在 Tune 中使用 Aim#

Aim 是一个易于使用且功能强大的开源实验跟踪工具。 Aim 记录您的训练过程,提供一个精心设计的用户界面来比较这些过程,并提供一个 API 以编程方式查询它们。


Ray Tune 目前提供与 Aim 的内置集成。 自动日志记录通过 Aim API 上报给 Tune 的度量指标。

日志记录 Tune 超参数配置和结果到 Aim#

以下示例演示了如何在 Tune 实验中使用 AimLoggerCallback。 首先安装并导入必要的模块:

%pip install aim
%pip install ray[tune]
import numpy as np

import ray
from ray import train, tune
from ray.tune.logger.aim import AimLoggerCallback

接下来,定义一个简单的 train_function,这是一个 Trainable,用于向 Tune 报告损失。目标函数本身在这个例子中并不重要,因为我们的主要关注点是与 Aim 的集成。

def train_function(config):
    for _ in range(50):
        loss = config["mean"] + config["sd"] * np.random.randn()
        train.report({"loss": loss})

这是一个使用 AimLoggerCallback 进行简单网格搜索 Tune 实验的示例。日志记录器将每个 9 次网格搜索试验作为单独的 Aim 运行进行记录。

tuner = tune.Tuner(
        "mean": tune.grid_search([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
        "sd": tune.uniform(0.1, 0.9),
2023-02-07 00:04:11,228	INFO worker.py:1544 -- Started a local Ray instance. View the dashboard at 

Tune Status

Current time:2023-02-07 00:04:19
Running for: 00:00:06.86
Memory: 32.8/64.0 GiB

System Info

Using FIFO scheduling algorithm.
Resources requested: 0/10 CPUs, 0/0 GPUs, 0.0/26.93 GiB heap, 0.0/2.0 GiB objects

Trial Status

Trial name status loc mean sd iter total time (s) loss
train_function_01a3b_00000TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10277 10.385428 50 4.480311.01928
train_function_01a3b_00001TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10296 20.819716 50 2.972723.01491
train_function_01a3b_00002TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10301 30.769197 50 2.395723.87155
train_function_01a3b_00003TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10307 40.29466 50 2.415684.1507
train_function_01a3b_00004TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10313 50.152208 50 1.683835.10225
train_function_01a3b_00005TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10321 60.879814 50 1.540156.20238
train_function_01a3b_00006TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10329 70.487499 50 1.447067.79551
train_function_01a3b_00007TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10333 80.639783 50 1.4261 7.94189
train_function_01a3b_00008TERMINATED127.0.0.1:10341 90.12285 50 1.077018.82304

Trial Progress

Trial name date done episodes_total experiment_id experiment_tag hostname iterations_since_restore lossnode_ip pid time_since_restore time_this_iter_s time_total_s timestamp timesteps_since_restoretimesteps_total training_iterationtrial_id warmup_time
train_function_01a3b_000002023-02-07_00-04-18True c8447fdceea6436c9edd6f030a5b1d820_mean=1,sd=0.3854Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 501.01928127.0.0.110277 4.48031 0.013865 4.48031 1675757058 0 5001a3b_00000 0.00264072
train_function_01a3b_000012023-02-07_00-04-18True 7dd6d3ee24244a0885b354c2850647281_mean=2,sd=0.8197Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 503.01491127.0.0.110296 2.97272 0.0584073 2.97272 1675757058 0 5001a3b_00001 0.0316792
train_function_01a3b_000022023-02-07_00-04-18True e3da49ebad034c4b8fdaf0aa87927b1a2_mean=3,sd=0.7692Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 503.87155127.0.0.110301 2.39572 0.0695491 2.39572 1675757058 0 5001a3b_00002 0.0315411
train_function_01a3b_000032023-02-07_00-04-18True 95c60c4f67c4481ebccff25b0a49e75d3_mean=4,sd=0.2947Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 504.1507 2.41568 0.0175381 2.41568 1675757058 0 5001a3b_00003 0.0310779
train_function_01a3b_000042023-02-07_00-04-18True a216253cb41e47caa229e65488deb0194_mean=5,sd=0.1522Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 505.10225127.0.0.110313 1.68383 0.064441 1.68383 1675757058 0 5001a3b_00004 0.00450182
train_function_01a3b_000052023-02-07_00-04-18True 23834104277f476cb99d9c696281fceb5_mean=6,sd=0.8798Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 506.20238127.0.0.110321 1.54015 0.00910306 1.54015 1675757058 0 5001a3b_00005 0.0480251
train_function_01a3b_000062023-02-07_00-04-18True 15f650121df747c3bd2720481d47b2656_mean=7,sd=0.4875Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 507.79551127.0.0.110329 1.44706 0.00600386 1.44706 1675757058 0 5001a3b_00006 0.00202489
train_function_01a3b_000072023-02-07_00-04-19True 78b1673cf2034ed99135b80a0cb31e0e7_mean=8,sd=0.6398Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 507.94189127.0.0.110333 1.4261 0.00225306 1.4261 1675757059 0 5001a3b_00007 0.00209713
train_function_01a3b_000082023-02-07_00-04-19True c7f5d86154cb46b6aa27bef523edcd6f8_mean=9,sd=0.1228Justins-MacBook-Pro-16 508.82304127.0.0.110341 1.07701 0.00291467 1.07701 1675757059 0 5001a3b_00008 0.00240111
2023-02-07 00:04:19,366	INFO tune.py:798 -- Total run time: 7.38 seconds (6.85 seconds for the tuning loop).
<ray.tune.result_grid.ResultGrid at 0x137de07c0>




启动Aim UI#

现在我们已将结果记录到Aim仓库,可以在Aim的Web UI中查看它。为此,我们首先找到Aim仓库所在的目录,然后使用Aim CLI启动Web界面。

# 取消注释以下行以启动 Aim UI!
#!aim up --repo=/tmp/ray_results/aim_example
                Aim UI collects anonymous usage analytics.                
                        Read how to opt-out here:                         
Running Aim UI on repo `<Repo#-5734997863388805469 path=/tmp/ray_results/aim_example/.aim read_only=None>`
Press Ctrl+C to exit

启动 Aim UI 后,我们可以在 localhost:43800 打开网页接口。

Aim 指标探索器


Tune Aim Logger API#

class ray.tune.logger.aim.AimLoggerCallback(repo: str | None = None, experiment_name: str | None = None, metrics: List[str] | None = None, **aim_run_kwargs)[源代码]

Aim Logger: logs metrics in Aim format.

Aim is an open-source, self-hosted ML experiment tracking tool. It’s good at tracking lots (thousands) of training runs, and it allows you to compare them with a performant and well-designed UI.

Source: aimhubio/aim

  • repo – Aim repository directory or a Repo object that the Run object will log results to. If not provided, a default repo will be set up in the experiment directory (one level above trial directories).

  • experiment – Sets the experiment property of each Run object, which is the experiment name associated with it. Can be used later to query runs/sequences. If not provided, the default will be the Tune experiment name set by RunConfig(name=...).

  • metrics – List of metric names (out of the metrics reported by Tune) to track in Aim. If no metric are specified, log everything that is reported.

  • aim_run_kwargs – Additional arguments that will be passed when creating the individual Run objects for each trial. For the full list of arguments, please see the Aim documentation: https://aimstack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/refs/sdk.html