
! [ -e /content ] && pip install -Uqq fastai  # 在Colab上升级fastai
from __future__ import annotations
from fastai.basics import *
from fastai.text.core import *
from fastai.text.data import *
from fastai.text.models.core import *
from fastai.text.models.awdlstm import *
from fastai.callback.rnn import *
from fastai.callback.progress import *
from nbdev.showdoc import *


该模块最重要的功能是 language_model_learnertext_classifier_learner。它们将帮助您使用预训练模型定义一个 Learner。有关用法示例,请参见 文本教程



def match_embeds(
    old_wgts:dict, # 嵌入权重  
    old_vocab:list, # 用于预训练的语料库词汇
    new_vocab:list # 当前语料库词汇
) -> dict:
    "Convert the embedding in `old_wgts` to go from `old_vocab` to `new_vocab`."
    bias, wgts = old_wgts.get('1.decoder.bias', None), old_wgts['0.encoder.weight']
    wgts_m = wgts.mean(0)
    new_wgts = wgts.new_zeros((len(new_vocab),wgts.size(1)))
    if bias is not None:
        bias_m = bias.mean(0)
        new_bias = bias.new_zeros((len(new_vocab),))
    old_o2i = old_vocab.o2i if hasattr(old_vocab, 'o2i') else {w:i for i,w in enumerate(old_vocab)}
    for i,w in enumerate(new_vocab):
        idx = old_o2i.get(w, -1)
        new_wgts[i] = wgts[idx] if idx>=0 else wgts_m
        if bias is not None: new_bias[i] = bias[idx] if idx>=0 else bias_m
    old_wgts['0.encoder.weight'] = new_wgts
    if '0.encoder_dp.emb.weight' in old_wgts: old_wgts['0.encoder_dp.emb.weight'] = new_wgts.clone()
    old_wgts['1.decoder.weight'] = new_wgts.clone()
    if bias is not None: old_wgts['1.decoder.bias'] = new_bias
    return old_wgts

对于 new_vocab 中没有对应匹配的 old_vocab 中的单词,我们使用所有预训练嵌入的均值。

wgts = {'0.encoder.weight': torch.randn(5,3)}
new_wgts = match_embeds(wgts.copy(), ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'c', 'd', 'b'])
old,new = wgts['0.encoder.weight'],new_wgts['0.encoder.weight']
test_eq(new[0], old[0])
test_eq(new[1], old[2])
test_eq(new[2], old.mean(0))
test_eq(new[3], old[1])
wgts = {'0.encoder.weight': torch.randn(5,3), '1.decoder.bias': torch.randn(5)}
new_wgts = match_embeds(wgts.copy(), ['a', 'b', 'c'], ['a', 'c', 'd', 'b'])
old_w,new_w = wgts['0.encoder.weight'],new_wgts['0.encoder.weight']
old_b,new_b = wgts['1.decoder.bias'],  new_wgts['1.decoder.bias']
test_eq(new_w[0], old_w[0])
test_eq(new_w[1], old_w[2])
test_eq(new_w[2], old_w.mean(0))
test_eq(new_w[3], old_w[1])
test_eq(new_b[0], old_b[0])
test_eq(new_b[1], old_b[2])
test_eq(new_b[2], old_b.mean(0))
test_eq(new_b[3], old_b[1])
def _get_text_vocab(dls:DataLoaders) -> list:
    "Get vocabulary from `DataLoaders`"
    vocab = dls.vocab
    if isinstance(vocab, L): vocab = vocab[0]
    return vocab
def load_ignore_keys(
    model, # 模型架构
    wgts:dict # 模型权重
) -> tuple:
    "Load `wgts` in `model` ignoring the names of the keys, just taking parameters in order"
    sd = model.state_dict()
    for k1,k2 in zip(sd.keys(), wgts.keys()): sd[k1].data = wgts[k2].data.clone()
    return model.load_state_dict(sd)
def _rm_module(n:str):
    t = n.split('.')
    for i in range(len(t)-1, -1, -1):
        if t[i] == 'module':
    return '.'.join(t)
def clean_raw_keys(wgts:dict):
    keys = list(wgts.keys())
    for k in keys:
        t = k.split('.module')
        if f'{_rm_module(k)}_raw' in keys: del wgts[k]
    return wgts
def load_model_text(
    file:str, # 保存的文本模型文件名
    model, # 模型架构
    opt:Optimizer, # `优化器`用于拟合模型
    with_opt:bool=None, # 启用加载 `优化器` 状态
    device:int|str|torch.device=None, # Sets the device, uses 'cpu' if unspecified
    strict:bool=True # 是否严格要求`file`的状态字典键与模型`Module.state_dict`的键完全匹配
    "Load `model` from `file` along with `opt` (if available, and if `with_opt`)"
    if isinstance(device, int): device = torch.device('cuda', device)
    elif device is None: device = 'cpu'
    state = torch.load(file, map_location=device)
    hasopt = set(state)=={'model', 'opt'}
    model_state = state['model'] if hasopt else state
    get_model(model).load_state_dict(clean_raw_keys(model_state), strict=strict)
    if hasopt and ifnone(with_opt,True):
        try: opt.load_state_dict(state['opt'])
            if with_opt: warn("Could not load the optimizer state.")
    elif with_opt: warn("Saved file doesn't contain an optimizer state.")
class TextLearner(Learner):
    "Basic class for a `Learner` in NLP."
    def __init__(self, 
        dls:DataLoaders, # 文本 `DataLoaders`
        model, # 一个标准的PyTorch模型
        alpha:float=2., # `RNNRegularizer`的参数
        beta:float=1., # `RNNRegularizer`的参数
        moms:tuple=(0.8,0.7,0.8), # `余弦退火调度器`的势头
        super().__init__(dls, model, moms=moms, **kwargs)

    def save_encoder(self, 
        file:str # `Encoder` 的文件名 
        "Save the encoder to `file` in the model directory"
        if rank_distrib(): return # don't save if child proc
        encoder = get_model(self.model)[0]
        if hasattr(encoder, 'module'): encoder = encoder.module
        torch.save(encoder.state_dict(), join_path_file(file, self.path/self.model_dir, ext='.pth'))

    def load_encoder(self, 
        file:str, # Filename of the saved encoder 
        device:int|str|torch.device=None # 用于加载的设备,默认为 `dls` 设备
        "Load the encoder `file` from the model directory, optionally ensuring it's on `device`"
        encoder = get_model(self.model)[0]
        if device is None: device = self.dls.device
        if hasattr(encoder, 'module'): encoder = encoder.module
        wgts = torch.load(join_path_file(file,self.path/self.model_dir, ext='.pth'), map_location=device)
        return self

    def load_pretrained(self, 
        wgts_fname:str, # Filename of saved weights 
        vocab_fname:str, # Saved vocabulary filename in pickle format
        model=None # Model to load parameters from, defaults to `Learner.model`
        "Load a pretrained model and adapt it to the data vocabulary."
        old_vocab = load_pickle(vocab_fname)
        new_vocab = _get_text_vocab(self.dls)
        wgts = torch.load(wgts_fname, map_location = lambda storage,loc: storage)
        if 'model' in wgts: wgts = wgts['model'] #以防预训练模型是与优化器一起保存的
        wgts = match_embeds(wgts, old_vocab, new_vocab)
        load_ignore_keys(self.model if model is None else model, clean_raw_keys(wgts))
        return self

    def load(self, 
        file:str, # 保存模型的文件名 
        with_opt:bool=None, # 启用加载 `优化器` 状态
        device:int|str|torch.device=None, # 用于加载的设备,默认为 `dls` 设备
        if device is None: device = self.dls.device
        if self.opt is None: self.create_opt()
        file = join_path_file(file, self.path/self.model_dir, ext='.pth')
        load_model_text(file, self.model, self.opt, device=device, **kwargs)
        return self

添加了一个 ModelResetter 和一个带有 alphabetaRNNRegularizer 到回调中,其余部分与 Learner 的初始化相同。

这个 Learner 为基类增加了功能:




 TextLearner.load_pretrained (wgts_fname:str, vocab_fname:str, model=None)

Load a pretrained model and adapt it to the data vocabulary.

Type Default Details
wgts_fname str Filename of saved weights
vocab_fname str Saved vocabulary filename in pickle format
model NoneType None Model to load parameters from, defaults to Learner.model

wgts_fname 应指向预训练模型的权重,vocab_fname 应指向用于预训练的词汇表。




 TextLearner.save_encoder (file:str)

Save the encoder to file in the model directory

Type Details
file str Filename for Encoder

模型目录为 Learner.path/Learner.model_dir




 TextLearner.load_encoder (file:str, device:int|str|torch.device=None)

Load the encoder file from the model directory, optionally ensuring it’s on device

Type Default Details
file str Filename of the saved encoder
device int | str | torch.device None Device used to load, defaults to dls device


对于语言模型,predict 方法与其他应用有很大的不同,这就是为什么它需要自己的子类。

def decode_spec_tokens(tokens):
    "Decode the special tokens in `tokens`"
    new_toks,rule,arg = [],None,None
    for t in tokens:
        if t in [TK_MAJ, TK_UP, TK_REP, TK_WREP]: rule = t
        elif rule is None: new_toks.append(t)
        elif rule == TK_MAJ:
            new_toks.append(t[:1].upper() + t[1:].lower())
            rule = None
        elif rule == TK_UP:
            rule = None
        elif arg is None:
            try:    arg = int(t)
            except: rule = None
            if rule == TK_REP: new_toks.append(t * arg)
            else:              new_toks += [t] * arg
    return new_toks
test_eq(decode_spec_tokens(['xxmaj', 'text']), ['Text'])
test_eq(decode_spec_tokens(['xxup', 'text']), ['TEXT'])
test_eq(decode_spec_tokens(['xxrep', '3', 'a']), ['aaa'])
test_eq(decode_spec_tokens(['xxwrep', '3', 'word']), ['word', 'word', 'word'])
class LMLearner(TextLearner):
    "Add functionality to `TextLearner` when dealing with a language model"
    def predict(self, text, n_words=1, no_unk=True, temperature=1., min_p=None, no_bar=False,
                decoder=decode_spec_tokens, only_last_word=False):
        "Return `text` and the `n_words` that come after"
        idxs = idxs_all = self.dls.test_dl([text]).items[0].to(self.dls.device)
        if no_unk: unk_idx = self.dls.vocab.index(UNK)
        for _ in (range(n_words) if no_bar else progress_bar(range(n_words), leave=False)):
            with self.no_bar(): preds,_ = self.get_preds(dl=[(idxs[None],)])
            res = preds[0][-1]
            if no_unk: res[unk_idx] = 0.
            if min_p is not None:
                if (res >= min_p).float().sum() == 0:
                    warn(f"There is no item with probability >= {min_p}, try a lower value.")
                else: res[res < min_p] = 0.
            if temperature != 1.: res.pow_(1 / temperature)
            idx = torch.multinomial(res, 1).item()
            idxs = idxs_all = torch.cat([idxs_all, idxs.new([idx])])
            if only_last_word: idxs = idxs[-1][None]

        num = self.dls.train_ds.numericalize
        tokens = [num.vocab[i] for i in idxs_all if num.vocab[i] not in [BOS, PAD]]
        sep = self.dls.train_ds.tokenizer.sep
        return sep.join(decoder(tokens))

    def get_preds(self, concat_dim=1, **kwargs): return super().get_preds(concat_dim=1, **kwargs)
show_doc(LMLearner, title_level=3)



 LMLearner (dls:DataLoaders, model, alpha:float=2.0, beta:float=1.0,
            moms:tuple=(0.8, 0.7, 0.8), loss_func:callable|None=None,
            opt_func=<function Adam>, lr=0.001,
            splitter:callable=<function trainable_params>, cbs=None,
            metrics=None, path=None, model_dir='models', wd=None,
            wd_bn_bias=False, train_bn=True, default_cbs:bool=True)

Add functionality to TextLearner when dealing with a language model

Type Default Details
dls DataLoaders Text DataLoaders
model A standard PyTorch model
alpha float 2.0 Param for RNNRegularizer
beta float 1.0 Param for RNNRegularizer
moms tuple (0.8, 0.7, 0.8) Momentum for Cosine Annealing Scheduler
loss_func callable | None None Loss function for training
opt_func function Adam Optimisation function for training
lr float 0.001 Learning rate
splitter callable trainable_params Used to split parameters into layer groups
cbs NoneType None Callbacks
metrics NoneType None Printed after each epoch
path NoneType None Parent directory to save, load, and export models
model_dir str models Subdirectory to save and load models
wd NoneType None Weight decay
wd_bn_bias bool False Apply weight decay to batchnorm bias params?
train_bn bool True Always train batchnorm layers?
default_cbs bool True Include default callbacks?



 LMLearner.predict (text, n_words=1, no_unk=True, temperature=1.0,
                    min_p=None, no_bar=False, decoder=<function
                    decode_spec_tokens>, only_last_word=False)

Return text and the n_words that come after


Learner 便利函数

from fastai.text.models.core import _model_meta
def _get_text_vocab(dls):
    vocab = dls.vocab
    if isinstance(vocab, L): vocab = vocab[0]
    return vocab
def language_model_learner(dls, arch, config=None, drop_mult=1., backwards=False, pretrained=True, pretrained_fnames=None, **kwargs):
    "Create a `Learner` with a language model from `dls` and `arch`."
    vocab = _get_text_vocab(dls)
    model = get_language_model(arch, len(vocab), config=config, drop_mult=drop_mult)
    meta = _model_meta[arch]
    learn = LMLearner(dls, model, loss_func=CrossEntropyLossFlat(), splitter=meta['split_lm'], **kwargs)
    url = 'url_bwd' if backwards else 'url'
    if pretrained or pretrained_fnames:
        if pretrained_fnames is not None:
            fnames = [learn.path/learn.model_dir/f'{fn}.{ext}' for fn,ext in zip(pretrained_fnames, ['pth', 'pkl'])]
            if url not in meta:
                warn("There are no pretrained weights for that architecture yet!")
                return learn
            model_path = untar_data(meta[url] , c_key='model')
            try: fnames = [list(model_path.glob(f'*.{ext}'))[0] for ext in ['pth', 'pkl']]
            except IndexError: print(f'The model in {model_path} is incomplete, download again'); raise
        learn = learn.load_pretrained(*fnames)
    return learn

您可以使用 config 来自定义使用的架构(为此更改 awd_lstm_lm_config 中的值),pretrained 将使用 fastai 的预训练模型(如果可用)或您可以传递包含您自己的预训练模型和相应词汇表的具体 pretrained_fnames。所有其他参数都将传递给 Learner

path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)
df = pd.read_csv(path/'texts.csv')
dls = TextDataLoaders.from_df(df, path=path, text_col='text', is_lm=True, valid_col='is_valid')
learn = language_model_learner(dls, AWD_LSTM)

您可以使用 .predict 方法生成新文本。

learn.predict('This movie is about', n_words=20)
'This movie is about plans by Tom Cruise to win a loyalty sharing award at the Battle of Christmas'

默认情况下,每次预测一个单词后,整个句子会被重新输入到模型中,这个小技巧提升了生成文本的质量。如果你只想输入最后一个单词,请指定参数 only_last_word

learn.predict('This movie is about', n_words=20, only_last_word=True)
'This movie is about the J. Intelligent , ha - agency . Griffith , and Games on the early after'
def text_classifier_learner(dls, arch, seq_len=72, config=None, backwards=False, pretrained=True, drop_mult=0.5, n_out=None,
                            lin_ftrs=None, ps=None, max_len=72*20, y_range=None, **kwargs):
    "Create a `Learner` with a text classifier from `dls` and `arch`."
    vocab = _get_text_vocab(dls)
    if n_out is None: n_out = get_c(dls)
    assert n_out, "`n_out` is not defined, and could not be inferred from data, set `dls.c` or pass `n_out`"
    model = get_text_classifier(arch, len(vocab), n_out, seq_len=seq_len, config=config, y_range=y_range,
                                drop_mult=drop_mult, lin_ftrs=lin_ftrs, ps=ps, max_len=max_len)
    meta = _model_meta[arch]
    learn = TextLearner(dls, model, splitter=meta['split_clas'], **kwargs)
    url = 'url_bwd' if backwards else 'url'
    if pretrained:
        if url not in meta:
            warn("There are no pretrained weights for that architecture yet!")
            return learn
        model_path = untar_data(meta[url], c_key='model')
        try: fnames = [list(model_path.glob(f'*.{ext}'))[0] for ext in ['pth', 'pkl']]
        except IndexError: print(f'The model in {model_path} is incomplete, download again'); raise
        learn = learn.load_pretrained(*fnames, model=learn.model[0])
    return learn

您可以使用 config 自定义所使用的架构(通过更改 awd_lstm_clas_config 中的值来实现),pretrained 将使用 fastai 的预训练模型来支持该 arch(如果可用)。drop_mult 是一个全局乘子,用于控制所有的丢弃率。n_out 通常从 dls 中推断,但您也可以直接传递它。

该模型使用 SentenceEncoder,这意味着文本一次传递 seq_len 个标记,并且只会在最后的 max_len 步骤上计算梯度。lin_ftrsps 被传递给 get_text_classifier

所有其他参数都被传递给 Learner

path = untar_data(URLs.IMDB_SAMPLE)
df = pd.read_csv(path/'texts.csv')
dls = TextDataLoaders.from_df(df, path=path, text_col='text', label_col='label', valid_col='is_valid')
learn = text_classifier_learner(dls, AWD_LSTM)

显示方法 -

def show_results(x: LMTensorText, y, samples, outs, ctxs=None, max_n=10, **kwargs):
    if ctxs is None: ctxs = get_empty_df(min(len(samples), max_n))
    for i,l in enumerate(['input', 'target']):
        ctxs = [b.show(ctx=c, label=l, **kwargs) for b,c,_ in zip(samples.itemgot(i),ctxs,range(max_n))]
    ctxs = [b.show(ctx=c, label='pred', **kwargs) for b,c,_ in zip(outs.itemgot(0),ctxs,range(max_n))]
    return ctxs
def show_results(x: TensorText, y, samples, outs, ctxs=None, max_n=10, trunc_at=150, **kwargs):
    if ctxs is None: ctxs = get_empty_df(min(len(samples), max_n))
    samples = L((s[0].truncate(trunc_at),*s[1:]) for s in samples)
    ctxs = show_results[object](x, y, samples, outs, ctxs=ctxs, max_n=max_n, **kwargs)
    return ctxs
def plot_top_losses(x: TensorText, y:TensorCategory, samples, outs, raws, losses, trunc_at=150, **kwargs):
    rows = get_empty_df(len(samples))
    samples = L((s[0].truncate(trunc_at),*s[1:]) for s in samples)
    for i,l in enumerate(['input', 'target']):
        rows = [b.show(ctx=c, label=l, **kwargs) for b,c in zip(samples.itemgot(i),rows)]
    outs = L(o + (TitledFloat(r.max().item()), TitledFloat(l.item())) for o,r,l in zip(outs, raws, losses))
    for i,l in enumerate(['predicted', 'probability', 'loss']):
        rows = [b.show(ctx=c, label=l, **kwargs) for b,c in zip(outs.itemgot(i),rows)]

导出 -

from nbdev import nbdev_export