





标量可以通过一个数字来表示,例如温度300 K。另一方面,像加速度这样的矢量量通常用矢量表示。给定一个矢量 \(\mathbf{V}\),相应量的大小可以计算为矢量本身的大小 \(\Vert \mathbf{V} \Vert\),而方向将由原始矢量方向上的单位矢量指定, \(\mathbf{\hat{V}} = \frac{\mathbf{V}}{\Vert \mathbf{V} \Vert}\)

例如,考虑一个位移为 \((3\mathbf{\hat{i}} + 4\mathbf{\hat{j}} + 5\mathbf{\hat{k}})\) 米,其中,按照标准惯例,\(\mathbf{\hat{i}}\)\(\mathbf{\hat{j}}\)\(\mathbf{\hat{k}}\) 分别表示 \(\mathbf{X}\)\(\mathbf{Y}\)\(\mathbf{Z}\) 方向上的单位向量。因此,可以得出所行距离为 \(\Vert 3\mathbf{\hat{i}} + 4\mathbf{\hat{j}} + 5\mathbf{\hat{k}} \Vert\) 米 = \(5\sqrt{2}\) 米。行进方向由单位向量 \(\frac{3}{5\sqrt{2}}\mathbf{\hat{i}} + \frac{4}{5\sqrt{2}}\mathbf{\hat{j}} + \frac{5}{5\sqrt{2}}\mathbf{\hat{k}}\) 给出。


一般来说,一个 \(场\) 是一个可以在空间中任意位置指定的矢量或标量量,作为位置的函数(注意,一般来说,场也可能依赖于时间和其它自定义变量)。在这个模块中,我们只处理三维空间。因此,场被定义为 \(x\)\(y\)\(z\) 坐标的函数,对应于三维空间中的一个位置。

例如,三维空间中的温度(温度场)可以写成 \(T(x, y, z)\) – 位置的标量函数。电磁学中标量场的一个例子是电势。

同样地,一个矢量场可以定义为空间中任意一点位置 \((x, y, z)\) 的矢量函数。

例如,地球上的每一点都可以被认为是处于地球的重力场中。我们可以通过重力引起的加速度(即单位质量的力)的大小和方向来指定场 \(g(x, y, z)\) 在空间中的每一点。

以电磁学为例,考虑一个形式为 \(2{x}^{2}y\) 的电势,这是一个三维空间中的标量场。相应的保守电场可以通过电势函数的梯度计算得出,并表示为 \(4xy\mathbf{\hat{i}} + 2{x}^{2}\mathbf{\hat{j}}\)。该电场的大小可以反过来表示为一个形式为 \(\sqrt{4{x}^{4} + 16{x}^{2}{y}^{2}}\) 的标量场。

sympy.physics.vector 中字段的实现

In sympy.physics.vector, every ReferenceFrame instance is assigned basis vectors corresponding to the \(X\), \(Y\) and \(Z\) directions. These can be accessed using the attributes named x, y and z respectively. Hence, to define a vector \(\mathbf{v}\) of the form \(3\mathbf{\hat{i}} + 4\mathbf{\hat{j}} + 5\mathbf{\hat{k}}\) with respect to a given frame \(\mathbf{R}\), you would do

>>> from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame
>>> R = ReferenceFrame('R')
>>> v = 3*R.x + 4*R.y + 5*R.z


On the other hand, base scalars (or coordinate variables) are implemented as special SymPy Symbols assigned to every frame, one for each direction from \(X\), \(Y\) and \(Z\). For a frame R, the \(X\), \(Y\) and \(Z\) base scalar Symbols can be accessed using the R[0], R[1] and R[2] expressions respectively.

因此,要生成上述电势场 \(2{x}^{2}y\) 的表达式,您必须执行

>>> from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame
>>> R = ReferenceFrame('R')
>>> electric_potential = 2*R[0]**2*R[1]
>>> electric_potential

In string representation, R_x denotes the \(X\) base scalar assigned to ReferenceFrame R. Essentially, R_x is the string representation of R[0].

Scalar fields can be treated just as any other SymPy expression, for any math/calculus functionality. Hence, to differentiate the above electric potential with respect to \(x\) (i.e. R[0]), you would have to use the diff function.

>>> from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame
>>> R = ReferenceFrame('R')
>>> electric_potential = 2*R[0]**2*R[1]
>>> from sympy import diff
>>> diff(electric_potential, R[0])

Like vectors (and vector fields), scalar fields can also be re-expressed in other frames of reference, apart from the one they were defined in – assuming that an orientation relationship exists between the concerned frames. This can be done using the sympy.physics.vector.vector.Vector.express method, in a way similar to vectors - but with the variables parameter set to True.

>>> from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame
>>> R = ReferenceFrame('R')
>>> electric_potential = 2*R[0]**2*R[1]
>>> from sympy.physics.vector import dynamicsymbols, express
>>> q = dynamicsymbols('q')
>>> R1 = R.orientnew('R1', rot_type = 'Axis', amounts = [q, R.z])
>>> express(electric_potential, R1, variables=True)
2*(R1_x*sin(q(t)) + R1_y*cos(q(t)))*(R1_x*cos(q(t)) - R1_y*sin(q(t)))**2

Moreover, considering scalars can also be functions of time just as vectors, differentiation with respect to time is also possible. Depending on the Symbols present in the expression and the frame with respect to which the time differentiation is being done, the output will change/remain the same.

>>> from sympy.physics.vector import ReferenceFrame
>>> R = ReferenceFrame('R')
>>> electric_potential = 2*R[0]**2*R[1]
>>> q = dynamicsymbols('q')
>>> R1 = R.orientnew('R1', rot_type = 'Axis', amounts = [q, R.z])
>>> from sympy.physics.vector import time_derivative
>>> time_derivative(electric_potential, R)
>>> time_derivative(electric_potential, R1).simplify()
2*(R1_x*cos(q(t)) - R1_y*sin(q(t)))*(3*R1_x**2*cos(2*q(t))/2 -
R1_x**2/2 - 3*R1_x*R1_y*sin(2*q(t)) - 3*R1_y**2*cos(2*q(t))/2 -
R1_y**2/2)*Derivative(q(t), t)