Visual Studio Code 包含一组内置图标,这些图标用于视图和编辑器中,但也可以用于悬停提示、状态栏以及扩展中。这些图标是产品图标,与文件图标不同,后者在整个用户界面中用于文件名旁边。
VS Code 附带的产品图标包含在 Codicon 图标字体 中,并构成了 默认 的产品图标主题。扩展可以提供新的 产品图标主题 来重新定义这些图标,并为 VS Code 提供新的外观。
$(eye) $(heart) $(mark-github) GitHub
要在标签内放置字面量 ${...}
文本,请使用反斜杠转义 $
的地方(new ThemeIcon("iconId")
"contributes": {
"icons": {
"distro-ubuntu": {
"description": "Ubuntu icon",
"default": {
"fontPath": "./distroicons.woff",
"fontCharacter": "\\E001"
"distro-fedora": {
"description": "Ubuntu icon",
"default": {
"fontPath": "./distroicons.woff",
"fontCharacter": "\\E002"
图标的ID标识了图标的使用位置。默认的codicon ID描述了默认使用codicon库中的哪个图标,预览显示了该图标的外观。
Product Icon Themes 可以单独替换每个图标,以及来自 codicon 库的所有图标。
preview | identifier | default codicon ID | description |
accounts-view-bar-icon | account | Accounts icon in the view bar. | |
breakpoints-activate | activate-breakpoints | Icon for the activate action in the breakpoints view. | |
breakpoints-remove-all | close-all | Icon for the Remove All action in the breakpoints view. | |
breakpoints-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the breakpoints view. | |
callhierarchy-incoming | call-incoming | Icon for incoming calls in the call hierarchy view. | |
callhierarchy-outgoing | call-outgoing | Icon for outgoing calls in the call hierarchy view. | |
callstack-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the call stack view. | |
callstack-view-session | bug | Icon for the session icon in the call stack view. | |
chat-editor-label-icon | comment-discussion | Icon of the chat editor label. | |
comments-view-icon | comment-discussion | View icon of the comments view. | |
debug-breakpoint | debug-breakpoint | Icon for breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional | debug-breakpoint-conditional | Icon for conditional breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled | debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled | Icon for disabled conditional breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified | debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified | Icon for unverified conditional breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-data | debug-breakpoint-data | Icon for data breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-data-disabled | debug-breakpoint-data-disabled | Icon for disabled data breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-data-unverified | debug-breakpoint-data-unverified | Icon for unverified data breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-disabled | debug-breakpoint-disabled | Icon for disabled breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-function | debug-breakpoint-function | Icon for function breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-function-disabled | debug-breakpoint-function-disabled | Icon for disabled function breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-function-unverified | debug-breakpoint-function-unverified | Icon for unverified function breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-log | debug-breakpoint-log | Icon for log breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-log-disabled | debug-breakpoint-log-disabled | Icon for disabled log breakpoint. | |
debug-breakpoint-log-unverified | debug-breakpoint-log-unverified | Icon for unverified log breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-unsupported | debug-breakpoint-unsupported | Icon for unsupported breakpoints. | |
debug-breakpoint-unverified | debug-breakpoint-unverified | Icon for unverified breakpoints. | |
debug-collapse-all | collapse-all | Icon for the collapse all action in the debug views. | |
debug-configure | gear | Icon for the debug configure action. | |
debug-console | debug-console | Icon for the debug console open action. | |
debug-console-clear-all | clear-all | Icon for the clear all action in the debug console. | |
debug-console-evaluation-input | arrow-small-right | Icon for the debug evaluation input marker. | |
debug-console-evaluation-prompt | chevron-right | Icon for the debug evaluation prompt. | |
debug-console-view-icon | debug-console | View icon of the debug console view. | |
debug-continue | debug-continue | Icon for the debug continue action. | |
debug-disconnect | debug-disconnect | Icon for the debug disconnect action. | |
debug-gripper | gripper | Icon for the debug bar gripper. | |
debug-hint | debug-hint | Icon for breakpoint hints shown on hover in editor glyph margin. | |
debug-pause | debug-pause | Icon for the debug pause action. | |
debug-restart | debug-restart | Icon for the debug restart action. | |
debug-restart-frame | debug-restart-frame | Icon for the debug restart frame action. | |
debug-reverse-continue | debug-reverse-continue | Icon for the debug reverse continue action. | |
debug-stackframe | debug-stackframe | Icon for a stackframe shown in the editor glyph margin. | |
debug-stackframe-focused | debug-stackframe-focused | Icon for a focused stackframe shown in the editor glyph margin. | |
debug-start | debug-start | Icon for the debug start action. | |
debug-step-back | debug-step-back | Icon for the debug step back action. | |
debug-step-into | debug-step-into | Icon for the debug step into action. | |
debug-step-out | debug-step-out | Icon for the debug step out action. | |
debug-step-over | debug-step-over | Icon for the debug step over action. | |
debug-stop | debug-stop | Icon for the debug stop action. | |
default-view-icon | window | Default view icon. | |
diff-editor-next-change | arrow-down | Icon for the next change action in the diff editor. | |
diff-editor-previous-change | arrow-up | Icon for the previous change action in the diff editor. | |
diff-editor-toggle-whitespace | whitespace | Icon for the toggle whitespace action in the diff editor. | |
diff-insert | add | Line decoration for inserts in the diff editor. | |
diff-remove | remove | Line decoration for removals in the diff editor. | |
diff-review-close | close | Icon for 'Close' in diff review. | |
diff-review-insert | add | Icon for 'Insert' in diff review. | |
diff-review-remove | remove | Icon for 'Remove' in diff review. | |
disassembly-editor-label-icon | debug | Icon of the disassembly editor label. | |
explorer-view-icon | files | View icon of the explorer view. | |
extensions-clear-search-results | clear-all | Icon for the 'Clear Search Result' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-configure-recommended | pencil | Icon for the 'Configure Recommended Extensions' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-editor-label-icon | extensions | Icon of the extension editor label. | |
extensions-filter | filter | Icon for the 'Filter' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-info-message | info | Icon shown with an info message in the extensions editor. | |
extensions-install-count | cloud-download | Icon shown along with the install count in the extensions view and editor. | |
extensions-install-local-in-remote | cloud-download | Icon for the 'Install Local Extension in Remote' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-install-workspace-recommended | cloud-download | Icon for the 'Install Workspace Recommended Extensions' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-manage | gear | Icon for the 'Manage' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-rating | star | Icon shown along with the rating in the extensions view and editor. | |
extensions-refresh | refresh | Icon for the 'Refresh' action in the extensions view. | |
extensions-remote | remote | Icon to indicate that an extension is remote in the extensions view and editor. | |
extensions-star-empty | star-empty | Empty star icon used for the rating in the extensions editor. | |
extensions-star-full | star-full | Full star icon used for the rating in the extensions editor. | |
extensions-star-half | star-half | Half star icon used for the rating in the extensions editor. | |
extensions-sync-enabled | sync | Icon to indicate that an extension is synced. | |
extensions-sync-ignored | sync-ignored | Icon to indicate that an extension is ignored when syncing. | |
extensions-view-icon | extensions | View icon of the extensions view. | |
extensions-warning-message | warning | Icon shown with a warning message in the extensions editor. | |
find-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon to indicate that the editor find widget is collapsed. | |
find-expanded | chevron-down | Icon to indicate that the editor find widget is expanded. | |
find-next-match | arrow-down | Icon for 'Find Next' in the editor find widget. | |
find-previous-match | arrow-up | Icon for 'Find Previous' in the editor find widget. | |
find-replace | replace | Icon for 'Replace' in the editor find widget. | |
find-replace-all | replace-all | Icon for 'Replace All' in the editor find widget. | |
find-selection | selection | Icon for 'Find in Selection' in the editor find widget. | |
folding-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon for collapsed ranges in the editor glyph margin. | |
folding-expanded | chevron-down | Icon for expanded ranges in the editor glyph margin. | |
getting-started-beginner | lightbulb | Icon used for the beginner category of getting started | |
getting-started-codespaces | github | Icon used for the codespaces category of getting started | |
getting-started-item-checked | pass-filled | Used to represent getting started items which have been completed | |
getting-started-item-unchecked | circle-large-outline | Used to represent getting started items which have not been completed | |
getting-started-setup | heart | Icon used for the setup category of getting started | |
goto-next-location | arrow-down | Icon for goto next editor location. | |
goto-previous-location | arrow-up | Icon for goto previous editor location. | |
keybindings-add | add | Icon for the add action in the keybinding UI. | |
keybindings-edit | edit | Icon for the edit action in the keybinding UI. | |
keybindings-editor-label-icon | keyboard | Icon of the keybindings editor label. | |
keybindings-record-keys | record-keys | Icon for the 'record keys' action in the keybinding UI. | |
keybindings-sort | sort-precedence | Icon for the 'sort by precedence' toggle in the keybinding UI. | |
loaded-scripts-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the loaded scripts view. | |
marker-navigation-next | chevron-down | Icon for goto next marker. | |
marker-navigation-previous | chevron-up | Icon for goto previous marker. | |
markers-view-filter | filter | Icon for the filter configuration in the markers view. | |
markers-view-icon | warning | View icon of the markers view. | |
markers-view-multi-line-collapsed | chevron-down | Icon indicating that multiple lines are collapsed in the markers view. | |
markers-view-multi-line-expanded | chevron-up | Icon indicating that multiple lines are shown in the markers view. | |
multi-diff-editor-label-icon | diff-multiple | Icon of the multi diff editor label. | |
notebook-clear | clear-all | Icon to clear cell outputs in notebook editors. | |
notebook-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon to annotate a collapsed section in notebook editors. | |
notebook-delete-cell | trash | Icon to delete a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-edit | pencil | Icon to edit a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-execute | play | Icon to execute in notebook editors. | |
notebook-execute-all | run-all | Icon to execute all cells in notebook editors. | |
notebook-expanded | chevron-down | Icon to annotate an expanded section in notebook editors. | |
notebook-kernel-configure | settings-gear | Configure icon in kernel configuration widget in notebook editors. | |
notebook-kernel-select | server-environment | Configure icon to select a kernel in notebook editors. | |
notebook-mimetype | code | Icon for a mime type in notebook editors. | |
notebook-move-down | arrow-down | Icon to move down a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-move-up | arrow-up | Icon to move up a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-open-as-text | file-code | Icon to open the notebook in a text editor. | |
notebook-render-output | preview | Icon to render output in diff editor. | |
notebook-revert | discard | Icon to revert in notebook editors. | |
notebook-split-cell | split-vertical | Icon to split a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-state-error | error | Icon to indicate an error state in notebook editors. | |
notebook-state-success | check | Icon to indicate a success state in notebook editors. | |
notebook-stop | primitive-square | Icon to stop an execution in notebook editors. | |
notebook-stop-edit | check | Icon to stop editing a cell in notebook editors. | |
notebook-unfold | unfold | Icon to unfold a cell in notebook editors. | |
notifications-clear | close | Icon for the clear action in notifications. | |
notifications-clear-all | clear-all | Icon for the clear all action in notifications. | |
notifications-collapse | chevron-down | Icon for the collapse action in notifications. | |
notifications-configure | gear | Icon for the configure action in notifications. | |
notifications-expand | chevron-up | Icon for the expand action in notifications. | |
notifications-hide | chevron-down | Icon for the hide action in notifications. | |
open-editors-view-icon | book | View icon of the open editors view. | |
outline-view-icon | symbol-class | View icon of the outline view. | |
output-view-icon | output | View icon of the output view. | |
panel-close | close | Icon to close a panel. | |
panel-maximize | chevron-up | Icon to maximize a panel. | |
panel-restore | chevron-down | Icon to restore a panel. | |
parameter-hints-next | chevron-down | Icon for show next parameter hint. | |
parameter-hints-previous | chevron-up | Icon for show previous parameter hint. | |
ports-forward-icon | plus | Icon for the forward action. | |
ports-open-browser-icon | globe | Icon for the open browser action. | |
ports-stop-forward-icon | x | Icon for the stop forwarding action. | |
ports-view-icon | plug | View icon of the remote ports view. | |
preferences-clear-input | clear-all | Icon for clear input in the settings and keybinding UI. | |
preferences-open-settings | go-to-file | Icon for open settings commands. | |
private-ports-view-icon | lock | Icon representing a private remote port. | |
public-ports-view-icon | eye | Icon representing a public remote port. | |
refactor-preview-view-icon | lightbulb | View icon of the refactor preview view. | |
remote-explorer-documentation | book | Documentation icon in the remote explorer view. | |
remote-explorer-feedback | Feedback icon in the remote explorer view. | ||
remote-explorer-get-started | star | Getting started icon in the remote explorer view. | |
remote-explorer-report-issues | comment | Report issue icon in the remote explorer view. | |
remote-explorer-review-issues | issues | Review issue icon in the remote explorer view. | |
remote-explorer-view-icon | remote-explorer | View icon of the remote explorer view. | |
review-comment-collapse | chevron-up | Icon to collapse a review comment. | |
run-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the Run and Debug view. | |
runtime-extensions-editor-label-icon | extensions | Icon of the runtime extensions editor label. | |
search-clear-results | clear-all | Icon for clear results in the search view. | |
search-collapse-results | collapse-all | Icon for collapse results in the search view. | |
search-details | ellipsis | Icon to make search details visible. | |
search-editor-label-icon | search | Icon of the search editor label. | |
search-expand-results | expand-all | Icon for expand results in the search view. | |
search-hide-replace | chevron-right | Icon to collapse the replace section in the search view. | |
search-new-editor | new-file | Icon for the action to open a new search editor. | |
search-refresh | refresh | Icon for refresh in the search view. | |
search-remove | close | Icon to remove a search result. | |
search-replace | replace | Icon for replace in the search view. | |
search-replace-all | replace-all | Icon for replace all in the search view. | |
search-show-context | list-selection | Icon for toggle the context in the search editor. | |
search-show-replace | chevron-down | Icon to expand the replace section in the search view. | |
search-stop | search-stop | Icon for stop in the search view. | |
search-view-icon | search | View icon of the search view. | |
settings-add | add | Icon for the add action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-discard | discard | Icon for the discard action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-edit | edit | Icon for the edit action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-editor-label-icon | settings | Icon of the settings editor label. | |
settings-folder-dropdown | triangle-down | Icon for the folder dropdown button in the split JSON Settings editor. | |
settings-group-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon for a collapsed section in the split JSON Settings editor. | |
settings-group-expanded | chevron-down | Icon for an expanded section in the split JSON Settings editor. | |
settings-more-action | gear | Icon for the 'more actions' action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-remove | close | Icon for the remove action in the Settings UI. | |
settings-sync-view-icon | sync | View icon of the Settings Sync view. | |
settings-view-bar-icon | settings-gear | Settings icon in the view bar. | |
source-control-view-icon | source-control | View icon of the Source Control view. | |
suggest-more-info | chevron-right | Icon for more information in the suggest widget. | |
tasks-list-configure | gear | Configuration icon in the tasks selection list. | |
tasks-remove | close | Icon for remove in the tasks selection list. | |
terminal-kill | trash | Icon for killing a terminal instance. | |
terminal-new | add | Icon for creating a new terminal instance. | |
terminal-rename | gear | Icon for rename in the terminal quick menu. | |
terminal-view-icon | terminal | View icon of the terminal view. | |
test-view-icon | beaker | View icon of the test view. | |
testing-cancel-icon | close | Icon to cancel ongoing test runs. | |
testing-debug-icon | debug-alt | Icon of the "debug test" action. | |
testing-error-icon | warning | Icon shown for tests that have an error. | |
testing-failed-icon | close | Icon shown for tests that failed. | |
testing-passed-icon | pass | Icon shown for tests that passed. | |
testing-queued-icon | watch | Icon shown for tests that are queued. | |
testing-run-all-icon | run-all | Icon of the "run all tests" action. | |
testing-run-icon | run | Icon of the "run test" action. | |
testing-show-as-list-icon | list-tree | Icon shown when the test explorer is disabled as a tree. | |
testing-skipped-icon | debug-step-over | Icon shown for tests that are skipped. | |
testing-unset-icon | circle-outline | Icon shown for tests that are in an unset state. | |
timeline-open | history | Icon for the open timeline action. | |
timeline-pin | pin | Icon for the pin timeline action. | |
timeline-refresh | refresh | Icon for the refresh timeline action. | |
timeline-unpin | pinned | Icon for the unpin timeline action. | |
timeline-view-icon | history | View icon of the timeline view. | |
variables-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the variables view. | |
view-pane-container-collapsed | chevron-right | Icon for a collapsed view pane container. | |
view-pane-container-expanded | chevron-down | Icon for an expanded view pane container. | |
watch-expressions-add | add | Icon for the add action in the watch view. | |
watch-expressions-add-function-breakpoint | add | Icon for the add function breakpoint action in the watch view. | |
watch-expressions-remove-all | close-all | Icon for the Remove All action in the watch view. | |
watch-view-icon | debug-alt | View icon of the watch view. | |
widget-close | close | Icon for the close action in widgets. | |
workspace-trust-editor-label-icon | shield | Icon of the workspace trust editor label. |
Codicon 库包含 VS Code 视图中使用的所有图标,以及一组有用的图标。
VS Code 扩展可以在标签、视图和树中使用这些图标。
preview | identifier |
account | |
activate-breakpoints | |
add | |
alert | |
archive | |
array | |
arrow-both | |
arrow-circle-down | |
arrow-circle-left | |
arrow-circle-right | |
arrow-circle-up | |
arrow-down | |
arrow-left | |
arrow-right | |
arrow-small-down | |
arrow-small-left | |
arrow-small-right | |
arrow-small-up | |
arrow-swap | |
arrow-up | |
azure-devops | |
azure | |
beaker-stop | |
beaker | |
bell | |
bell-dot | |
bell-slash | |
bell-slash-dot | |
bold | |
book | |
bookmark | |
bracket-dot | |
bracket-error | |
bracket | |
briefcase | |
broadcast | |
browser | |
bug | |
calendar | |
call-incoming | |
call-outgoing | |
case-sensitive | |
check | |
check-all | |
checklist | |
chevron-down | |
chevron-left | |
chevron-right | |
chevron-up | |
chip | |
chrome-close | |
chrome-maximize | |
chrome-minimize | |
chrome-restore | |
circle-filled | |
circle-large-filled | |
circle-large-outline | |
circle-outline | |
circle-slash | |
circuit-board | |
clear-all | |
clippy | |
clock | |
clone | |
close | |
close-all | |
close-dirty | |
cloud | |
cloud-download | |
cloud-upload | |
code | |
coffee | |
collapse-all | |
color-mode | |
combine | |
comment | |
comment-add | |
comment-discussion | |
comment-draft | |
comment-unresolved | |
compare-changes | |
compass-active | |
compass-dot | |
compass | |
console | |
copilot | |
copy | |
credit-card | |
dash | |
dashboard | |
database | |
debug-all | |
debug | |
debug-alt | |
debug-alt-small | |
debug-breakpoint | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-conditional-unverified | |
debug-breakpoint-data | |
debug-breakpoint-data-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-data-unverified | |
debug-breakpoint-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-function | |
debug-breakpoint-function-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-function-unverified | |
debug-breakpoint-log | |
debug-breakpoint-log-disabled | |
debug-breakpoint-log-unverified | |
debug-breakpoint-unsupported | |
debug-breakpoint-unverified | |
debug-console | |
debug-continue-small | |
debug-continue | |
debug-coverage | |
debug-disconnect | |
debug-hint | |
debug-line-by-line | |
debug-pause | |
debug-rerun | |
debug-restart | |
debug-restart-frame | |
debug-reverse-continue | |
debug-stackframe | |
debug-stackframe-active | |
debug-stackframe-dot | |
debug-stackframe-focused | |
debug-start | |
debug-step-back | |
debug-step-into | |
debug-step-out | |
debug-step-over | |
debug-stop | |
desktop-download | |
device-camera | |
device-camera-video | |
device-desktop | |
device-mobile | |
diff | |
diff-added | |
diff-ignored | |
diff-modified | |
diff-removed | |
diff-renamed | |
discard | |
edit | |
editor-layout | |
ellipsis | |
empty-window | |
error-small | |
error | |
exclude | |
expand-all | |
export | |
extensions | |
eye | |
eye-closed | |
eye-unwatch | |
eye-watch | |
feedback | |
file | |
file-add | |
file-binary | |
file-code | |
file-directory | |
file-directory-create | |
file-media | |
file-pdf | |
file-submodule | |
file-symlink-directory | |
file-symlink-file | |
file-text | |
file-zip | |
files | |
filter-filled | |
filter | |
flame | |
fold | |
fold-down | |
fold-up | |
folder | |
folder-active | |
folder-library | |
folder-opened | |
game | |
gather | |
gear | |
gift | |
gist | |
gist-fork | |
gist-new | |
gist-private | |
gist-secret | |
git-branch | |
git-branch-create | |
git-branch-delete | |
git-commit | |
git-compare | |
git-fetch | |
git-fork-private | |
git-merge | |
git-pull-request | |
git-pull-request-abandoned | |
git-pull-request-closed | |
git-pull-request-create | |
git-pull-request-draft | |
git-pull-request-new-changes | |
git-pull-request-go-to-changes | |
github | |
github-action | |
github-alt | |
github-inverted | |
globe | |
go-to-file | |
grabber | |
graph | |
graph-left | |
graph-line | |
graph-scatter | |
gripper | |
group-by-ref-type | |
heart | |
history | |
home | |
horizontal-rule | |
hubot | |
inbox | |
indent | |
info | |
insert | |
inspect | |
issue-closed | |
issue-draft | |
issue-opened | |
issue-reopened | |
issues | |
italic | |
jersey | |
json | |
kebab-horizontal | |
kebab-vertical | |
key | |
keyboard | |
law | |
layers-active | |
layers-dot | |
layers | |
layout-activitybar-left | |
layout-activitybar-right | |
layout-centered | |
layout-menubar | |
layout-panel-center | |
layout-panel-justify | |
layout-panel-left | |
layout-panel-right | |
layout-panel | |
layout-sidebar-left | |
layout-sidebar-right | |
layout-statusbar | |
layout | |
library | |
light-bulb | |
lightbulb | |
lightbulb-autofix | |
link | |
link-external | |
list-filter | |
list-flat | |
list-ordered | |
list-selection | |
list-tree | |
list-unordered | |
live-share | |
loading | |
location | |
lock-small | |
lock | |
log-in | |
log-out | |
logo-github | |
magnet | |
mail-read | |
mail-reply | |
mark-github | |
markdown | |
megaphone | |
mention | |
menu | |
merge | |
mic | |
mic-filled | |
microscope | |
milestone | |
mirror | |
mirror-private | |
mirror-public | |
more | |
mortar-board | |
move | |
multiple-windows | |
music | |
mute | |
new-file | |
new-folder | |
newline | |
no-newline | |
note | |
notebook | |
notebook-template | |
octoface | |
open-preview | |
organization | |
organization-filled | |
organization-outline | |
output | |
package | |
paintcan | |
pass | |
pass-filled | |
pencil | |
person | |
person-add | |
person-filled | |
person-follow | |
person-outline | |
pie-chart | |
piano | |
pin | |
pinned | |
pinned-dirty | |
play | |
play-circle | |
plug | |
plus | |
preserve-case | |
preview | |
primitive-dot | |
primitive-square | |
project | |
pulse | |
question | |
quote | |
radio-tower | |
reactions | |
record | |
record-keys | |
record-small | |
redo | |
references | |
refresh | |
regex | |
remote | |
remote-explorer | |
remove | |
remove-close | |
repl | |
replace | |
replace-all | |
reply | |
repo | |
repo-clone | |
repo-create | |
repo-delete | |
repo-force-push | |
repo-forked | |
repo-pull | |
repo-push | |
repo-sync | |
report | |
request-changes | |
rocket | |
root-folder | |
root-folder-opened | |
rss | |
ruby | |
run | |
run-all | |
run-above | |
run-below | |
run-errors | |
save | |
save-all | |
save-as | |
screen-full | |
screen-normal | |
search | |
search-save | |
search-stop | |
search-fuzzy | |
selection | |
send | |
server | |
server-environment | |
server-process | |
settings | |
settings-gear | |
shield | |
| |
sign-out | |
smiley | |
snake | |
sparkle | |
sort-precedence | |
source-control | |
split-horizontal | |
split-vertical | |
squirrel | |
star | |
star-add | |
star-delete | |
star-empty | |
star-full | |
star-half | |
stop | |
stop-circle | |
symbol-array | |
symbol-boolean | |
symbol-class | |
symbol-color | |
symbol-constant | |
symbol-constructor | |
symbol-enum | |
symbol-enum-member | |
symbol-event | |
symbol-field | |
symbol-file | |
symbol-folder | |
symbol-function | |
symbol-interface | |
symbol-key | |
symbol-keyword | |
symbol-method | |
symbol-misc | |
symbol-module | |
symbol-namespace | |
symbol-null | |
symbol-number | |
symbol-numeric | |
symbol-object | |
symbol-operator | |
symbol-package | |
symbol-parameter | |
symbol-property | |
symbol-reference | |
symbol-ruler | |
symbol-snippet | |
symbol-string | |
symbol-struct | |
symbol-structure | |
symbol-text | |
symbol-type-parameter | |
symbol-unit | |
symbol-value | |
symbol-variable | |
sync | |
sync-ignored | |
tag-add | |
tag-remove | |
tag | |
target | |
tasklist | |
telescope | |
terminal-bash | |
terminal-cmd | |
terminal-debian | |
terminal-linux | |
terminal-powershell | |
terminal-tmux | |
terminal-ubuntu | |
terminal | |
text-size | |
three-bars | |
thumbsdown | |
thumbsdown-filled | |
thumbsup | |
thumbsup-filled | |
tools | |
trash | |
trashcan | |
triangle-down | |
triangle-left | |
triangle-right | |
triangle-up | |
type-hierarchy | |
type-hierarchy-sub | |
type-hierarchy-super | |
unfold | |
ungroup-by-ref-type | |
unlock | |
unmute | |
unverified | |
variable | |
verified-filled | |
verified | |
versions | |
vm | |
vm-active | |
vm-connect | |
vm-outline | |
vm-running | |
vr | |
warning | |
watch | |
whitespace | |
whole-word | |
window | |
word-wrap | |
workspace-trusted | |
workspace-unknown | |
workspace-untrusted | |
wrench | |
wrench-subaction | |
x | |
zap | |
zoom-in | |
zoom-out |