when 子句上下文
Visual Studio Code 根据 VS Code 用户界面中可见和活动的元素设置各种上下文键和特定值。这些上下文可用于选择性地启用或禁用扩展命令和用户界面元素,例如菜单和视图。
例如,VS Code 使用 when 子句来启用或禁用命令键绑定,您可以在默认键绑定 JSON 中看到(首选项:打开默认键盘快捷键 (JSON)):
{ "key": "f5", "command": "workbench.action.debug.start",
"when": "debuggersAvailable && !inDebugMode" },
when 子句可以由上下文键(例如,inDebugMode
/not in
Operator | Symbol | Example |
Not | ! |
"!editorReadonly" or "!(editorReadonly || inDebugMode)" |
And | && |
"textInputFocus && !editorReadonly" |
Or | || |
"isLinux || isWindows" |
Written as | Interpreted as |
!foo && bar |
(!foo) && bar |
!foo || bar |
(!foo) || bar |
foo || bar && baz |
foo || (bar && baz) |
!foo && bar || baz |
(!foo && bar) || baz |
!(foo || bar) && baz |
(remains same) !(foo || bar) && baz |
Operator | Symbol | Example |
Equality | == |
"editorLangId == typescript" or "editorLangId == 'typescript'" |
Inequality | != |
"resourceExtname != .js" or "resourceExtname != '.js'" |
- 如果右侧的值是包含空格的字符串,则必须用单引号括起来 -
"resourceFilename == 'My New File.md'"
。 ===
你可以将一个上下文键的值与一个数字进行比较。请注意,操作符的左右两侧必须用空格分隔 - foo < 1
,但不能是 foo<1
Operator | Symbols | Example |
Greater than | > , >= |
"gitOpenRepositoryCount >= 1" but not "gitOpenRepositoryCount>=1" |
Less than | < , <= |
"workspaceFolderCount < 2" but not "workspaceFolderCount<2" |
Operator | Symbol | Example |
Matches | =~ |
"resourceScheme =~ /^untitled$|^file$/" |
)用于when子句。表达式key =~ regularExpressionLiteral
"when": "resourceFilename =~ /docker/"
操作符的右侧遵循与 JavaScript 中的正则表达式字面量相同的规则(参考),除了字符需要遵循 JSON 字符串和正则表达式的转义规则。例如,匹配子字符串file://
的正则表达式字面量在 JavaScript 中为/file:\/\//
,但在 when 子句中为/file:\\/\\//
,因为反斜杠需要在 JSON 字符串中转义,而斜杠需要在正则表达式模式中转义。- 不存在运算符
,但你可以否定匹配表达式 -!(foo =~ /baz/)
可以在正则表达式字面量中使用标志。例如,resourceFilename =~ /json/i
或 myContextKey =~ /baz/si
, s
, m
, u
, y
'in' 和 'not in' 条件运算符
操作符用于 when 子句,允许在另一个上下文键的值中动态查找上下文键的值。例如,如果你想为包含某种类型文件(或无法静态知道的内容)的文件夹添加上下文菜单命令,你现在可以使用 in
操作符来实现。你可以使用 not in
Operator | Symbol | Example |
In | in |
"resourceFilename in supportedFolders" |
Not in | not in |
"resourceFilename not in supportedFolders" |
vscode.commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'ext.supportedFolders', [
// or
// Note in this case (using an object), the value doesn't matter, it is based on the existence of the key in the object
// The value must be of a simple type
vscode.commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'ext.supportedFolders', {
test: true,
foo: 'anything',
bar: false
// Note, this assumes you have already defined a command called ext.doSpecial
"menus": {
"explorer/context": [
"command": "ext.doSpecial",
"when": "explorerResourceIsFolder && resourceFilename in ext.supportedFolders"
以下是一些可用的上下文键,它们会评估为布尔值 true/false。
Context name | True when |
Editor contexts | |
editorFocus |
An editor has focus, either the text or a widget. |
editorTextFocus |
The text in an editor has focus (cursor is blinking). |
textInputFocus |
Any editor has focus (regular editor, debug REPL, etc.). |
inputFocus |
Any text input area has focus (editors or text boxes). |
editorTabMovesFocus |
Whether Tab will move focus out of the editor. |
editorHasSelection |
Text is selected in the editor. |
editorHasMultipleSelections |
Multiple regions of text are selected (multiple cursors). |
editorReadonly |
The editor is read only. |
editorLangId |
True when the editor's associated language ID matches. Example: "editorLangId == typescript" . |
isInDiffEditor |
The active editor is a difference editor. |
isInEmbeddedEditor |
True when the focus is inside an embedded editor. |
Operating system contexts | |
isLinux |
True when the OS is Linux. |
isMac |
True when the OS is macOS. |
isWindows |
True when the OS is Windows. |
isWeb |
True when accessing the editor from the Web. |
List contexts | |
listFocus |
A list has focus. |
listSupportsMultiselect |
A list supports multi select. |
listHasSelectionOrFocus |
A list has selection or focus. |
listDoubleSelection |
A list has a selection of 2 elements. |
listMultiSelection |
A list has a selection of multiple elements. |
Mode contexts | |
inSnippetMode |
The editor is in snippet mode. |
inQuickOpen |
The Quick Open dropdown has focus. |
Resource contexts | |
resourceScheme |
True when the resource Uri scheme matches. Example: "resourceScheme == file" |
resourceFilename |
True when the Explorer or editor filename matches. Example: "resourceFilename == gulpfile.js" |
resourceExtname |
True when the Explorer or editor filename extension matches. Example: "resourceExtname == .js" |
resourceDirname |
True when the Explorer or editor's resource absolute folder path matches. Example: "resourceDirname == /users/alice/project/src" |
resourcePath |
True when the Explorer or editor's resource absolute path matches. Example: "resourcePath == /users/alice/project/gulpfile.js" |
resourceLangId |
True when the Explorer or editor title language ID matches. Example: "resourceLangId == markdown" |
isFileSystemResource |
True when the Explorer or editor file is a file system resource that can be handled from a file system provider. |
resourceSet |
True when an Explorer or editor file is set. |
resource |
The full Uri of the Explorer or editor file. |
Explorer contexts | |
explorerViewletVisible |
True if Explorer view is visible. |
explorerViewletFocus |
True if Explorer view has keyboard focus. |
filesExplorerFocus |
True if File Explorer section has keyboard focus. |
openEditorsFocus |
True if OPEN EDITORS section has keyboard focus. |
explorerResourceIsFolder |
True if a folder is selected in the Explorer. |
Editor widget contexts | |
findWidgetVisible |
Editor Find widget is visible. |
suggestWidgetVisible |
Suggestion widget (IntelliSense) is visible. |
suggestWidgetMultipleSuggestions |
Multiple suggestions are displayed. |
renameInputVisible |
Rename input text box is visible. |
referenceSearchVisible |
Peek References peek window is open. |
inReferenceSearchEditor |
The Peek References peek window editor has focus. |
config.editor.stablePeek |
Keep peek editors open (controlled by editor.stablePeek setting). |
codeActionMenuVisible |
Code Action menu is visible. |
parameterHintsVisible |
Parameter hints are visible (controlled by editor.parameterHints.enabled setting). |
parameterHintsMultipleSignatures |
Multiple parameter hints are displayed. |
Debugger contexts | |
debuggersAvailable |
An appropriate debugger extension is available. |
inDebugMode |
A debug session is running. |
debugState |
Active debugger state. Possible values are inactive , initializing , stopped , running . |
debugType |
True when debug type matches. Example: "debugType == 'node'" . |
inDebugRepl |
Focus is in the Debug Console REPL. |
Integrated terminal contexts | |
terminalFocus |
An integrated terminal has focus. |
terminalIsOpen |
An integrated terminal is opened. |
Timeline view contexts | |
timelineFollowActiveEditor |
True if the Timeline view is following the active editor. |
Timeline view item contexts | |
timelineItem |
True when the timeline item's context value matches. Example: "timelineItem =~ /git:file:commit\\b/" . |
Extension contexts | |
extension |
True when the extension's ID matches. Example: "extension == eamodio.gitlens" . |
extensionStatus |
True when the extension is installed. Example: "extensionStatus == installed" . |
extensionHasConfiguration |
True if the extension has configuration. |
Global UI contexts | |
notificationFocus |
Notification has keyboard focus. |
notificationCenterVisible |
Notification Center is visible at the bottom right of VS Code. |
notificationToastsVisible |
Notification toast is visible at the bottom right of VS Code. |
searchViewletVisible |
Search view is open. |
sideBarVisible |
Side Bar is displayed. |
sideBarFocus |
Side Bar has focus. |
panelFocus |
Panel has focus. |
inZenMode |
Window is in Zen Mode. |
isCenteredLayout |
Editor is in centered layout mode. |
workbenchState |
Can be empty , folder (1 folder), or workspace . |
workspaceFolderCount |
Count of workspace folders. |
replaceActive |
Search view Replace text box is open. |
view |
For view/title and view/item/context , the view to display the command in.Example: "view == myViewsExplorerID" . |
viewItem |
For view/item/context , the contextValue from the tree item.Example: "viewItem == someContextValue" . |
webviewId |
For webview/context , the webview ID to display the command in.Example: "webviewId == catCoding" . |
isFullscreen |
True when window is in fullscreen. |
focusedView |
The identifier of the currently focused view. |
canNavigateBack |
True if it is possible to navigate back. |
canNavigateForward |
True if it is possible to navigate forward. |
canNavigateToLastEditLocation |
True if it is possible to navigate to the last edit location. |
Global Editor UI contexts | |
textCompareEditorVisible |
At least one diff (compare) editor is visible. |
textCompareEditorActive |
A diff (compare) editor is active. |
editorIsOpen |
True if one editor is open. |
groupEditorsCount |
Number of editors in a group. |
activeEditorGroupEmpty |
True if the active editor group has no editors. |
activeEditorGroupIndex |
A number starting from 1 reflecting the position of an editor group in the editor grid.The group with index 1 will be the first in the top-left corner. |
activeEditorGroupLast |
Will be true for the last editor group in the editor grid. |
multipleEditorGroups |
True when multiple editor groups are present. |
activeEditor |
The identifier of the active editor in a group. |
activeEditorIsDirty |
True when the active editor in a group is dirty. |
activeEditorIsNotPreview |
True when the active editor in a group is not in preview mode. |
activeEditorIsPinned |
True when the active editor in a group is pinned. |
inSearchEditor |
True when focus is inside a search editor. |
activeWebviewPanelId |
The id of the currently active webview panel. |
activeCustomEditorId |
The id of the currently active custom editor. |
Configuration settings contexts | |
config.editor.minimap.enabled |
True when the setting editor.minimap.enabled is true . |
注意: 你可以在这里使用任何评估为布尔值的用户或工作区设置,前缀为
Context name | True when |
view.${viewId}.visible |
True when specific view is visible. Example: "view.workbench.explorer.fileView.visible" |
focusedView |
True when specific view is focused. Example: "focusedView == 'workbench.explorer.fileView'" |
- 文件资源管理器workbench.explorer.openEditorsView
- 打开的编辑器outline
- 大纲视图timeline
- 时间线视图workbench.scm
- 源代码控制workbench.scm.repositories
- 源代码控制仓库workbench.debug.variablesView
- 变量workbench.debug.watchExpressionsView
- 监视workbench.debug.callStackView
- 调用堆栈workbench.debug.loadedScriptsView
- 已加载的脚本workbench.debug.breakPointsView
- 断点workbench.debug.disassemblyView
- 反汇编workbench.views.extensions.installed
- 已安装的扩展extensions.recommendedList
- 推荐的扩展workbench.panel.markers.view
- 问题workbench.panel.output
- 输出workbench.panel.repl.view
- 调试控制台terminal
- 集成终端workbench.panel.comments
- 评论
你可以有一个when子句来检查特定的View Container是否可见
Context name | True when |
activeViewlet |
True when view container is visible in the sidebar. Example: "activeViewlet == 'workbench.view.explorer'" |
activePanel |
True when view container is visible in the panel. Example: "activePanel == 'workbench.panel.output'" |
activeAuxiliary |
True when view container is visible in the secondary sidebar. Example: "activeAuxiliary == 'workbench.view.debug'" |
- 文件资源管理器workbench.view.search
- 搜索workbench.view.scm
- 源代码控制workbench.view.debug
- 运行workbench.view.extensions
- 扩展workbench.panel.markers
- 问题workbench.panel.output
- 输出workbench.panel.repl
- 调试控制台terminal
- 集成终端workbench.panel.comments
- 评论
"sideBarFocus && activeViewlet == 'workbench.view.explorer'"
如果您正在编写自己的VS Code扩展,并且需要使用when子句上下文来启用/禁用命令、菜单或视图,而现有的键都不适合您的需求,您可以使用setContext
下面的第一个示例将键 myExtension.showMyCommand
设置为 true,您可以在启用命令或使用 when
属性时使用它。第二个示例存储了一个值,您可以在 when 子句中使用它来检查酷炫的开放事物数量是否大于 2。
vscode.commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'myExtension.showMyCommand', true);
vscode.commands.executeCommand('setContext', 'myExtension.numberOfCoolOpenThings', 4);
如果您想在运行时查看所有当前活动的上下文键,您可以使用命令面板中的开发者:检查上下文键命令(⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P))。检查上下文键将在VS Code开发者工具的控制台标签中显示上下文键及其值(帮助 > 切换开发者工具)。
当你运行Developer: Inspect Context Keys时,你的光标会高亮显示VS Code UI中的元素,当你点击一个元素时,当前的上下文键及其状态将以对象的形式输出到控制台。
注意:一些上下文键是用于VS Code内部使用的,未来可能会有所更改。