The sqlite
extension allows DuckDB to directly read data from a SQLite database file. The data can be queried directly from the underlying SQLite tables, or read into DuckDB tables.
Loading the Extension
In order to use the SQLite extension it must first be installed and loaded. This can be done using the following commands:
INSTALL sqlite;
LOAD sqlite;
To make a SQLite file accessible to DuckDB, use the ATTACH
statement, which supports read & write, or the older sqlite_attach
For example with the bundled sakila.db
ATTACH 'sakila.db' (TYPE sqlite);
-- or
CALL sqlite_attach('sakila.db');
The tables in the file are registered as views in DuckDB, you can list them as follows:
PRAGMA show_tables;
│ name │
│ actor │
│ address │
│ category │
│ city │
│ country │
│ customer │
│ customer_list │
│ film │
│ film_actor │
│ film_category │
│ film_list │
│ film_text │
│ inventory │
│ language │
│ payment │
│ rental │
│ sales_by_film_category │
│ sales_by_store │
│ staff │
│ staff_list │
│ store │
Then you can query those views normally using SQL, e.g. using the example queries from sakila-examples.sql
SELECT category_name,
Sum(Ifnull(pay.amount, 0)) revenue
FROM category cat
LEFT JOIN film_category flm_cat
ON cat.category_id = flm_cat.category_id
LEFT JOIN film fil
ON flm_cat.film_id = fil.film_id
LEFT JOIN inventory inv
ON fil.film_id = inv.film_id
LEFT JOIN rental ren
ON inv.inventory_id = ren.inventory_id
LEFT JOIN payment pay
ON ren.rental_id = pay.rental_id
Querying individual tables
Instead of attaching, you can also query individual tables using the sqlite_scan
SELECT * FROM sqlite_scan('sakila.db', 'film');
Data Types
SQLite is a weakly typed database system. As such, when storing data in a SQLite table, types are not enforced. The following is valid SQL in SQLite:
INSERT INTO numbers VALUES ('hello');
DuckDB is a strongly typed database system, as such, it requires all columns to have defined types and the system rigorously checks data for correctness.
When querying SQLite, DuckDB must deduce a specific column type mapping. DuckDB follows SQLite's type affinity rules with a few extensions.
- If the declared type contains the string "INT" then it is translated into the type
- If the declared type of the column contains any of the strings "CHAR", "CLOB", or "TEXT" then it is translated into
. - If the declared type for a column contains the string "BLOB" or if no type is specified then it is translated into
. - If the declared type for a column contains any of the strings "REAL", "FLOA", "DOUB", "DEC" or "NUM" then it is translated into
. - If the declared type is "DATE", then it is translated into
. - If the declared type contains the string "TIME", then it is translated into
. - If none of the above apply, then it is translated into
As DuckDB enforces the corresponding columns to contain only correctly typed values, we cannot load the string "hello" into a column of type BIGINT
. As such, an error is thrown when reading from the "numbers" table above:
Error: Mismatch Type Error: Invalid type in column "i": column was declared as integer, found "hello" of type "text" instead.
This error can be avoided by setting the sqlite_all_varchar
SET GLOBAL sqlite_all_varchar=true;
When set, this option overrides the type conversion rules described above, and instead always converts the SQLite columns into a VARCHAR
column. Note that this setting must be set before sqlite_attach
is called.
Running more than once
If you want to run the sqlite_scan
procedure more than once in the same DuckDB session, you'll need to pass in the overwrite
flag, as shown below:
CALL sqlite_attach('sakila.db', overwrite=true);
Extra Information
See the repo for the source code of the extension.