
在 Ray 中,任务和角色创建并计算对象。我们将这些对象称为 远程对象,因为它们可以存储在 Ray 集群的任何位置,并且我们使用 对象引用 来引用它们。远程对象缓存在 Ray 的分布式 共享内存 对象存储 中,并且集群中的每个节点都有一个对象存储。在集群设置中,远程对象可以存在于一个或多个节点上,与持有对象引用的对象无关。

对象引用 本质上是一个指针或唯一ID,可以用来引用远程对象而无需查看其值。如果你熟悉期货,Ray对象引用在概念上是类似的。


  1. 它们通过远程函数调用返回。

  2. 它们由 ray.put() 返回。

import ray

# Put an object in Ray's object store.
y = 1
object_ref = ray.put(y)
// Put an object in Ray's object store.
int y = 1;
ObjectRef<Integer> objectRef = Ray.put(y);
// Put an object in Ray's object store.
int y = 1;
ray::ObjectRef<int> object_ref = ray::Put(y);




你可以使用 ray.get() 方法从对象引用中获取远程对象的结果。如果当前节点的对象存储中不包含该对象,则该对象将被下载。

如果对象是 numpy 数组 或 numpy 数组的集合,get 调用是零拷贝的,并返回由共享对象存储内存支持的数组。否则,我们将对象数据反序列化为 Python 对象。

import ray
import time

# Get the value of one object ref.
obj_ref = ray.put(1)
assert ray.get(obj_ref) == 1

# Get the values of multiple object refs in parallel.
assert ray.get([ray.put(i) for i in range(3)]) == [0, 1, 2]

# You can also set a timeout to return early from a ``get``
# that's blocking for too long.
from ray.exceptions import GetTimeoutError
# ``GetTimeoutError`` is a subclass of ``TimeoutError``.

def long_running_function():

obj_ref = long_running_function.remote()
    ray.get(obj_ref, timeout=4)
except GetTimeoutError:  # You can capture the standard "TimeoutError" instead
    print("`get` timed out.")
`get` timed out.
// Get the value of one object ref.
ObjectRef<Integer> objRef = Ray.put(1);
Assert.assertTrue(objRef.get() == 1);
// You can also set a timeout(ms) to return early from a ``get`` that's blocking for too long.
Assert.assertTrue(objRef.get(1000) == 1);

// Get the values of multiple object refs in parallel.
List<ObjectRef<Integer>> objectRefs = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
List<Integer> results = Ray.get(objectRefs);
Assert.assertEquals(results, ImmutableList.of(0, 1, 2));

// Ray.get timeout example: Ray.get will throw an RayTimeoutException if time out.
public class MyRayApp {
  public static int slowFunction() throws InterruptedException {
    return 1;
  () -> Ray.get(Ray.task(MyRayApp::slowFunction).remote(), 3000));
// Get the value of one object ref.
ray::ObjectRef<int> obj_ref = ray::Put(1);
assert(*obj_ref.Get() == 1);

// Get the values of multiple object refs in parallel.
std::vector<ray::ObjectRef<int>> obj_refs;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
auto results = ray::Get(obj_refs);
assert(results.size() == 3);
assert(*results[0] == 0);
assert(*results[1] == 1);
assert(*results[2] == 2);


Ray 对象引用可以在 Ray 应用程序中自由传递。这意味着它们可以作为参数传递给任务、actor 方法,甚至可以存储在其他对象中。对象通过 分布式引用计数 进行跟踪,一旦对象的所有引用都被删除,它们的数据会自动释放。

有两种不同的方式可以将对象传递给 Ray 任务或方法。根据对象传递的方式,Ray 将决定是否在任务执行前 解引用 该对象。

将对象作为顶级参数传递:当一个对象直接作为任务的顶级参数传递时,Ray 将解引用该对象。这意味着 Ray 将获取所有顶级对象引用参数的底层数据,直到对象数据完全可用时才会执行任务。

import ray

def echo(a: int, b: int, c: int):
    """This function prints its input values to stdout."""
    print(a, b, c)

# Passing the literal values (1, 2, 3) to `echo`.
echo.remote(1, 2, 3)
# -> prints "1 2 3"

# Put the values (1, 2, 3) into Ray's object store.
a, b, c = ray.put(1), ray.put(2), ray.put(3)

# Passing an object as a top-level argument to `echo`. Ray will de-reference top-level
# arguments, so `echo` will see the literal values (1, 2, 3) in this case as well.
echo.remote(a, b, c)
# -> prints "1 2 3"


import ray

def echo_and_get(x_list):  # List[ObjectRef]
    """This function prints its input values to stdout."""
    print("args:", x_list)
    print("values:", ray.get(x_list))

# Put the values (1, 2, 3) into Ray's object store.
a, b, c = ray.put(1), ray.put(2), ray.put(3)

# Passing an object as a nested argument to `echo_and_get`. Ray does not
# de-reference nested args, so `echo_and_get` sees the references.
echo_and_get.remote([a, b, c])
# -> prints args: [ObjectRef(...), ObjectRef(...), ObjectRef(...)]
#           values: [1, 2, 3]


class Actor:
  def __init__(self, arg):

  def method(self, arg):

obj = ray.put(2)

# Examples of passing objects to actor constructors.
actor_handle = Actor.remote(obj)  # by-value
actor_handle = Actor.remote([obj])  # by-reference

# Examples of passing objects to actor method calls.
actor_handle.method.remote(obj)  # by-value
actor_handle.method.remote([obj])  # by-reference


你也可以通过 闭包捕获 将对象传递给任务。当你有一个大型对象希望在多个任务或角色之间原样共享,并且不想反复将其作为参数传递时,这会很方便。但请注意,定义一个关闭对象引用的任务将通过引用计数固定该对象,因此该对象在作业完成之前不会被驱逐。

import ray

# Put the values (1, 2, 3) into Ray's object store.
a, b, c = ray.put(1), ray.put(2), ray.put(3)

def print_via_capture():
    """This function prints the values of (a, b, c) to stdout."""
    print(ray.get([a, b, c]))

# Passing object references via closure-capture. Inside the `print_via_capture`
# function, the global object refs (a, b, c) can be retrieved and printed.
# -> prints [1, 2, 3]


Ray 也支持嵌套对象引用。这允许你构建复合对象,这些对象本身持有对更深层次子对象的引用。

# Objects can be nested within each other. Ray will keep the inner object
# alive via reference counting until all outer object references are deleted.
object_ref_2 = ray.put([object_ref])


Ray 可以通过 血统重建 自动从对象数据丢失中恢复,但不能从 所有者 故障中恢复。更多详情请参见 Ray 容错

更多关于 Ray 对象#