
在本示例中,我们将演示如何使用Ray Train PyTorch Lightning与DeepSpeed ZeRO-3策略进行vicuna-13b-v1.3模型的全面微调。

  • DeepSpeed是一个开源的PyTorch深度学习优化库。它旨在减少计算能力和内存使用,并通过利用最佳创新如ZeRO、3D并行、DeepSpeed-MoE和ZeRO-Infinity来训练大型分布式模型。

  • PyTorch Lightning提供了DeepSpeed集成,该集成为DeepSpeed配置提供了一个简单的接口,并自动触发您的训练过程与DeepSpeed引擎。

  • Ray TorchTrainer允许您轻松地在Ray集群中的多个节点上扩展您的PyTorch Lightning作业,而无需担心底层的集群管理、自动扩展和分布式进程组设置。



这是一个使用Ray Train对大型语言模型进行微调的高级示例。如果您是初学者或对Ray Train及其Lightning集成的概念不太熟悉,建议您首先浏览下面的入门文档,以建立基础理解。












1 x A10G

24 GB

256 GB




1 x A10G

24 GB

64 GB


在本示例中,我们使用了16个A10G GPU进行模型训练,并针对该配置调整了DeepSpeed设置。如果您的集群配置不同或GPU的内存容量较低,您可能需要修改DeepSpeed配置和批处理大小,以适应GPU。




此外,由于这个13B参数模型的检查点大小可能很大(约140GB),我们选择将检查点存储在AWS S3中。得益于Ray 2.5中新引入的分布式检查点功能,每个工作节点可以单独将自己的分片上传到S3桶中,极大地减少了检查点同步的延迟和网络流量。


为了演示离线推理,我们需要将模型检查点下载并整合到主节点上。此操作需要约200GB的磁盘存储。因此,我们将g5实例提供的NVMe SSD挂载到/dev/nvme1n1/mnt/local_storage,我们将把检查点保存到该文件夹中。

有关更多详细信息,请参见Amazon EBS和Linux实例上的NVMe

设置 Ray 环境#

我们定义了一个运行时环境,以确保 Ray 工作节点可以访问所有必要的软件包。如果您已经在 Docker 镜像中包含了这些依赖项,或者在每个节点上安装了它们,可以忽略 runtime_env 参数。


请注意,transformersacceleratedeepspeed 的代码库都在快速变化,因此我们在这里固定了软件包版本,以确保测试的稳定性。您可以尝试其他版本组合,并随时报告您遇到的任何问题。

import ray

MODEL_NAME = "lmsys/vicuna-13b-v1.3"

        "pip": [






r = int(''.join(map(str, x)))


df.div(df.sum(axis=1), axis=0)


datetime.datetime.strptime('03:55', '%H:%M').time()

CoNaLa团队发布了从Stack Overflow爬取的数据集,经过自动过滤,然后由注释员整理,分为2379个训练示例和500个测试示例。此外,他们还包括了一个自动挖掘的数据集,其中有60万个示例。在这个演示中,我们将使用所有整理的数据和前5000个挖掘的数据进行微调。

在这里,我们使用 Ray Data 对 CoNaLa 数据集进行预处理。您也可以使用 HuggingFace Datasets 并直接将其传递给 LightningConfigBuilder.fit_params()

import re
import ray
import json
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from datasets import concatenate_datasets, load_dataset

# 将精选数据集与自动挖掘数据集相结合
hf_dataset_curated = load_dataset("neulab/conala")
hf_dataset_mined = load_dataset("neulab/conala", "mined", split="train[:5000]")
hf_dataset_merged = concatenate_datasets(
    [hf_dataset_curated["train"], hf_dataset_mined]

# 将其转换为 Ray 数据集
ray_ds = ray.data.from_huggingface(hf_dataset_merged)

# 构建一个Vicuna-13b模型的提示模板
PROMPT_TEMPLATE = "Intent: {intent}\nOne-line code snippet: {snippet}"

def fill_prompt(batch):
    batch["input_sentence"] = batch.apply(
        lambda row: PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(
            if row["rewritten_intent"]
            else row["intent"],
        + "</s>",
    return batch[["input_sentence"]]

# 将输入句子转换为张量
def tokenize(batch):
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
        MODEL_NAME, padding_side="left", use_fast=False
    tokenizer.pad_token = tokenizer.eos_token
    ret = tokenizer(
    ret["labels"] = ret["input_ids"].copy()
    return dict(ret)

# 预处理训练数据集
processed_ds = ray_ds.map_batches(fill_prompt, batch_format="pandas").map_batches(tokenize, batch_format="pandas")
    features: ['question_id', 'intent', 'rewritten_intent', 'snippet', 'parent_answer_post_id', 'prob', 'id'],
    num_rows: 7379

定义 Lightning 模块#

在这里,我们从 HuggingFace Model Hub 加载预训练模型权重,并将其封装到 pl.LightningModule 中。我们采用了在 Lightning-transformers 中介绍的高效模型初始化技术,以避免不必要的完整权重加载。

import torch
import transformers
import lightning.pytorch as pl
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
from deepspeed.ops.adam import DeepSpeedCPUAdam

class ZeRO3Config:
    def __init__(self, pl_module):
        self.config = pl_module.trainer.strategy.config

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self

    def is_zero3(self) -> bool:
        return True

def enable_transformers_pretrained_deepspeed_sharding(
    pl_module: "pl.LightningModule",
) -> None:
    transformers.deepspeed._hf_deepspeed_config_weak_ref = ZeRO3Config(pl_module)

class Vicuna13BModel(pl.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self):
        # 启用tf32以获得更佳性能
        torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = True

    def setup(self, stage) -> None:
        # 将模型初始化推迟,以便向HF注入deepspeed配置。
        # 在初始化期间,HF 变压器可以立即进行分区。 
        # 跨所有GPU的模型避免了时间和内存的开销。 
        # 首先在CPU或每个GPU上复制它。
        self.model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
        if self.global_rank == 0:
            print("DeepSpeed Configs: ", self.trainer.strategy.config)
            print("Model Archetecture: ", self.model)

    def forward(self, batch):
        outputs = self.model(
        return outputs.loss

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        loss = self.forward(batch)
        self.log("train_loss", loss, prog_bar=True, on_step=True, sync_dist=True)
        return loss

    def configure_optimizers(self):
        return DeepSpeedCPUAdam(self.parameters(), lr=2e-5, weight_decay=0.01)
[2023-06-30 17:39:35,109] [INFO] [real_accelerator.py:110:get_accelerator] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect)

DeepSpeed 配置#

在训练之前,让我们计算一下微调 vicuna-13b 模型的内存使用情况。假设我们使用 FP16 混合精度训练,优化器为 Adam,状态为 FP32。

  • 模型参数:13(十亿参数) * 2(FP16)≈ 26GB

  • 优化器状态:13(十亿参数) * 2(每个参数的动量) * 4(FP32)≈ 52GB

如我们所见,模型参数本身需要 26GB,这已经无法在单个 A10G GPU 上运行,更不用说活动和优化器状态了。在这里,我们使用 ZeRO 第三阶段将模型、梯度和优化器状态在 16 个节点之间进行划分。此外,我们利用优化器 CPU 卸载来减少 GRAM 使用量,并通过更大的批量大小提高吞吐量。我们还禁用了参数卸载和激活检查点,以提高训练速度。

关于其他选项,如 reduce_bucket_sizestage3_prefetch_bucket_sizestage3_param_persistence_threshold,我们将其保持为 HuggingFace 的默认值。可以根据需要进一步调整这些参数,以加快训练过程。

from transformers import AutoConfig

config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
HIDDEN_SIZE = config.hidden_size

deepspeed_configs = {
    "zero_allow_untested_optimizer": True,
    "bf16": {"enabled": True},
    "zero_optimization": {
        "stage": 3,
        "offload_optimizer": {"device": "cpu", "pin_memory": True},
        "overlap_comm": True,
        "contiguous_gradients": True,
        "reduce_bucket_size": HIDDEN_SIZE * HIDDEN_SIZE,
        "stage3_prefetch_bucket_size": 0.9 * HIDDEN_SIZE * HIDDEN_SIZE,
        "stage3_param_persistence_threshold": 10 * HIDDEN_SIZE,


最后,定义将在多个工作节点上启动的训练函数。训练函数通常与纯 PyTorch Lightning 训练代码相同,但添加了 Ray Train 工具:

对于 Ray 数据获取,我们使用 get_dataset_shard() 获取预处理和分片的数据集,并使用 iter_torch_batches() 创建一个数据加载器。它返回一个自定义迭代器,替代了 Torch DataLoader。

import ray.train
from ray.train import CheckpointConfig, RunConfig, ScalingConfig
from ray.train.torch import TorchTrainer
from ray.train.lightning import (

def train_func(config):

    # 解压 `train_loop_config`
    max_epochs = config["max_epochs"]
    batch_size = config["batch_size"]
    accumulate_grad_batches = config["accumulate_grad_batches"]

    model = Vicuna13BModel()
    # 准备雷数据摄取
    train_ds = ray.train.get_dataset_shard("train")
    train_dataloader = train_ds.iter_torch_batches(batch_size=batch_size)
    pl_trainer = pl.Trainer(
        enable_checkpointing=False, # RayTrainReportCallback 将保存检查点
    pl_trainer = prepare_trainer(pl_trainer)

    pl_trainer.fit(model, train_dataloaders=train_dataloader)

trainer = TorchTrainer(
        "max_epochs": 1,
        "batch_size": BATCH_SIZE_PER_WORKER,
        "accumulate_grad_batches": 2
        resources_per_worker={"CPU": 15, "GPU": 1},
    datasets={"train": processed_ds},


一旦在TorchTrainer中完成所有配置,训练就变得简单了。只需调用 trainer.fit(),你的工作负载将被扩展到Ray集群,启动ZeRO-3并行训练。

result = trainer.fit()

Tune Status

Current time:2023-06-30 18:21:59
Running for: 00:42:22.75
Memory: 10.7/249.1 GiB

System Info

Using FIFO scheduling algorithm.
Logical resource usage: 241.0/304 CPUs, 16.0/16 GPUs (0.0/16.0 accelerator_type:A10G)

Trial Status

Trial name status loc iter total time (s) train_loss epoch step
LightningTrainer_c1544_00000TERMINATED10.0.55.20:134103 1 2473.94 0.523438 0 29
(pid=134103) [2023-06-30 17:39:41,637] [INFO] [real_accelerator.py:110:get_accelerator] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect)
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) The `preprocessor` arg to Trainer is deprecated. Apply preprocessor transformations ahead of time by calling `preprocessor.transform(ds)`. Support for the preprocessor arg will be dropped in a future release.
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) Important: Ray Data requires schemas for all datasets in Ray 2.5. This means that standalone Python objects are no longer supported. In addition, the default batch format is fixed to NumPy. To revert to legacy behavior temporarily, set the environment variable RAY_DATA_STRICT_MODE=0 on all cluster processes.
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) 
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) Learn more here: https://docs.ray.io/en/master/data/faq.html#migrating-to-strict-mode
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) Starting distributed worker processes: ['134267 (', '74152 (', '75476 (', '75547 (', '74711 (', '75132 (', '74502 (', '75695 (', '74457 (', '74569 (', '74341 (', '74274 (', '74561 (', '74427 (', '74273 (', '74996 (']
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Setting up process group for: env:// [rank=0, world_size=16]
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) Executing DAG InputDataBuffer[Input] -> TaskPoolMapOperator[MapBatches(BatchMapper._transform_pandas)->MapBatches(BatchMapper._transform_pandas)] -> AllToAllOperator[RandomizeBlockOrder]
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) Execution config: ExecutionOptions(resource_limits=ExecutionResources(cpu=None, gpu=None, object_store_memory=None), locality_with_output=False, preserve_order=False, actor_locality_enabled=True, verbose_progress=False)
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) Tip: For detailed progress reporting, run `ray.data.DataContext.get_current().execution_options.verbose_progress = True`
Downloading (…)okenizer_config.json: 100%|██████████| 727/727 [00:00<00:00, 8.86MB/s]m_pandas) pid=74329, ip= 
Downloading tokenizer.model: 100%|██████████| 500k/500k [00:00<00:00, 18.2MB/s]ansform_pandas) pid=74329, ip= 
Downloading (…)cial_tokens_map.json: 100%|██████████| 435/435 [00:00<00:00, 3.33MB/s]m_pandas) pid=74329, ip= 
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= [2023-06-30 17:39:54,612] [INFO] [real_accelerator.py:110:get_accelerator] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect)
Downloading (…)okenizer_config.json: 100%|██████████| 727/727 [00:00<00:00, 7.86MB/s]
Downloading (…)okenizer_config.json: 100%|██████████| 727/727 [00:00<00:00, 7.57MB/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) GPU available: True (cuda), used: True
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) `Trainer(limit_val_batches=1)` was configured so 1 batch will be used.
Downloading tokenizer.model:   0%|          | 0.00/500k [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading tokenizer.model: 100%|██████████| 500k/500k [00:00<00:00, 14.9MB/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) initializing deepspeed distributed: GLOBAL_RANK: 0, MEMBER: 1/16
(RayTrainWorker pid=74273, ip= Missing logger folder: /home/ray/ray_results/vicuna-13b-relation-extraction/LightningTrainer_c1544_00000_0_2023-06-30_17-39-36/rank_all/lightning_logs
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:39:55,589] [WARNING] [comm.py:152:init_deepspeed_backend] NCCL backend in DeepSpeed not yet implemented
Downloading tokenizer.model: 100%|██████████| 500k/500k [00:00<00:00, 18.2MB/s]
Downloading (…)cial_tokens_map.json: 100%|██████████| 435/435 [00:00<00:00, 6.49MB/s]
Downloading (…)lve/main/config.json:   0%|          | 0.00/585 [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading (…)lve/main/config.json: 100%|██████████| 585/585 [00:00<00:00, 7.81MB/s]
Downloading (…)lve/main/config.json: 100%|██████████| 585/585 [00:00<00:00, 7.09MB/s]
Downloading (…)model.bin.index.json: 100%|██████████| 33.4k/33.4k [00:00<00:00, 35.1MB/s]
Downloading shards:   0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75547, ip= 
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 0.00/9.95G [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 21.0M/9.95G [00:00<00:59, 167MB/s]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 41.9M/9.95G [00:00<00:58, 170MB/s] 
Downloading (…)okenizer_config.json: 100%|██████████| 727/727 [00:00<00:00, 8.33MB/s] [repeated 9x across cluster] (Ray deduplicates logs by default. Set RAY_DEDUP_LOGS=0 to disable log deduplication, or see https://docs.ray.io/en/master/ray-observability/ray-logging.html#log-deduplication for more options.)
Downloading tokenizer.model:   0%|          | 0.00/500k [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading tokenizer.model: 100%|██████████| 500k/500k [00:00<00:00, 17.5MB/s] [repeated 8x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74561, ip= initializing deepspeed distributed: GLOBAL_RANK: 12, MEMBER: 13/16 [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74561, ip= Missing logger folder: /home/ray/ray_results/vicuna-13b-relation-extraction/LightningTrainer_c1544_00000_0_2023-06-30_17-39-36/rank_all/lightning_logs [repeated 15x across cluster]
Downloading tokenizer.model: 100%|██████████| 500k/500k [00:00<00:00, 8.85MB/s]
Downloading (…)cial_tokens_map.json: 100%|██████████| 435/435 [00:00<00:00, 5.23MB/s] [repeated 10x across cluster]
Downloading (…)lve/main/config.json: 100%|██████████| 585/585 [00:00<00:00, 7.03MB/s] [repeated 13x across cluster]
Downloading (…)model.bin.index.json: 100%|██████████| 33.4k/33.4k [00:00<00:00, 87.9MB/s] [repeated 15x across cluster]
Downloading shards:   0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s] [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74341, ip=  [repeated 650x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 0.00/9.95G [00:00<?, ?B/s] [repeated 15x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  13%|█▎        | 1.31G/9.95G [00:05<00:36, 239MB/s] [repeated 636x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:   1%|          | 105M/9.95G [00:00<00:41, 239MB/s]  [repeated 17x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74711, ip=  [repeated 640x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  26%|██▌       | 2.58G/9.95G [00:10<00:28, 256MB/s] [repeated 635x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74502, ip=  [repeated 638x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  37%|███▋      | 3.70G/9.95G [00:15<00:26, 238MB/s] [repeated 638x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74274, ip=  [repeated 643x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  51%|█████▏    | 5.12G/9.95G [00:20<00:18, 255MB/s] [repeated 649x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75476, ip=  [repeated 638x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  65%|██████▌   | 6.48G/9.95G [00:25<00:14, 246MB/s] [repeated 633x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74457, ip=  [repeated 645x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  76%|███████▌  | 7.52G/9.95G [00:29<00:09, 247MB/s] [repeated 644x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  91%|█████████▏| 9.10G/9.95G [00:34<00:03, 263MB/s]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  92%|█████████▏| 9.13G/9.95G [00:34<00:03, 257MB/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74711, ip=  [repeated 634x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  82%|████████▏ | 8.17G/9.95G [00:35<00:07, 228MB/s] [repeated 628x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 9.95G/9.95G [00:37<00:00, 262MB/s]
Downloading shards:  33%|███▎      | 1/3 [00:38<01:16, 38.09s/it]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 0.00/9.90G [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:   1%|▏         | 126M/9.90G [00:00<00:35, 273MB/s] 
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin:  93%|█████████▎| 9.27G/9.95G [00:39<00:02, 228MB/s] [repeated 394x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75547, ip=  [repeated 633x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:   2%|▏         | 241M/9.90G [00:01<00:38, 252MB/s] [repeated 213x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 9.95G/9.95G [00:40<00:00, 243MB/s] [repeated 8x across cluster]
Downloading shards:  33%|███▎      | 1/3 [00:42<01:25, 42.77s/it] [repeated 15x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 0.00/9.90G [00:00<?, ?B/s] [repeated 15x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:   1%|          | 115M/9.90G [00:00<00:46, 209MB/s]  [repeated 16x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00001-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 9.95G/9.95G [00:42<00:00, 233MB/s] [repeated 50x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74341, ip=  [repeated 636x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  19%|█▊        | 1.86G/9.90G [00:06<00:29, 275MB/s] [repeated 589x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74996, ip=  [repeated 649x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  18%|█▊        | 1.75G/9.90G [00:07<00:34, 234MB/s] [repeated 643x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74502, ip=  [repeated 645x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  41%|████▏     | 4.09G/9.90G [00:15<00:21, 271MB/s] [repeated 644x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74273, ip=  [repeated 652x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  53%|█████▎    | 5.25G/9.90G [00:21<00:19, 242MB/s] [repeated 656x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip=  [repeated 647x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  67%|██████▋   | 6.66G/9.90G [00:25<00:13, 246MB/s] [repeated 646x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75132, ip=  [repeated 629x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  84%|████████▍ | 8.30G/9.90G [00:31<00:06, 234MB/s] [repeated 627x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  91%|█████████▏| 9.06G/9.90G [00:34<00:03, 241MB/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74457, ip=  [repeated 627x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  89%|████████▉ | 8.84G/9.90G [00:36<00:04, 228MB/s] [repeated 567x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 9.90G/9.90G [00:38<00:00, 257MB/s]
Downloading shards:  67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [01:16<00:38, 38.38s/it]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 0.00/6.18G [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:   2%|▏         | 126M/6.18G [00:00<00:22, 266MB/s] 
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin:  98%|█████████▊| 9.69G/9.90G [00:38<00:00, 236MB/s] [repeated 310x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75476, ip=  [repeated 629x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:   2%|▏         | 94.4M/6.18G [00:00<00:24, 247MB/s] [repeated 275x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 9.90G/9.90G [00:39<00:00, 253MB/s] [repeated 10x across cluster]
Downloading shards:  67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [01:20<00:40, 40.01s/it] [repeated 13x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 0.00/6.18G [00:00<?, ?B/s] [repeated 13x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:   2%|▏         | 126M/6.18G [00:00<00:24, 243MB/s]  [repeated 13x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin: 100%|█████████▉| 9.88G/9.90G [00:41<00:00, 242MB/s] [repeated 122x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74273, ip=  [repeated 638x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  21%|██        | 1.31G/6.18G [00:05<00:20, 243MB/s] [repeated 569x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 9.90G/9.90G [00:40<00:00, 242MB/s] [repeated 2x across cluster]
Downloading shards:  67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [01:23<00:41, 41.78s/it] [repeated 2x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:   0%|          | 0.00/6.18G [00:00<?, ?B/s] [repeated 2x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:   2%|▏         | 105M/6.18G [00:00<00:24, 248MB/s]  [repeated 2x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00002-of-00003.bin: 100%|█████████▉| 9.87G/9.90G [00:40<00:00, 260MB/s] [repeated 3x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74274, ip=  [repeated 638x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  41%|████▏     | 2.56G/6.18G [00:10<00:14, 256MB/s] [repeated 635x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip=  [repeated 629x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  62%|██████▏   | 3.84G/6.18G [00:15<00:08, 279MB/s] [repeated 627x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  92%|█████████▏| 5.66G/6.18G [00:22<00:01, 268MB/s]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  92%|█████████▏| 5.69G/6.18G [00:22<00:01, 265MB/s]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  93%|█████████▎| 5.73G/6.18G [00:22<00:01, 268MB/s]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  93%|█████████▎| 5.76G/6.18G [00:22<00:01, 270MB/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75547, ip=  [repeated 644x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  85%|████████▌ | 5.25G/6.18G [00:20<00:03, 270MB/s] [repeated 618x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 6.18G/6.18G [00:24<00:00, 257MB/s]
Downloading shards: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [01:40<00:00, 33.61s/it]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  98%|█████████▊| 6.03G/6.18G [00:23<00:00, 269MB/s] [repeated 166x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74274, ip=  [repeated 426x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  86%|████████▌ | 5.30G/6.18G [00:21<00:03, 246MB/s] [repeated 222x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 6.18G/6.18G [00:25<00:00, 239MB/s] [repeated 7x across cluster]
Downloading shards: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [01:45<00:00, 35.27s/it] [repeated 11x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  98%|█████████▊| 6.04G/6.18G [00:25<00:00, 231MB/s] [repeated 98x across cluster]
Loading checkpoint shards:   0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74274, ip=  [repeated 74x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin:  91%|█████████ | 5.63G/6.18G [00:23<00:02, 242MB/s] [repeated 23x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 6.18G/6.18G [00:24<00:00, 249MB/s]
Downloading shards: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [01:49<00:00, 36.47s/it] [repeated 4x across cluster]
Downloading (…)l-00003-of-00003.bin: 100%|██████████| 6.18G/6.18G [00:25<00:00, 241MB/s] [repeated 5x across cluster]
Loading checkpoint shards:  33%|███▎      | 1/3 [00:12<00:24, 12.11s/it]
Loading checkpoint shards:   0%|          | 0/3 [00:00<?, ?it/s] [repeated 15x across cluster]
Loading checkpoint shards:  33%|███▎      | 1/3 [00:18<00:37, 18.54s/it] [repeated 15x across cluster]
Loading checkpoint shards:  67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [00:30<00:15, 15.63s/it]
Loading checkpoint shards:  67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [00:30<00:15, 15.71s/it]
Loading checkpoint shards:  67%|██████▋   | 2/3 [00:35<00:17, 17.73s/it] [repeated 14x across cluster]
Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:40<00:00, 13.47s/it]
Downloading (…)neration_config.json: 100%|██████████| 132/132 [00:00<00:00, 458kB/s]
Loading checkpoint shards: 100%|██████████| 3/3 [00:45<00:00, 15.29s/it] [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74996, ip= LOCAL_RANK: 0 - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: [0]
Downloading (…)neration_config.json: 100%|██████████| 132/132 [00:00<00:00, 542kB/s] [repeated 14x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) DeepSpeed Configs:  {'zero_allow_untested_optimizer': True, 'bf16': {'enabled': True}, 'zero_optimization': {'stage': 3, 'offload_optimizer': {'device': 'cpu', 'pin_memory': True}, 'overlap_comm': True, 'contiguous_gradients': True, 'reduce_bucket_size': 26214400, 'stage3_prefetch_bucket_size': 23592960.0, 'stage3_param_persistence_threshold': 51200}, 'gradient_accumulation_steps': 2, 'train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu': 1, 'gradient_clipping': 0.0}
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Model Archetecture:  LlamaForCausalLM(
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)   (model): LlamaModel(
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)     (embed_tokens): Embedding(32000, 5120, padding_idx=0)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)     (layers): ModuleList(
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)       (0-39): 40 x LlamaDecoderLayer(
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)         (self_attn): LlamaAttention(
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (q_proj): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=5120, bias=False)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (k_proj): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=5120, bias=False)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (v_proj): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=5120, bias=False)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (o_proj): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=5120, bias=False)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (rotary_emb): LlamaRotaryEmbedding()
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)         )
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)         (mlp): LlamaMLP(
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (gate_proj): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=13824, bias=False)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (down_proj): Linear(in_features=13824, out_features=5120, bias=False)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (up_proj): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=13824, bias=False)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)           (act_fn): SiLUActivation()
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)         )
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)         (input_layernorm): LlamaRMSNorm()
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)         (post_attention_layernorm): LlamaRMSNorm()
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)       )
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)     )
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)     (norm): LlamaRMSNorm()
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)   )
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)   (lm_head): Linear(in_features=5120, out_features=32000, bias=False)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) )
(RayTrainWorker pid=74274, ip= [2023-06-30 17:39:54,688] [INFO] [real_accelerator.py:110:get_accelerator] Setting ds_accelerator to cuda (auto detect) [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74561, ip= [2023-06-30 17:39:56,220] [WARNING] [comm.py:152:init_deepspeed_backend] NCCL backend in DeepSpeed not yet implemented [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) ninja: no work to do.
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Time to load cpu_adam op: 2.403524875640869 seconds
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Using /home/ray/.cache/torch_extensions/py310_cu118 as PyTorch extensions root...
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Detected CUDA files, patching ldflags
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Emitting ninja build file /home/ray/.cache/torch_extensions/py310_cu118/cpu_adam/build.ninja...
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Building extension module cpu_adam...
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers... (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N)
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Loading extension module cpu_adam...
(RayTrainWorker pid=74502, ip= LOCAL_RANK: 0 - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: [0] [repeated 15x across cluster]
Downloading (…)neration_config.json: 100%|██████████| 132/132 [00:00<00:00, 1.72MB/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74996, ip= Building extension module utils...
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= Loading extension module utils...
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= Time to load utils op: 0.0775597095489502 seconds
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Parameter Offload: Total persistent parameters: 414720 in 81 params
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= No modifications detected for re-loaded extension module utils, skipping build step...
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= Using /home/ray/.cache/torch_extensions/py310_cu118 as PyTorch extensions root... [repeated 32x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74561, ip= Detected CUDA files, patching ldflags [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Emitting ninja build file /home/ray/.cache/torch_extensions/py310_cu118/utils/build.ninja... [repeated 31x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74561, ip= Building extension module cpu_adam... [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers... (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N) [repeated 31x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75132, ip= Loading extension module cpu_adam... [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Building extension module utils... [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= Loading extension module utils... [repeated 16x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) ninja: no work to do. [repeated 31x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75132, ip= Time to load cpu_adam op: 2.3851447105407715 seconds [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= Time to load utils op: 0.0005815029144287109 seconds [repeated 16x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) 
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)   | Name  | Type             | Params | Params per Device
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) ---------------------------------------------------------------
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) 0 | model | LlamaForCausalLM | 13.0 B | 813 M            
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) ---------------------------------------------------------------
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) 13.0 B    Trainable params
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) 0         Non-trainable params
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) 13.0 B    Total params
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) 52,063.457Total estimated model params size (MB)
Epoch 0:   0%|          | 0/57 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) /home/ray/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pytorch_lightning/trainer/connectors/data_connector.py:432: PossibleUserWarning: The dataloader, train_dataloader, does not have many workers which may be a bottleneck. Consider increasing the value of the `num_workers` argument` (try 64 which is the number of cpus on this machine) in the `DataLoader` init to improve performance.
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)   rank_zero_warn(
Epoch 0:   2%|▏         | 1/57 [00:38<35:42, 38.26s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=11.50]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Time to load utils op: 0.00030732154846191406 seconds [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:44:33,395] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 2 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:   4%|▎         | 2/57 [01:19<36:23, 39.69s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=10.70]
Epoch 0:   5%|▌         | 3/57 [01:52<33:52, 37.65s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=1.710]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:45:48,054] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:   7%|▋         | 4/57 [02:34<34:01, 38.51s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=1.610]
Epoch 0:   9%|▉         | 5/57 [03:08<32:35, 37.60s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.914]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:47:03,011] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  11%|█         | 6/57 [03:49<32:26, 38.17s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.973]
Epoch 0:  12%|█▏        | 7/57 [04:24<31:30, 37.81s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.801]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:48:19,362] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  14%|█▍        | 8/57 [05:05<31:10, 38.17s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.844]
Epoch 0:  16%|█▌        | 9/57 [05:39<30:12, 37.75s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.652]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:49:36,571] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  18%|█▊        | 10/57 [06:22<29:58, 38.26s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.633]
Epoch 0:  19%|█▉        | 11/57 [06:59<29:13, 38.12s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.629]
/arrow/cpp/src/arrow/filesystem/s3fs.cc:663: CompletedMultipartUpload got error embedded in a 200 OK response: InternalError ("We encountered an internal error. Please try again."), retry = 1
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:50:54,177] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  21%|██        | 12/57 [07:40<28:45, 38.35s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.609]
Epoch 0:  23%|██▎       | 13/57 [08:14<27:53, 38.04s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.680]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:52:10,002] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  25%|██▍       | 14/57 [08:55<27:26, 38.29s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.648]
Epoch 0:  26%|██▋       | 15/57 [09:29<26:33, 37.95s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.645]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:53:23,209] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  28%|██▊       | 16/57 [10:09<26:01, 38.08s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.664]
Epoch 0:  30%|██▉       | 17/57 [10:43<25:13, 37.83s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.625]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:54:36,660] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  32%|███▏      | 18/57 [11:22<24:39, 37.93s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.617]
Epoch 0:  33%|███▎      | 19/57 [11:56<23:53, 37.71s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.609]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:55:51,289] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  35%|███▌      | 20/57 [12:37<23:20, 37.86s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.602]
Epoch 0:  37%|███▋      | 21/57 [13:11<22:36, 37.69s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.590]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:57:07,919] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  39%|███▊      | 22/57 [13:53<22:06, 37.91s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.555]
Epoch 0:  40%|████      | 23/57 [14:27<21:22, 37.72s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.598]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:58:22,349] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  42%|████▏     | 24/57 [15:08<20:48, 37.85s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.625]
Epoch 0:  44%|████▍     | 25/57 [15:43<20:07, 37.74s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.625]
Epoch 0:  44%|████▍     | 25/57 [15:43<20:07, 37.74s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.582]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 17:59:40,125] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  46%|████▌     | 26/57 [16:26<19:35, 37.93s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.535]
Epoch 0:  47%|████▋     | 27/57 [17:02<18:56, 37.88s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.578]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:00:58,164] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  49%|████▉     | 28/57 [17:44<18:22, 38.01s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.582]
Epoch 0:  51%|█████     | 29/57 [18:20<17:42, 37.93s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.578]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:02:15,097] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  53%|█████▎    | 30/57 [19:01<17:06, 38.04s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.598]
Epoch 0:  54%|█████▍    | 31/57 [19:36<16:26, 37.95s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.586]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:03:30,632] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  56%|█████▌    | 32/57 [20:16<15:50, 38.02s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.605]
Epoch 0:  58%|█████▊    | 33/57 [20:49<15:08, 37.87s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.594]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:04:45,362] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  60%|█████▉    | 34/57 [21:31<14:33, 37.98s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.598]
Epoch 0:  61%|██████▏   | 35/57 [22:08<13:54, 37.95s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.574]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:06:02,727] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  63%|██████▎   | 36/57 [22:48<13:18, 38.02s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.586]
Epoch 0:  65%|██████▍   | 37/57 [23:23<12:38, 37.94s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.562]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:07:19,126] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  67%|██████▋   | 38/57 [24:05<12:02, 38.03s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.535]
Epoch 0:  68%|██████▊   | 39/57 [24:38<11:22, 37.91s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.598]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:08:36,683] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  70%|███████   | 40/57 [25:22<10:47, 38.07s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.562]
Epoch 0:  72%|███████▏  | 41/57 [25:57<10:07, 37.98s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.555]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:09:52,426] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  74%|███████▎  | 42/57 [26:38<09:30, 38.06s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.555]
Epoch 0:  75%|███████▌  | 43/57 [27:13<08:51, 37.99s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.547]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:11:08,855] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  77%|███████▋  | 44/57 [27:54<08:14, 38.06s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.562]
Epoch 0:  79%|███████▉  | 45/57 [28:29<07:35, 37.98s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.535]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:12:25,181] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  81%|████████  | 46/57 [29:11<06:58, 38.07s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.531]
Epoch 0:  82%|████████▏ | 47/57 [29:45<06:19, 37.99s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.504]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:13:40,300] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  84%|████████▍ | 48/57 [30:26<05:42, 38.05s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.520]
Epoch 0:  86%|████████▌ | 49/57 [31:01<05:03, 37.99s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.523]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:14:55,542] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  88%|████████▊ | 50/57 [31:41<04:26, 38.03s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.520]
Epoch 0:  89%|████████▉ | 51/57 [32:16<03:47, 37.98s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.527]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:16:12,131] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  91%|█████████ | 52/57 [32:58<03:10, 38.04s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.562]
Epoch 0:  93%|█████████▎| 53/57 [33:34<02:32, 38.00s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.539]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:17:29,752] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  95%|█████████▍| 54/57 [34:15<01:54, 38.07s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.535]
Epoch 0:  96%|█████████▋| 55/57 [34:50<01:16, 38.01s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.512]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:18:45,986] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 4 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0:  98%|█████████▊| 56/57 [35:31<00:38, 38.07s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.516]
Epoch 0: 100%|██████████| 57/57 [36:06<00:00, 38.00s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.461]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) [2023-06-30 18:20:01,817] [WARNING] [stage3.py:1851:step] 3 pytorch allocator cache flushes since last step. this happens when there is high memory pressure and is detrimental to performance. if this is happening frequently consider adjusting settings to reduce memory consumption. If you are unable to make the cache flushes go away consider adding get_accelerator().empty_cache() calls in your training loop to ensure that all ranks flush their caches at the same time
Epoch 0: : 58it [36:47, 38.07s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.523]                      
(RayTrainWorker pid=74427, ip= /home/ray/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py:1802: UserWarning: Positional args are being deprecated, use kwargs instead. Refer to https://pytorch.org/docs/master/generated/torch.nn.Module.html#torch.nn.Module.state_dict for details.
(RayTrainWorker pid=74427, ip=   warnings.warn(
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) No modifications detected for re-loaded extension module utils, skipping build step... [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Using /home/ray/.cache/torch_extensions/py310_cu118 as PyTorch extensions root... [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Loading extension module utils... [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Uploading checkpoint files from worker rank 0 to cloud URI s3://anyscale-staging-data-cld-kvedzwag2qa8i5bjxuevf5i7/yunxuanx-test/vicuna-13b-test/vicuna-13b-relation-extraction/LightningTrainer_c1544_00000_0_2023-06-30_17-39-36/checkpoint_000000.
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) /home/ray/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py:1802: UserWarning: Positional args are being deprecated, use kwargs instead. Refer to https://pytorch.org/docs/master/generated/torch.nn.Module.html#torch.nn.Module.state_dict for details. [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267)   warnings.warn( [repeated 15x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=75547, ip= Uploading checkpoint files from worker rank 3 to cloud URI s3://anyscale-staging-data-cld-kvedzwag2qa8i5bjxuevf5i7/yunxuanx-test/vicuna-13b-test/vicuna-13b-relation-extraction/LightningTrainer_c1544_00000_0_2023-06-30_17-39-36/checkpoint_000000.
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= Uploading checkpoint files from worker rank 1 to cloud URI s3://anyscale-staging-data-cld-kvedzwag2qa8i5bjxuevf5i7/yunxuanx-test/vicuna-13b-test/vicuna-13b-relation-extraction/LightningTrainer_c1544_00000_0_2023-06-30_17-39-36/checkpoint_000000.
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) Done uploading checkpoint files.
(RayTrainWorker pid=74341, ip= Uploading checkpoint files from worker rank 10 to cloud URI s3://anyscale-staging-data-cld-kvedzwag2qa8i5bjxuevf5i7/yunxuanx-test/vicuna-13b-test/vicuna-13b-relation-extraction/LightningTrainer_c1544_00000_0_2023-06-30_17-39-36/checkpoint_000000. [repeated 13x across cluster]
(RayTrainWorker pid=74427, ip= Done uploading checkpoint files.
(RayTrainWorker pid=74152, ip= Done uploading checkpoint files.
(RayTrainWorker pid=74711, ip= Done uploading checkpoint files. [repeated 11x across cluster]
Epoch 0: : 58it [37:42, 39.00s/it, v_num=0, train_loss=0.523]
(RayTrainWorker pid=134267) `Trainer.fit` stopped: `max_epochs=1` reached.
(LightningTrainer pid=134103) Uploading trial artifacts took 26.651 s, which may be a performance bottleneck. Consider saving fewer/smaller artifacts to the trial log directory, or disable artifact syncing with `SyncConfig(sync_artifacts=False)`.
(RayTrainWorker pid=75547, ip= Done uploading checkpoint files. [repeated 2x across cluster]
2023-06-30 18:21:59,316	INFO tune.py:1148 -- Total run time: 2542.82 seconds (2511.95 seconds for the tuning loop).


  • 训练耗时:36:06 = 2166秒

  • 训练 + 初始化 + 检查点同步耗时2473秒


  metrics={'_report_on': 'train_epoch_end', 'train_loss': 0.5234375, 'epoch': 0, 'step': 29, 'should_checkpoint': True, 'done': True, 'trial_id': 'c1544_00000', 'experiment_tag': '0'},

LLM 推断#

现在,轮到我们使用调优后的 Vicuna 代码生成器了!


首先,使用 AWS CLI 将检查点下载到你的本地机器。

请注意,添加以下配置可以显著提高同步吞吐量,相较于默认配置。在具有 NVME SSD 的 g5 实例上,下载速度从 200MB/s 提升至约 1.5GB/s

!awsv2 configure set s3.max_concurrent_requests 32
!awsv2 configure set default.s3.preferred_transfer_client crt
!awsv2 configure set default.s3.target_bandwidth 100Gb/s
!awsv2 configure set default.s3.multipart_chunksize 8MB
import os

os.system(f"awsv2 s3 sync s3://{result.checkpoint.path} /mnt/local_storage")

deepspeed ZeRO-3检查点是一个包含k个分片的目录(在我们的例子中k=16)。

  • zero_pp_rank_k_mp_rank_00_model_states.pt:包含分片k的模型参数结构。

  • bf16_zero_pp_rank_k_mp_rank_00_optim_states.pt:包含分片k的实际扁平化模型参数和优化器状态。

接下来,我们移除了优化器状态,并使用DeepSpeed工具将检查点整合成一个单一的二进制文件。此外,由于我们将vicuna-13b包装在一个LightningModule中,我们需要移除前缀_forward_module.model.model,以便我们可以直接将检查点加载到HF vicuna模型中。

import os
import torch
from deepspeed.utils.zero_to_fp32 import get_fp32_state_dict_from_zero_checkpoint

def extract_fp32_ckpt_from_zero(zero_ckpt_dir):
    state_dict = get_fp32_state_dict_from_zero_checkpoint(zero_ckpt_dir)
    vicuna_state_dict = {
        k.replace("_forward_module.model.", ""): v for k, v in state_dict.items()
    torch.save(vicuna_state_dict, os.path.join(zero_ckpt_dir, "full_model.pt"))

full_model_ckpt_path = "/mnt/local_storage/checkpoint.ckpt/full_model.pt"
Processing zero checkpoint '/mnt/local_storage/checkpoint/model/checkpoint'
Detected checkpoint of type zero stage 3, world_size: 16
Parsing checkpoint created by deepspeed==0.9.4
Reconstructed Trainable fp32 state dict with 363 params 13015864320 elements



  • 在元设备上初始化一个空模型

  • 为vicuna-13b模型创建有效的设备映射

  • 将模型权重加载并分配到目标设备


import torch
import ray
import lightning.pytorch as pl
from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM
from accelerate import (

# 在元设备上初始化模型
with init_empty_weights():
    config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
    meta_model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_config(config)

# 定义设备映射
device_map = infer_auto_device_map(
    max_memory={0: "15GB", "cpu": "60GB"},

# 加载模型参数
model = load_checkpoint_and_dispatch(
from transformers import pipeline

generator = pipeline(
        MODEL_NAME, padding_side="left", use_fast=False



testcases = [
        "intent": "replace white spaces in colunm 'col' of dataframe `df` with '_'",
        "intent": "search for occurrences of regex pattern '>.*<' in xml string `line`",
        "intent": "send a signal `signal.SIGUSR1` to the current process",

让我们开始检查生成的输出,而不进行微调。在这个案例研究中,我们利用 Aviary Explorer,这是一个由 Ray 和 Anyscale 支持的开源多 LLM 服务平台。您可以轻松选择各种开源 LLM,并比较它们的生成质量、成本、延迟以及许多其他指标。

我们以零-shot 学习的方式构建了一个提示,并将其输入到 3 个 OSS LLM。

  • vicuna-13b-v1.3 开始说中文。

  • mpt-7b-chat 生成了一个合理的代码片段,但有多行。

  • falcon-7b-sft 生成了一个单行片段,但似乎无法正常工作。


现在让我们检查经过微调的 vicuna-13b-v1.3 模型的性能:

for case in testcases:
    prompt = PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(intent=case["intent"], snippet="")
    output = generator(prompt, max_new_tokens=30, do_sample=True)
/home/ray/anaconda3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/transformers/pipelines/base.py:1081: UserWarning: You seem to be using the pipelines sequentially on GPU. In order to maximize efficiency please use a dataset
Intent: replace white spaces in colunm 'col' of dataframe `df` with '_'
One-line code snippet:  `df['col'] = df['col'].str.replace(' ', '_')`

Intent: search for occurrences of regex pattern '>.*<' in xml string `line`
One-line code snippet:  `re.findall('>.*<', line)``

Intent: send a signal `signal.SIGUSR1` to the current process
One-line code snippet:  `os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR1)``



import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({"col": ["abc def ghi", " 12 3 456", "     "]})
print("Before\n", df)

df["col"] = df["col"].str.replace(" ", "_")
print("After\n", df)
0  abc def ghi
1     12 3 456
0  abc_def_ghi
1    _12_3_456
2        _____
import re

line = """
  <book category="fiction">
    <title>The Great Gatsby</title>
    <author>F. Scott Fitzgerald</author>
  <book category="non-fiction">
    <title>Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind</title>
    <author>Yuval Noah Harari</author>
re.findall(">.*<", line)
['>The Great Gatsby<',
 '>F. Scott Fitzgerald<',
 '>Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind<',
 '>Yuval Noah Harari<',


import os, signal

os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGUSR1)  # 终止当前进程~
