count = vals,-1

    def __call__(self, x):
        self.count += 1
        return x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + self.vals[self.count%len(self.vals)]
t =  _batch_ex(8)
draw = DeterministicDraw(list(range(8)))
for i in range(15): test_eq(draw(t), torch.zeros(8)+(i%8))
class DeterministicFlip(Flip):
    "Flip the batch every other call"
    def __init__(self, 
        size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复
        mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
        pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        align_corners=True, # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 函数,其 `align_corners` 参数
        super().__init__(p=1., draw=DeterministicDraw([0,1]), mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners, **kwargs)

接下来,我们将循环遍历示例图像的多个批次。DeterministicFlip 首先不翻转图像,然后在下一个批次中将翻转图像。

b = _batch_ex(2)
dih = DeterministicFlip()
for i,flipped in enumerate(['Not Flipped','Flipped']*2):
    show_images(dih(b),suptitle=f'Batch {i}',titles=[flipped]*2)

二面角 -


def dihedral_mat(
    x:Tensor, # 输入 `张量`
    p:float=0.5, # 保持不变的概率
    draw:int|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 自定义二面角而非随机
    batch:bool=False # 对整个批次应用相同的二面角
    "Return a random dihedral matrix"
    def _def_draw(x):   return torch.randint(0,8, (x.size(0),), device=x.device)
    def _def_draw_b(x): return random.randint(0,7) + x.new_zeros((x.size(0),)).long()
    idx = _draw_mask(x, _def_draw_b if batch else _def_draw, draw=draw, p=p, batch=batch).long()
    xs = tensor([1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,1,-1], device=x.device).gather(0, idx)
    ys = tensor([1,1,-1,1,-1,-1,1,-1], device=x.device).gather(0, idx)
    m0 = tensor([1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0], device=x.device).gather(0, idx)
    m1 = tensor([0,0,0,1,0,1,1,1], device=x.device).gather(0, idx)
    return affine_mat(xs*m0,  xs*m1,  t0(xs),
                      ys*m1,  ys*m0,  t0(xs)).float()
def dihedral_batch(x: TensorImage|TensorMask|TensorPoint|TensorBBox, 
    p=0.5, # 应用双翼机概率
    draw:int|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 自定义二面角而非随机
    size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
    mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `x`
    pad_mode=None, # 应用于 `x` 的填充
    batch=False, # 对整个批次应用相同的二面角
    align_corners=True # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 函数,其 `align_corners` 参数
    x0,mode,pad_mode = _get_default(x, mode, pad_mode)
    mat = _prepare_mat(x, dihedral_mat(x0, p=p, draw=draw, batch=batch))
    return x.affine_coord(mat=mat, sz=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)
class Dihedral(AffineCoordTfm):
    "Apply a random dihedral transformation to a batch of images with a probability `p`"
    def __init__(self, 
        p=0.5, # 应用双翼面布局的概率
        draw:int|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 自定义二面角而非随机
        size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
        mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
        pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        batch=False, # 对整个批次应用相同的二面角
        align_corners=True # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 函数,其 `align_corners` 参数
        f = partial(dihedral_mat, p=p, draw=draw, batch=batch)
        super().__init__(aff_fs=f, size=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)

调用 @patch 修饰的 dihedral_batch 行为,用于 TensorImageTensorMaskTensorPointTensorBBox

draw 可以被指定用于自定义在应用变换时选择哪个翻转(默认是介于 0 和 7 之间的随机数)。它可以是一个介于 0 和 7 之间的整数,一个这样的整数列表(该列表的长度应等于或大于批量的大小),或者一个返回介于 0 和 7 之间的长整型张量的可调用对象。

with no_random():
    imgs = _batch_ex(5)
    deflt = Dihedral()
    const = Dihedral(p=1.,draw=1) #与flip_batch相同
    listy = Dihedral(p=1.,draw=[0,1,2,3,4]) #完全手动操作!!!
    funct = Dihedral(draw=lambda x: torch.randint(0,8,(x.size(0),))) #与默认相同

    show_images( deflt(imgs) ,suptitle='Default Flips',titles=[i for i in range(imgs.size(0))])
    show_images( const(imgs) ,suptitle='Constant Horizontal Flip',titles=[f'Flip 1' for i in [0,1,1,1,1]])
    show_images( listy(imgs) ,suptitle='Manual Listy Flips',titles=[f'Flip {i}' for i in [0,1,2,3,4]]) #手动指定,非随机! 
    show_images( funct(imgs) ,suptitle='Default Functional Flips',titles=[i for i in range(imgs.size(0))]) #与默认相同

t = _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [2,1], [2,2]], (3,3))[None,None].expand(8,1,3,3)
dih = Dihedral(p=1., draw=list(range(8)))
pnts = tensor([[[1.,0.], [2,1], [2,2]]]) -1
y,z = dih((TensorImage(t),TensorPoint(pnts.expand(8,3,2))), split_idx=0)
res = y.nonzero()
for i in range(8):
    vals = {(t[0] + t[1]*3).item() for t in res[i*3:(i+1)*3][:,2:].flip(1)}
    vals1 = {(t[0] + t[1]*3).item() for t in z[i]+1}
    test_eq(vals, vals1)
tt = _pnt2tensor([[1,0], [2,1], [2,2]], (3,3))
x = PILImage.create(tt)
for i in range(8):
    y1 = x.dihedral(i)
    test_eq(y[i,0], tensor(array(y1)))
class DeterministicDihedral(Dihedral):
    def __init__(self, 
        size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复
        mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法
        pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        align_corners=None # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
        "Flip the batch every other call"
        super().__init__(p=1., draw=DeterministicDraw(list(range(8))), pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)

DeterministicDihedral 确保第一次调用不会被翻转,然后后续调用将按照确定性顺序翻转。在进行完所有 7 种可能的二面翻转后,模式将重置为未翻转版本。如果我们在批量大小为 1 的情况下进行此操作,它看起来会是这样的:

t = _batch_ex(10)
dih = DeterministicDihedral()
_,axs = plt.subplots(2,5, figsize=(14,6))
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()):
    y = dih(t)
    show_image(y[0], ctx=ax, title=f'Batch {i}')

旋转 -

def rotate_mat(
    x:Tensor, # 输入 `张量` 
    max_deg:int=10, # 最大旋转角度
    p:float=0.5, # 应用旋转的概率
    draw:int|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 习俗传承而非随机
    batch:bool=False # 对整个批次应用相同的旋转
    "Return a random rotation matrix with `max_deg` and `p`"
    def _def_draw(x):   return x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(-max_deg, max_deg)
    def _def_draw_b(x): return x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + random.uniform(-max_deg, max_deg)
    thetas = _draw_mask(x, _def_draw_b if batch else _def_draw, draw=draw, p=p, batch=batch) * math.pi/180
    return affine_mat(thetas.cos(), thetas.sin(), t0(thetas),
                     -thetas.sin(), thetas.cos(), t0(thetas))
def rotate(x: TensorImage|TensorMask|TensorPoint|TensorBBox, 
    size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出大小将重复。
    mode:str=None, # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `x`
    pad_mode=None, # 应用于 `x` 的填充
    align_corners:bool=True, # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    x0,mode,pad_mode = _get_default(x, mode, pad_mode)
    mat = _prepare_mat(x, rotate_mat(x0, **kwargs))
    return x.affine_coord(mat=mat, sz=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)
class Rotate(AffineCoordTfm):
    "Apply a random rotation of at most `max_deg` with probability `p` to a batch of images"
    def __init__(self, 
        max_deg:int=10, # 最大旋转度
        p:float=0.5, # 应用旋转的概率
        draw:int|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 自定义轮换而非随机
        size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
        mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
        pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        align_corners:bool=True, # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 函数,其 `align_corners` 参数
        batch:bool=False # 对整个批次应用相同的旋转
        aff_fs = partial(rotate_mat, max_deg=max_deg, p=p, draw=draw, batch=batch)
        super().__init__(aff_fs=aff_fs, size=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)

调用 @patch 装饰的 rotate 行为用于 TensorImageTensorMaskTensorPointTensorBBox



with no_random():
    thetas = [-30,-15,0,15,30]
    imgs = _batch_ex(5)
    deflt = Rotate()
    const = Rotate(p=1.,draw=180) #与垂直翻转相同
    listy = Rotate(p=1.,draw=[-30,-15,0,15,30]) #完全手动操作!!!
    funct = Rotate(draw=lambda x: x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(-10, 10)) #与默认相同

    show_images( deflt(imgs) ,suptitle='Default Rotate, notice the small rotation',titles=[i for i in range(imgs.size(0))])
    show_images( const(imgs) ,suptitle='Constant 180 Rotate',titles=[f'180 Degrees' for i in range(imgs.size(0))])
    show_images( listy(imgs) ,suptitle='Manual List Rotate',titles=[f'{i} Degrees' for i in [-30,-15,0,15,30]])
    show_images( funct(imgs) ,suptitle='Default Functional Rotate',titles=[i for i in range(imgs.size(0))])

放大 -

def zoom_mat(
    x:Tensor, # 输入 `张量` 
    min_zoom:float=1., # 最小缩放 
    max_zoom:float=1.1, # 最大变焦 
    p:float=0.5, # 应用缩放的概率
    draw:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 用户自定义缩放比例
    draw_x:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 用户定义的缩放中心点x坐标
    draw_y:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 用户定义的缩放中心点在y轴上的位置
    batch:bool=False # 对整个批次应用相同的缩放比例
    "Return a random zoom matrix with `max_zoom` and `p`"
    def _def_draw(x):       return x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(min_zoom, max_zoom)
    def _def_draw_b(x):     return x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + random.uniform(min_zoom, max_zoom)
    def _def_draw_ctr(x):   return x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(0,1)
    def _def_draw_ctr_b(x): return x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + random.uniform(0,1)
    s = 1/_draw_mask(x, _def_draw_b if batch else _def_draw, draw=draw, p=p, neutral=1., batch=batch)
    def_draw_c = _def_draw_ctr_b if batch else _def_draw_ctr
    col_pct = _draw_mask(x, def_draw_c, draw=draw_x, p=1., batch=batch)
    row_pct = _draw_mask(x, def_draw_c, draw=draw_y, p=1., batch=batch)
    col_c = (1-s) * (2*col_pct - 1)
    row_c = (1-s) * (2*row_pct - 1)
    return affine_mat(s,     t0(s), col_c,
                      t0(s), s,     row_c)
def zoom(x: TensorImage|TensorMask|TensorPoint|TensorBBox, 
    size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
    mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `x`
    pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 应用于 `x` 的填充
    align_corners:bool=True, # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    x0,mode,pad_mode = _get_default(x, mode, pad_mode)
    return x.affine_coord(mat=zoom_mat(x0, **kwargs)[:,:2], sz=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)
class Zoom(AffineCoordTfm):
    "Apply a random zoom of at most `max_zoom` with probability `p` to a batch of images"
    def __init__(self,
        min_zoom:float=1., # 最小缩放
        max_zoom:float=1.1, # 最大变焦 
        p:float=0.5, # 应用缩放的概率 
        draw:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 用户自定义缩放比例
        draw_x:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 用户定义的缩放中心点 x 坐标
        draw_y:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 用户定义的缩放中心点在y轴上的位置
        size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
        mode='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
        pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        batch=False, # 对整个批次应用相同的缩放比例
        align_corners=True # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 函数,其 `align_corners` 参数
        aff_fs = partial(zoom_mat, min_zoom=min_zoom, max_zoom=max_zoom, p=p, draw=draw, draw_x=draw_x, draw_y=draw_y, batch=batch)
        super().__init__(aff_fs, size=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)

调用 @patchzoom 行为用于 TensorImageTensorMaskTensorPointTensorBBox

drawdraw_xdraw_y 可以被指定,如果你想自定义在应用变换时选择哪个比例和中心(默认情况下,draw 为 1 到 max_zoom 之间的随机浮点数,draw_xdraw_y 在 0 到 1 之间)。每个参数可以是一个浮点数,一个浮点数列表(此时列表长度应等于或大于批次大小),或者是一个返回浮点张量的可调用对象。

draw_xdraw_y 被期望为中心的位置百分比,0 表示最左/最上,1 表示最右/最下。


with no_random():
    scales = [0.8, 1., 1.1, 1.25, 1.5]
    imgs = _batch_ex(5)
    deflt = Zoom()
    const = Zoom(p=1., draw=1.5) #'Constant scale and different random centers'
    listy = Zoom(p=1.,draw=scales,draw_x=0.5, draw_y=0.5) #完全手动秤,恒定中心
    funct = Zoom(draw=lambda x: x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(1., 1.1)) #与默认相同

    show_images( deflt(imgs) ,suptitle='Default Zoom, note the small zooming', titles=[i for i in range(imgs.size(0))])
    show_images( const(imgs) ,suptitle='Constant Scale, Valiable Position', titles=[f'Scale 1.5x' for i in range(imgs.size(0))])
    show_images( listy(imgs) ,suptitle='Manual Listy Scale, Centered', titles=[f'Scale {i}x' for i in scales])
    show_images( funct(imgs) ,suptitle='Default Functional Zoom', titles=[i for i in range(imgs.size(0))]) #与默认相同


def solve(A,B):
    return torch.linalg.solve(A,B)
def find_coeffs(
    p1:Tensor, # 原始点
    p2:Tensor, # 目标点
    "Find coefficients for warp tfm from `p1` to `p2`"
    m = []
    p = p1[:,0,0]
    for i in range(p1.shape[1]):
        m.append(stack([p2[:,i,0], p2[:,i,1], t1(p), t0(p), t0(p), t0(p), -p1[:,i,0]*p2[:,i,0], -p1[:,i,0]*p2[:,i,1]]))
        m.append(stack([t0(p), t0(p), t0(p), p2[:,i,0], p2[:,i,1], t1(p), -p1[:,i,1]*p2[:,i,0], -p1[:,i,1]*p2[:,i,1]]))
    #我们寻求的8个标量是AX = B的解
    A = stack(m).permute(2, 0, 1)
    B = p1.view(p1.shape[0], 8, 1)
    return solve(A,B)
def apply_perspective(
    coords:Tensor, # 原始坐标 
    coeffs:Tensor # 扭曲变换矩阵
    "Apply perspective tranform on `coords` with `coeffs`"
    sz = coords.shape
    coords = coords.view(sz[0], -1, 2)
    coeffs = torch.cat([coeffs, t1(coeffs[:,:1])], dim=1).view(coeffs.shape[0], 3,3)
    coords1 = coords @ coeffs[...,:2].transpose(1,2) + coeffs[...,2].unsqueeze(1)
    if (coords1[...,2]==0.).any(): return coords[...,:2].view(*sz)
    coords = coords1/coords1[...,2].unsqueeze(-1)
    return coords[...,:2].view(*sz)
class _WarpCoord():
    def __init__(self, magnitude=0.2, p=0.5, draw_x=None, draw_y=None, batch=False):
        self.coeffs = None

    def _def_draw(self, x):
        if not self.batch: return x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(-self.magnitude, self.magnitude)
        return x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + random.uniform(-self.magnitude, self.magnitude)

    def before_call(self, x):
        x_t = _draw_mask(x, self._def_draw, self.draw_x, p=self.p, batch=self.batch)
        y_t = _draw_mask(x, self._def_draw, self.draw_y, p=self.p, batch=self.batch)
        orig_pts = torch.tensor([[-1,-1], [-1,1], [1,-1], [1,1]], dtype=x.dtype, device=x.device)
        self.orig_pts = orig_pts.unsqueeze(0).expand(x.size(0),4,2)
        targ_pts = stack([stack([-1-y_t, -1-x_t]), stack([-1+y_t, 1+x_t]),
                          stack([ 1+y_t, -1+x_t]), stack([ 1-y_t, 1-x_t])])
        self.targ_pts = targ_pts.permute(2,0,1)

    def __call__(self, x, invert=False):
        coeffs = find_coeffs(self.targ_pts, self.orig_pts) if invert else find_coeffs(self.orig_pts, self.targ_pts)
        return apply_perspective(x, coeffs)
def warp(x:TensorImage|TensorMask|TensorPoint|TensorBBox, 
    size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
    mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 插值方法应用于 `x`
    pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 应用于 `x` 的填充
    align_corners:bool=True, # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 函数,其 `align_corners` 参数
    x0,mode,pad_mode = _get_default(x, mode, pad_mode)
    coord_tfm = _WarpCoord(**kwargs)
    return x.affine_coord(coord_tfm=coord_tfm, sz=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners)
x1 = tensor([[1.,0.,0.,0.,1.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]])
x2 = tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.,0.,1.]])
x3 = tensor([[1.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.,0.,0.]])
x4 = tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,1.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,1.]])
y = TensorImage(stack([x1,x2,x3,x4])[:,None])
y = y.warp(p=1., draw_x=[0.,0,-0.5,0.5], draw_y=[-0.5,0.5,0.,0.])
test_eq(y[0,0], tensor([[0.,1.,0.,1.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]]))
test_eq(y[1,0], tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,1.,0.,1.,0.]]))
test_eq(y[2,0], tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]]))
test_eq(y[3,0], tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,1.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,1.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]]))
x = torch.tensor([[[-1.,-1], [1,-1]], [[-1,1],[1,1]], [[-1,-1], [-1,1]], [[1,-1], [1,1]]])
y = TensorPoint(x).warp(p=1., draw_x=[0.,0,-0.5,0.5], draw_y=[-0.5,0.5,0.,0.])
test_eq(y, torch.tensor([[[-0.5,-1], [0.5,-1]], [[-0.5,1],[0.5,1]], [[-1,-0.5], [-1,0.5]], [[1,-0.5], [1,0.5]]]))
class Warp(AffineCoordTfm):
    "Apply perspective warping with `magnitude` and `p` on a batch of matrices"
    def __init__(self, 
        magnitude:float=0.2, # 默认的扭曲幅度
        p:float=0.5, # 应用翘曲的概率
        draw_x:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 用户定义的x方向扭曲幅度
        draw_y:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 用户定义的y方向扭曲幅度
        size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
        mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
        pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
        batch:bool=False, # 在整个批次中应用相同的经纱
        align_corners:bool=True # PyTorch 中的 `F.grid_sample` 函数,其 `align_corners` 参数
        coord_fs = _WarpCoord(magnitude=magnitude, p=p, draw_x=draw_x, draw_y=draw_y, batch=batch)
        super().__init__(coord_fs=coord_fs, size=size, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, align_corners=align_corners )

调用 @patchwarp 行为适用于 TensorImageTensorMaskTensorPointTensorBBox

draw_xdraw_y 可以指定,如果您想自定义在应用变换时所选择的幅度(默认是在 -magnitudemagnitude 之间的随机浮点数)。每个值可以是一个浮点数、一个浮点数列表(该列表的长度应等于或大于批次的大小),或是一个返回浮点张量的可调用对象。

scales = [-0.4, -0.2, 0., 0.2, 0.4]
vert_warp = Warp(p=1., draw_y=scales, draw_x=0.)
horz_warp = Warp(p=1., draw_x=scales, draw_y=0.)
show_images( vert_warp(imgs) ,suptitle='Vertical warping', titles=[f'magnitude {i}' for i in scales])
show_images( horz_warp(imgs) ,suptitle='Horizontal warping', titles=[f'magnitude {i}' for i in scales])

x1 = tensor([[1.,0.,0.,0.,1.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]])
x2 = tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.,0.,1.]])
x3 = tensor([[1.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.,0.,0.]])
x4 = tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,1.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,1.]])
warp = Warp(p=1., draw_x=[0.,0,-0.5,0.5], draw_y=[-0.5,0.5,0.,0.])
y = warp(TensorImage(stack([x1,x2,x3,x4])[:,None]), split_idx=0)
test_eq(y[0,0], tensor([[0.,1.,0.,1.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]]))
test_eq(y[1,0], tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,1.,0.,1.,0.]]))
test_eq(y[2,0], tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [1.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]]))
test_eq(y[3,0], tensor([[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,1.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,1.], [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.]]))
x = torch.tensor([[[-1.,-1], [1,-1]], [[-1,1],[1,1]], [[-1,-1], [-1,1]], [[1,-1], [1,1]]])
y = warp(TensorPoint(x), split_idx=0)
test_eq(y, torch.tensor([[[-0.5,-1], [0.5,-1]], [[-0.5,1],[0.5,1]], [[-1,-0.5], [-1,0.5]], [[1,-0.5], [1,0.5]]]))


光照变换是影响图像中光线表现的转换。这些变换不像之前的变换那样改变物体的位置,而是模拟光线在场景中的变化。 simclr 论文 对这些变换与其他变换进行了评估,以用于自监督图像分类的应用场景,值得注意的是,他们使用“颜色”和“颜色扭曲”来指代这些变换的组合。

def lighting(x: TensorImage, func): return torch.sigmoid(func(logit(x)))
class SubTensorImage(TensorImage):

assert isinstance(t.lighting(noop), SubTensorImage)

大多数灯光转换在“logit 空间”中效果更好,因为我们不想通过超出最大或最小亮度来使图像过曝。对 logit 进行 sigmoid 变换可以让我们回到“线性空间”。

x=TensorImage(torch.tensor([.01* i for i in range(0,101)]))
f_lin= lambda x:(2*(x-0.5)+0.5).clamp(0,1) #蓝线
f_log= lambda x:2*x #红线


首先,我们创建一个通用的 SpaceTfm。这使我们可以将多个变换组合在一起,从而我们只需在进行多个变换之前转换一次到某个空间。space_fn 必须从 rgb 转换到某个空间,应用一个函数,然后再转换回 rgb。fs 应该是类似列表的,包含将被组合在一起的函数。

class SpaceTfm(RandTransform):
    "Apply `fs` to the logits"
    order = 40
    def __init__(self, 
        fs:callable|MutableSequence, # 应用于空间的变换函数
        space_fn:callable, # 将RGB转换为某个空间,应用`fs`后再转换回RGB的函数

    def before_call(self, 
        split_idx:int, # 列车/验证数据集索引
        self.do = True
        while isinstance(b, tuple): b = b[0]
        for t in self.fs: t.before_call(b)

    def compose(self, 
        tfm:callable # 组合变换函数
        "Compose `self` with another `LightingTransform`"
        self.fs += tfm.fs

    def encodes(self,x:TensorImage): return self.space_fn(x,partial(compose_tfms, tfms=self.fs))

LightingTfm 是一个 SpaceTfm,它使用 TensorImage.lighting 转换到对数空间。使用此方法可以在图像变得非常暗或非常亮时限制细节的丢失。

class LightingTfm(SpaceTfm):
    "Apply `fs` to the logits"
    order = 40
    def __init__(self, 
        fs:callable|MutableSequence, # 在logit空间中应用的转换函数, 
        super().__init__(fs, TensorImage.lighting, **kwargs)


class _BrightnessLogit():
    def __init__(self, max_lighting=0.2, p=0.75, draw=None, batch=False): store_attr()

    def _def_draw(self, x):
        if not self.batch: return x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(0.5*(1-self.max_lighting), 0.5*(1+self.max_lighting))
        return x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + random.uniform(0.5*(1-self.max_lighting), 0.5*(1+self.max_lighting))

    def before_call(self, x):
        self.change = _draw_mask(x, self._def_draw, draw=self.draw, p=self.p, neutral=0.5, batch=self.batch)

    def __call__(self, x): return x.add_(logit(self.change[:,None,None,None]))
def brightness(x: TensorImage, **kwargs):
    func = _BrightnessLogit(**kwargs)
    return x.lighting(func)
class Brightness(LightingTfm):
    def __init__(self, 
        max_lighting:float=0.2, # 最大亮度变化幅度
        p:float=0.75, # 应用变换的概率
        draw:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 批量转换的用户定义行为
        batch=False # 将整个批次的亮度调整为相同
        "Apply change in brightness of `max_lighting` to batch of images with probability `p`."
        super().__init__(_BrightnessLogit(max_lighting, p, draw, batch))

调用 @patchBrightness 行为用于 TensorImage

draw 可以指定,如果您想自定义在应用变换时选择的幅度(默认值是介于 -0.5*(1-max_lighting)0.5*(1+max_lighting) 之间的随机浮点数)。每个值可以是一个浮点数,一个浮点数列表(此时列表长度应大于或等于批处理的大小),或者一个返回浮点张量的可调用对象。

scales = [0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9]
y = _batch_ex(5).brightness(draw=scales, p=1.)
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,5, figsize=(15,3))
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()):
    show_image(y[i], ctx=ax, title=f'scale {scales[i]}')

x = torch.randn(5, 3, 4, 4)
bright = Brightness(draw=scales, p=1.)
print('***', bright.space_fn)
y = bright(TensorImage(x), split_idx=0)
y1 = torch.sigmoid(logit(x) + logit(tensor(scales))[:,None,None,None])
test_close(y, y1)

test_eq(bright(TensorMask(x), split_idx=0), x)
test_eq(bright(TensorPoint(x), split_idx=0), x)
test_eq(bright(TensorBBox(x), split_idx=0), x)
*** <function TensorImage.lighting at 0x14bfc0d30>


class _ContrastLogit():
    def __init__(self, max_lighting=0.2, p=0.75, draw=None, batch=False): store_attr()

    def _def_draw(self, x):
        if not self.batch: res = x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(math.log(1-self.max_lighting), -math.log(1-self.max_lighting))
        else: res = x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + random.uniform(math.log(1-self.max_lighting), -math.log(1-self.max_lighting))
        return torch.exp(res)

    def before_call(self, x):
        self.change = _draw_mask(x, self._def_draw, draw=self.draw, p=self.p, neutral=1., batch=self.batch)

    def __call__(self, x): return x.mul_(self.change[:,None,None,None])
def contrast(x: TensorImage, **kwargs):
    func = _ContrastLogit(**kwargs)
    return x.lighting(func)
class Contrast(LightingTfm):
    "Apply change in contrast of `max_lighting` to batch of images with probability `p`."
    def __init__(self,
        max_lighting=0.2, # 对比度变化的最大范围
        p=0.75, # 应用变换的概率
        draw:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 批量转换的用户定义行为
        super().__init__(_ContrastLogit(max_lighting, p, draw, batch))

调用 @patchTensorImagecontrast 行为

draw 可以被指定用来定制在应用变换时选择的幅度(默认为在 (1-max_lighting)1/(1-max_lighting) 之间随机取的浮点数)。每个值可以是一个浮点数,一个浮点数列表(此时列表长度应大于或等于批次大小),或者是一个返回浮点张量的可调用对象。

scales = [0.65, 0.8, 1., 1.25, 1.55]
y = _batch_ex(5).contrast(p=1., draw=scales)
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,5, figsize=(15,3))
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): show_image(y[i], ctx=ax, title=f'scale {scales[i]}')

x = torch.randn(5, 3, 4, 4)
cont = Contrast(p=1., draw=scales)
y = cont(TensorImage(x), split_idx=0)
y1 = torch.sigmoid(logit(x) * tensor(scales)[:,None,None,None])
test_close(y, y1)

test_eq(cont(TensorMask(x), split_idx=0), x)
test_eq(cont(TensorPoint(x), split_idx=0), x)
test_eq(cont(TensorBBox(x), split_idx=0), x)
def grayscale(x):
    "Tensor to grayscale tensor. Uses the ITU-R 601-2 luma transform. "
    return (x*torch.tensor([0.2989,0.5870,0.1140],device=x.device)[...,None,None]).sum(1)[:,None]


class _SaturationLogit():
    def __init__(self, max_lighting=0.2, p=0.75, draw=None, batch=False): store_attr()

    def _def_draw(self, x):
        if not self.batch: res = x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(math.log(1-self.max_lighting), -math.log(1-self.max_lighting))
        else: res = x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + random.uniform(math.log(1-self.max_lighting), -math.log(1-self.max_lighting))
        return torch.exp(res)

    def before_call(self, x):
        self.change = _draw_mask(x, self._def_draw, draw=self.draw, p=self.p, neutral=1., batch=self.batch)

    def __call__(self, x):
        gs = grayscale(x)
        return x.add_(gs)
def saturation(x: TensorImage, **kwargs):
    func = _SaturationLogit(**kwargs)
    return x.lighting(func)
class Saturation(LightingTfm):
    "Apply change in saturation of `max_lighting` to batch of images with probability `p`."
    # 参考:https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torchvision/transforms.html#torchvision.transforms.functional.adjust_saturation
    def __init__(self,
        max_lighting:float=0.2, # 最大亮度变化幅度 
        p:float=0.75, # 应用变换的概率 
        draw:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 批量转换的用户定义行为
        batch:bool=False # 对整个批次应用相同的饱和度
        super().__init__(_SaturationLogit(max_lighting, p, draw, batch))

调用 @patchsaturation 行为用于 TensorImage

scales = [0., 0.5, 1., 1.5, 2.0]
y = _batch_ex(5).saturation(p=1., draw=scales)
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,5, figsize=(15,3))
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): show_image(y[i], ctx=ax, title=f'scale {scales[i]}')


x = torch.randn(5, 3, 4, 4)
sat = Saturation(p=1., draw=scales)
y = sat(TensorImage(x), split_idx=0)
y1 = logit(x) * tensor(scales)[:,None,None,None]
y1 += grayscale(logit(x)) * (1-tensor(scales)[:,None,None,None])
y1 = torch.sigmoid(y1)
test_close(y, y1)

test_eq(sat(TensorMask(x), split_idx=0), x)
test_eq(sat(TensorPoint(x), split_idx=0), x)
test_eq(sat(TensorBBox(x), split_idx=0), x)

rgb2hsvhsv2rgb 是用于在 hsv 空间之间转换的工具。Hsv 空间代表色相、饱和度和明度空间。这使我们能够更容易地执行某些变换。

torch.max(tensor([1]).as_subclass(TensorBase), dim=0)
def rgb2hsv(
    img:Tensor # 一批RGB图像的张量
    "Converts a RGB image to an HSV image. Note: Will not work on logit space images."
    r, g, b = img.unbind(1)
    # 由于 https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/47069 的问题,临时注释掉了。
# maxc = torch.max(img, dim=1).values
# minc = torch.min(img, dim=1).values
    maxc = torch.max(img, dim=1)[0]
    minc = torch.min(img, dim=1)[0]
    eqc = maxc == minc

    cr = maxc - minc
    s = cr / torch.where(eqc, maxc.new_ones(()), maxc)
    cr_divisor = torch.where(eqc, maxc.new_ones(()), cr)
    rc = (maxc - r) / cr_divisor
    gc = (maxc - g) / cr_divisor
    bc = (maxc - b) / cr_divisor

    hr = (maxc == r) * (bc - gc)
    hg = ((maxc == g) & (maxc != r)) * (2.0 + rc - bc)
    hb = ((maxc != g) & (maxc != r)) * (4.0 + gc - rc)
    h = (hr + hg + hb)
    h = torch.fmod((h / 6.0 + 1.0), 1.0)

    return torch.stack((h, s, maxc),dim=1)
def hsv2rgb(
    img:Tensor, # 一批图像 `Tensor 以 HSV 格式表示`
    "Converts a HSV image to an RGB image."
    h, s, v = img.unbind(1)
    i = torch.floor(h * 6.0)
    f = (h * 6.0) - i
    i = i.to(dtype=torch.int32)

    p = torch.clamp((v * (1.0 - s)), 0.0, 1.0)
    q = torch.clamp((v * (1.0 - s * f)), 0.0, 1.0)
    t = torch.clamp((v * (1.0 - s * (1.0 - f))), 0.0, 1.0)
    i = i % 6

    mask = i[:,None] == torch.arange(6,device=i.device)[:, None, None][None]

    a1 = torch.stack((v, q, p, p, t, v),dim=1)
    a2 = torch.stack((t, v, v, q, p, p),dim=1)
    a3 = torch.stack((p, p, t, v, v, q),dim=1)
    a4 = torch.stack((a1, a2, a3),dim=1)

    return torch.einsum("nijk, nxijk -> nxjk", mask.to(dtype=img.dtype), a4)


def hsv(x: TensorImage, func): return TensorImage(hsv2rgb(func(rgb2hsv(x))))
class HSVTfm(SpaceTfm):
    "Apply `fs` to the images in HSV space"
    def __init__(self, fs, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(fs, TensorImage.hsv, **kwargs)

调用 @patch 装饰的 TensorImagehsv 行为

fig,axs=plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 4),ncols=5)
for ax in axs:

for ax,i in zip(axs,range(0,5)):
    if i>0: hsvs[:,2].mul_(0.80)
    ax.set_title('V='+'%.1f' %0.8**i)



class _Hue():
    def __init__(self, max_hue=0.1, p=0.75, draw=None, batch=False): store_attr()

    def _def_draw(self, x):
        if not self.batch: res = x.new_empty(x.size(0)).uniform_(math.log(1-self.max_hue), -math.log(1-self.max_hue))
        else: res = x.new_zeros(x.size(0)) + random.uniform(math.log(1-self.max_hue), -math.log(1-self.max_hue))
        return torch.exp(res)

    def before_call(self, x):
        self.change = _draw_mask(x, self._def_draw, draw=self.draw, p=self.p, neutral=0., batch=self.batch)

    def __call__(self, x):
        h,s,v = x.unbind(1)
        h += self.change[:,None,None]
        h = h % 1.0
        return x.set_(torch.stack((h, s, v),dim=1))
def hue(x: TensorImage, **kwargs):
    func = _Hue(**kwargs)
    return TensorImage(x.hsv(func))
class Hue(HSVTfm):
    "Apply change in hue of `max_hue` to batch of images with probability `p`."
    # 参考:https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/torchvision/transforms.html#torchvision.transforms.functional.adjust_hue
    def __init__(self,
        max_hue:float=0.1, # 最大色相变化幅度
        p:float=0.75, # 应用变换的概率
        draw:float|MutableSequence|callable=None, # 批量转换的用户定义行为
        batch=False # 将相同的色调应用于整个批次
        super().__init__(_Hue(max_hue, p, draw, batch))

调用 @patchhue 行为用于 TensorImage

scales = [0.5, 0.75, 1., 1.5, 1.75]
y = _batch_ex(len(scales)).hue(p=1., draw=scales)
fig,axs = plt.subplots(1,len(scales), figsize=(15,3))
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): show_image(y[i], ctx=ax, title=f'scale {scales[i]}')

test_close(y[0:2], y[3:5])

x = torch.randn(5, 3, 4, 4)
hue = Hue(p=1., draw=scales)
test_close(hue(TensorImage(x), split_idx=0),TensorImage(x).hue(p=1.,draw=scales))
test_eq(hue(TensorMask(x), split_idx=0), x)
test_eq(hue(TensorPoint(x), split_idx=0), x)
test_eq(hue(TensorBBox(x), split_idx=0), x)



def cutout_gaussian(
    x:Tensor, # 输入图像 
    areas:list # 需要裁剪的区域列表。顺序为:rl, rh, cl, ch
    "Replace all `areas` in `x` with N(0,1) noise"
    chan,img_h,img_w = x.shape[-3:]
    for rl,rh,cl,ch in areas: x[..., rl:rh, cl:ch].normal_()
    return x


def norm_apply_denorm(
    x:Tensor, # 输入图像 
    f:callable, # 应用功能 
    nrm:callable # 归一化变换
    "Normalize `x` with `nrm`, then apply `f`, then denormalize"
    y = f(nrm(x.clone()))
    return nrm.decode(y).clamp(0,1)
nrm = Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats, cuda=False)
f = partial(cutout_gaussian, areas=[(100,200,100,200),(200,300,200,300)])
show_image(norm_apply_denorm(timg, f, nrm)[0]);

def _slice(area, sz):
    bound = int(round(math.sqrt(area)))
    loc = random.randint(0, max(sz-bound, 0))
    return loc,loc+bound
class RandomErasing(RandTransform):
    "Randomly selects a rectangle region in an image and randomizes its pixels."
    order = 100 # 归一化后
    def __init__(self, 
        p:float=0.5, # 应用随机擦除的概率
        sl:float=0., # 最小擦除区域比例
        sh:float=0.3, # 最大擦除区域比例
        min_aspect:float=0.3, # 擦除区域的最小纵横比
        max_count:int=1 # 每张图像的最大擦除块数,每个框的面积按数量缩放
        self.log_ratio = (math.log(min_aspect), math.log(1/min_aspect))

    def _bounds(self, area, img_h, img_w):
        r_area = random.uniform(self.sl,self.sh) * area
        aspect = math.exp(random.uniform(*self.log_ratio))
        return _slice(r_area*aspect, img_h) + _slice(r_area/aspect, img_w)

    def encodes(self,x:TensorImage):
        count = random.randint(1, self.max_count)
        _,img_h,img_w = x.shape[-3:]
        area = img_h*img_w/count
        areas = [self._bounds(area, img_h, img_w) for _ in range(count)]
        return cutout_gaussian(x, areas)
tfm = RandomErasing(p=1., max_count=6)

_,axs = subplots(2,3, figsize=(12,6))
f = partial(tfm, split_idx=0)
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): show_image(norm_apply_denorm(timg, f, nrm)[0], ctx=ax)

tfm = RandomErasing(p=1., max_count=6)

_,axs = subplots(2,3, figsize=(12,6))
f = partial(tfm, split_idx=0)
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): show_image(norm_apply_denorm(timg, f, nrm)[0], ctx=ax)

tfm = RandomErasing(p=1., max_count=6)

_,axs = subplots(2,3, figsize=(12,6))
f = partial(tfm, split_idx=1)
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): show_image(norm_apply_denorm(timg, f, nrm)[0], ctx=ax)


def _compose_same_tfms(tfms):
    tfms = L(tfms)
    if len(tfms) == 0: return None
    res = tfms[0]
    for tfm in tfms[1:]: res.compose(tfm)
    return res
def setup_aug_tfms(tfms):
    "Go through `tfms` and combines together affine/coord or lighting transforms"
    aff_tfms = [tfm for tfm in tfms if isinstance(tfm, AffineCoordTfm)]
    lig_tfms = [tfm for tfm in tfms if isinstance(tfm, LightingTfm)]
    others = [tfm for tfm in tfms if tfm not in aff_tfms+lig_tfms]
    lig_tfm = _compose_same_tfms(lig_tfms)
    aff_tfm = _compose_same_tfms(aff_tfms)
    res = [aff_tfm] if aff_tfm is not None else []
    if lig_tfm is not None: res.append(lig_tfm)
    return res + others
tfms = [Rotate(draw=10., p=1), Zoom(draw=1.1, draw_x=0.5, draw_y=0.5, p=1.)]
comp = setup_aug_tfms([Rotate(draw=10., p=1), Zoom(draw=1.1, draw_x=0.5, draw_y=0.5, p=1.)])
test_eq(len(comp), 1)
x = torch.randn(4,3,5,5)
test_close(comp[0]._get_affine_mat(x)[...,:2],tfms[0]._get_affine_mat(x)[...,:2] @ tfms[1]._get_affine_mat(x)[...,:2])
#We can't test that the ouput of comp or the composition of tfms on x is the same cause it's not (1 interpol vs 2 sp)
#仿射变换 + 光照效果
tfms = [Rotate(), Zoom(), Warp(), Brightness(), Flip(), Contrast()]
comp = setup_aug_tfms(tfms)
aff_tfm,lig_tfm = comp
test_eq(len(aff_tfm.aff_fs+aff_tfm.coord_fs+comp[1].fs), 6)
test_eq(len(aff_tfm.aff_fs), 3)
test_eq(len(aff_tfm.coord_fs), 1)
test_eq(len(lig_tfm.fs), 2)
def aug_transforms(
    mult:float=1.0, # 应用于 `max_rotate`、`max_lighting` 和 `max_warp` 的乘法
    do_flip:bool=True, # 随机翻转
    flip_vert:bool=False, # 垂直翻转
    max_rotate:float=10., # 最大旋转角度
    min_zoom:float=1., # 最小缩放 
    max_zoom:float=1.1, # 最大变焦 
    max_lighting:float=0.2, # 最大亮度变化幅度 
    max_warp:float=0.2, # 每单位变化的最大翘曲值
    p_affine:float=0.75, # 应用仿射变换的概率
    p_lighting:float=0.75, # 改变亮度和对比度的概率 
    xtra_tfms:list=None, # 自定义转换
    size:int|tuple=None, # 如果指定一个值,则输出尺寸将重复。
    mode:str='bilinear', # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 插值
    pad_mode=PadMode.Reflection, # 一个 `PadMode`
    align_corners=True, # PyTorch `F.grid_sample` 对齐角点
    batch=False, # 对整个批次应用相同的变换
    min_scale=1. # 裁剪的最小比例,相对于图像区域
    "Utility func to easily create a list of flip, rotate, zoom, warp, lighting transforms."
    res,tkw = [],dict(size=size if min_scale==1. else None, mode=mode, pad_mode=pad_mode, batch=batch, align_corners=align_corners)
    max_rotate,max_lighting,max_warp = array([max_rotate,max_lighting,max_warp])*mult
    if do_flip: res.append(Dihedral(p=0.5, **tkw) if flip_vert else Flip(p=0.5, **tkw))
    if max_warp:   res.append(Warp(magnitude=max_warp, p=p_affine, **tkw))
    if max_rotate: res.append(Rotate(max_deg=max_rotate, p=p_affine, **tkw))
    if min_zoom<1 or max_zoom>1: res.append(Zoom(min_zoom=min_zoom, max_zoom=max_zoom, p=p_affine, **tkw))
    if max_lighting:
        res.append(Brightness(max_lighting=max_lighting, p=p_lighting, batch=batch))
        res.append(Contrast(max_lighting=max_lighting, p=p_lighting, batch=batch))
    if min_scale!=1.: xtra_tfms = RandomResizedCropGPU(size, min_scale=min_scale, ratio=(1,1)) + L(xtra_tfms)
    return setup_aug_tfms(res + L(xtra_tfms))

do_flip=True 时,会添加随机翻转(或如果 flip_vert=True 则为对称翻转),概率为 p=0.5。通过 p_affine 进行最大旋转角度为 max_rotate 的随机旋转,大小在 min_zoommax_zoom 之间的随机缩放,以及最大扭曲为 max_warp 的透视变换。通过 p_lighting 我们进行最大亮度变化和对比度变化为 max_lighting。可以添加自定义的 xtra_tfmssizemodepad_mode 将用于插值。max_rotate,max_lighting,max_warp 将乘以 mult,以便您可以更轻松地通过单个参数增加或减少增强效果。

tfms = aug_transforms(pad_mode='zeros', mult=2, min_scale=0.5)
y = _batch_ex(9)
for t in tfms: y = t(y, split_idx=0)
_,axs = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(12,3))
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): show_image(y[i], ctx=ax)

tfms = aug_transforms(pad_mode='zeros', mult=2, batch=True)
y = _batch_ex(9)
for t in tfms: y = t(y, split_idx=0)
_,axs = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(12,3))
for i,ax in enumerate(axs.flatten()): show_image(y[i], ctx=ax)



camvid = untar_data(URLs.CAMVID_TINY)
fns = get_image_files(camvid/'images')
cam_fn = fns[0]
mask_fn = camvid/'labels'/f'{cam_fn.stem}_P{cam_fn.suffix}'
def _cam_lbl(fn): return mask_fn
cam_dsrc = Datasets([cam_fn]*10, [PILImage.create, [_cam_lbl, PILMask.create]])
cam_tdl = TfmdDL(cam_dsrc.train, after_item=ToTensor(),
                 after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor(), *aug_transforms()], bs=9)
cam_tdl.show_batch(max_n=9, vmin=1, vmax=30)


mnist = untar_data(URLs.MNIST_TINY)
mnist_fn = 'images/mnist3.png'
pnts = np.array([[0,0], [0,35], [28,0], [28,35], [9, 17]])
def _pnt_lbl(fn)->None: return TensorPoint.create(pnts)
pnt_dsrc = Datasets([mnist_fn]*10, [[PILImage.create, Resize((35,28))], _pnt_lbl])
pnt_tdl = TfmdDL(pnt_dsrc.train, after_item=[PointScaler(), ToTensor()],
                 after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor(), *aug_transforms(max_warp=0)], bs=9)


coco = untar_data(URLs.COCO_TINY)
images, lbl_bbox = get_annotations(coco/'train.json')
coco_fn,bbox = coco/'train'/images[idx],lbl_bbox[idx]

def _coco_bb(x):  return TensorBBox.create(bbox[0])
def _coco_lbl(x): return bbox[1]
coco_dsrc = Datasets([coco_fn]*10, [PILImage.create, [_coco_bb], [_coco_lbl, MultiCategorize(add_na=True)]], n_inp=1)
coco_tdl = TfmdDL(coco_dsrc, bs=9, after_item=[BBoxLabeler(), PointScaler(), ToTensor(), Resize(256)],
                  after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor(), *aug_transforms()])


导出 -

from nbdev import nbdev_export