Windows ODBC Driver Manager: Odbccp32.dll
The Microsoft Windows requires an ODBC Driver Manager to manage communication between applications and the ODBC drivers. The DM on Windows is provided in a DLL file Odbccp32.dll, and other files and tools. For detailed information checkout out the Common ODBC Component Files.
Step 1: Download ODBC Driver
DuckDB releases the ODBC driver as asset. For Windows, download it from Windows Asset that contains the following artifacts:
duckdb_odbc.dll: the DuckDB driver compiled for Windows.
duckdb_odbc_setup.dll: a setup DLL used by the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator tool.
odbc_install.exe: a installation script to aid the configuration on Windows.
Step 2: Extracting ODBC artifacts
Unzip the file to a permanent directory (e.g., duckdb_odbc).
An example with PowerShell
and unzip
command would be:
mkdir duckdb_odbc
unzip -d duckdb_odbc
Step 3: ODBC Windows Installer
The odbc_install.exe
aids the configuration of the DuckDB ODBC Driver on Windows.
It depends on the Odbccp32.dll
that provides functions to configure the ODBC registry entries.
Inside the permanent directory (e.g., duckdb_odbc
), double-click on the odbc_install.exe
Windows administrator privileges is required, in case of a non-administrator a User Account Control shall display:
Step 4: Configure the ODBC Driver
The odbc_install.exe
adds a default DSN configuration into the ODBC registries with a default database :memory:
DSN Windows Setup
After the installation, it is possible to change the default DSN configuration or add a new one using the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator tool odbcad32.exe
It also can be launched thought the Windows start:
Default DuckDB DSN
In the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator tool, at System DSN tab is placed the default installed DSN for DuckDB:
Changing DuckDB DSN
Selecting the default DSN (i.e., DuckDB
) or add a new configuration, the following setup window will display:
For now, it is possible to set the DSN and the database file path associated with that DSN.
More Detailed Windows Setup
The ODBC setup on Windows is based on registry keys (see Registry Entries for ODBC Components
The ODBC entries can be placed at the current user registry key (HKCU
) or the system registry key (HKLM
We have tested and used the system entries based on HKLM->SOFTWARE->ODBC
The odbc_install.exe
changes this entry that has two subkeys: ODBC.INI
is where users usually insert DSN registry entries for the drivers.
For example, the DSN registry for DuckDB would look like this:
contains one entry for each ODBC driver and other keys predefined for Windows ODBC configuration.