Source code for sympy.printing.mathematica

Mathematica code printer

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any

from sympy.core import Basic, Expr, Float
from sympy.core.sorting import default_sort_key

from sympy.printing.codeprinter import CodePrinter
from sympy.printing.precedence import precedence

# Used in MCodePrinter._print_Function(self)
known_functions = {
    "exp": [(lambda x: True, "Exp")],
    "log": [(lambda x: True, "Log")],
    "sin": [(lambda x: True, "Sin")],
    "cos": [(lambda x: True, "Cos")],
    "tan": [(lambda x: True, "Tan")],
    "cot": [(lambda x: True, "Cot")],
    "sec": [(lambda x: True, "Sec")],
    "csc": [(lambda x: True, "Csc")],
    "asin": [(lambda x: True, "ArcSin")],
    "acos": [(lambda x: True, "ArcCos")],
    "atan": [(lambda x: True, "ArcTan")],
    "acot": [(lambda x: True, "ArcCot")],
    "asec": [(lambda x: True, "ArcSec")],
    "acsc": [(lambda x: True, "ArcCsc")],
    "atan2": [(lambda *x: True, "ArcTan")],
    "sinh": [(lambda x: True, "Sinh")],
    "cosh": [(lambda x: True, "Cosh")],
    "tanh": [(lambda x: True, "Tanh")],
    "coth": [(lambda x: True, "Coth")],
    "sech": [(lambda x: True, "Sech")],
    "csch": [(lambda x: True, "Csch")],
    "asinh": [(lambda x: True, "ArcSinh")],
    "acosh": [(lambda x: True, "ArcCosh")],
    "atanh": [(lambda x: True, "ArcTanh")],
    "acoth": [(lambda x: True, "ArcCoth")],
    "asech": [(lambda x: True, "ArcSech")],
    "acsch": [(lambda x: True, "ArcCsch")],
    "sinc": [(lambda x: True, "Sinc")],
    "conjugate": [(lambda x: True, "Conjugate")],
    "Max": [(lambda *x: True, "Max")],
    "Min": [(lambda *x: True, "Min")],
    "erf": [(lambda x: True, "Erf")],
    "erf2": [(lambda *x: True, "Erf")],
    "erfc": [(lambda x: True, "Erfc")],
    "erfi": [(lambda x: True, "Erfi")],
    "erfinv": [(lambda x: True, "InverseErf")],
    "erfcinv": [(lambda x: True, "InverseErfc")],
    "erf2inv": [(lambda *x: True, "InverseErf")],
    "expint": [(lambda *x: True, "ExpIntegralE")],
    "Ei": [(lambda x: True, "ExpIntegralEi")],
    "fresnelc": [(lambda x: True, "FresnelC")],
    "fresnels": [(lambda x: True, "FresnelS")],
    "gamma": [(lambda x: True, "Gamma")],
    "uppergamma": [(lambda *x: True, "Gamma")],
    "polygamma": [(lambda *x: True, "PolyGamma")],
    "loggamma": [(lambda x: True, "LogGamma")],
    "beta": [(lambda *x: True, "Beta")],
    "Ci": [(lambda x: True, "CosIntegral")],
    "Si": [(lambda x: True, "SinIntegral")],
    "Chi": [(lambda x: True, "CoshIntegral")],
    "Shi": [(lambda x: True, "SinhIntegral")],
    "li": [(lambda x: True, "LogIntegral")],
    "factorial": [(lambda x: True, "Factorial")],
    "factorial2": [(lambda x: True, "Factorial2")],
    "subfactorial": [(lambda x: True, "Subfactorial")],
    "catalan": [(lambda x: True, "CatalanNumber")],
    "harmonic": [(lambda *x: True, "HarmonicNumber")],
    "lucas": [(lambda x: True, "LucasL")],
    "RisingFactorial": [(lambda *x: True, "Pochhammer")],
    "FallingFactorial": [(lambda *x: True, "FactorialPower")],
    "laguerre": [(lambda *x: True, "LaguerreL")],
    "assoc_laguerre": [(lambda *x: True, "LaguerreL")],
    "hermite": [(lambda *x: True, "HermiteH")],
    "jacobi": [(lambda *x: True, "JacobiP")],
    "gegenbauer": [(lambda *x: True, "GegenbauerC")],
    "chebyshevt": [(lambda *x: True, "ChebyshevT")],
    "chebyshevu": [(lambda *x: True, "ChebyshevU")],
    "legendre": [(lambda *x: True, "LegendreP")],
    "assoc_legendre": [(lambda *x: True, "LegendreP")],
    "mathieuc": [(lambda *x: True, "MathieuC")],
    "mathieus": [(lambda *x: True, "MathieuS")],
    "mathieucprime": [(lambda *x: True, "MathieuCPrime")],
    "mathieusprime": [(lambda *x: True, "MathieuSPrime")],
    "stieltjes": [(lambda x: True, "StieltjesGamma")],
    "elliptic_e": [(lambda *x: True, "EllipticE")],
    "elliptic_f": [(lambda *x: True, "EllipticE")],
    "elliptic_k": [(lambda x: True, "EllipticK")],
    "elliptic_pi": [(lambda *x: True, "EllipticPi")],
    "zeta": [(lambda *x: True, "Zeta")],
    "dirichlet_eta": [(lambda x: True, "DirichletEta")],
    "riemann_xi": [(lambda x: True, "RiemannXi")],
    "besseli": [(lambda *x: True, "BesselI")],
    "besselj": [(lambda *x: True, "BesselJ")],
    "besselk": [(lambda *x: True, "BesselK")],
    "bessely": [(lambda *x: True, "BesselY")],
    "hankel1": [(lambda *x: True, "HankelH1")],
    "hankel2": [(lambda *x: True, "HankelH2")],
    "airyai": [(lambda x: True, "AiryAi")],
    "airybi": [(lambda x: True, "AiryBi")],
    "airyaiprime": [(lambda x: True, "AiryAiPrime")],
    "airybiprime": [(lambda x: True, "AiryBiPrime")],
    "polylog": [(lambda *x: True, "PolyLog")],
    "lerchphi": [(lambda *x: True, "LerchPhi")],
    "gcd": [(lambda *x: True, "GCD")],
    "lcm": [(lambda *x: True, "LCM")],
    "jn": [(lambda *x: True, "SphericalBesselJ")],
    "yn": [(lambda *x: True, "SphericalBesselY")],
    "hyper": [(lambda *x: True, "HypergeometricPFQ")],
    "meijerg": [(lambda *x: True, "MeijerG")],
    "appellf1": [(lambda *x: True, "AppellF1")],
    "DiracDelta": [(lambda x: True, "DiracDelta")],
    "Heaviside": [(lambda x: True, "HeavisideTheta")],
    "KroneckerDelta": [(lambda *x: True, "KroneckerDelta")],
    "sqrt": [(lambda x: True, "Sqrt")],  # For automatic rewrites

[docs] class MCodePrinter(CodePrinter): """A printer to convert Python expressions to strings of the Wolfram's Mathematica code """ printmethod = "_mcode" language = "Wolfram Language" _default_settings: dict[str, Any] = dict(CodePrinter._default_settings, **{ 'precision': 15, 'user_functions': {}, }) _number_symbols: set[tuple[Expr, Float]] = set() _not_supported: set[Basic] = set() def __init__(self, settings={}): """Register function mappings supplied by user""" CodePrinter.__init__(self, settings) self.known_functions = dict(known_functions) userfuncs = settings.get('user_functions', {}).copy() for k, v in userfuncs.items(): if not isinstance(v, list): userfuncs[k] = [(lambda *x: True, v)] self.known_functions.update(userfuncs) def _format_code(self, lines): return lines def _print_Pow(self, expr): PREC = precedence(expr) return '%s^%s' % (self.parenthesize(expr.base, PREC), self.parenthesize(expr.exp, PREC)) def _print_Mul(self, expr): PREC = precedence(expr) c, nc = expr.args_cnc() res = super()._print_Mul(expr.func(*c)) if nc: res += '*' res += '**'.join(self.parenthesize(a, PREC) for a in nc) return res def _print_Relational(self, expr): lhs_code = self._print(expr.lhs) rhs_code = self._print(expr.rhs) op = expr.rel_op return "{} {} {}".format(lhs_code, op, rhs_code) # Primitive numbers def _print_Zero(self, expr): return '0' def _print_One(self, expr): return '1' def _print_NegativeOne(self, expr): return '-1' def _print_Half(self, expr): return '1/2' def _print_ImaginaryUnit(self, expr): return 'I' # Infinity and invalid numbers def _print_Infinity(self, expr): return 'Infinity' def _print_NegativeInfinity(self, expr): return '-Infinity' def _print_ComplexInfinity(self, expr): return 'ComplexInfinity' def _print_NaN(self, expr): return 'Indeterminate' # Mathematical constants def _print_Exp1(self, expr): return 'E' def _print_Pi(self, expr): return 'Pi' def _print_GoldenRatio(self, expr): return 'GoldenRatio' def _print_TribonacciConstant(self, expr): expanded = expr.expand(func=True) PREC = precedence(expr) return self.parenthesize(expanded, PREC) def _print_EulerGamma(self, expr): return 'EulerGamma' def _print_Catalan(self, expr): return 'Catalan' def _print_list(self, expr): return '{' + ', '.join(self.doprint(a) for a in expr) + '}' _print_tuple = _print_list _print_Tuple = _print_list def _print_ImmutableDenseMatrix(self, expr): return self.doprint(expr.tolist()) def _print_ImmutableSparseMatrix(self, expr): def print_rule(pos, val): return '{} -> {}'.format( self.doprint((pos[0]+1, pos[1]+1)), self.doprint(val)) def print_data(): items = sorted(expr.todok().items(), key=default_sort_key) return '{' + \ ', '.join(print_rule(k, v) for k, v in items) + \ '}' def print_dims(): return self.doprint(expr.shape) return 'SparseArray[{}, {}]'.format(print_data(), print_dims()) def _print_ImmutableDenseNDimArray(self, expr): return self.doprint(expr.tolist()) def _print_ImmutableSparseNDimArray(self, expr): def print_string_list(string_list): return '{' + ', '.join(a for a in string_list) + '}' def to_mathematica_index(*args): """Helper function to change Python style indexing to Pathematica indexing. Python indexing (0, 1 ... n-1) -> Mathematica indexing (1, 2 ... n) """ return tuple(i + 1 for i in args) def print_rule(pos, val): """Helper function to print a rule of Mathematica""" return '{} -> {}'.format(self.doprint(pos), self.doprint(val)) def print_data(): """Helper function to print data part of Mathematica sparse array. It uses the fourth notation ``SparseArray[data,{d1,d2,...}]`` from ``data`` must be formatted with rule. """ return print_string_list( [print_rule( to_mathematica_index(*(expr._get_tuple_index(key))), value) for key, value in sorted(expr._sparse_array.items())] ) def print_dims(): """Helper function to print dimensions part of Mathematica sparse array. It uses the fourth notation ``SparseArray[data,{d1,d2,...}]`` from """ return self.doprint(expr.shape) return 'SparseArray[{}, {}]'.format(print_data(), print_dims()) def _print_Function(self, expr): if expr.func.__name__ in self.known_functions: cond_mfunc = self.known_functions[expr.func.__name__] for cond, mfunc in cond_mfunc: if cond(*expr.args): return "%s[%s]" % (mfunc, self.stringify(expr.args, ", ")) elif expr.func.__name__ in self._rewriteable_functions: # Simple rewrite to supported function possible target_f, required_fs = self._rewriteable_functions[expr.func.__name__] if self._can_print(target_f) and all(self._can_print(f) for f in required_fs): return self._print(expr.rewrite(target_f)) return expr.func.__name__ + "[%s]" % self.stringify(expr.args, ", ") _print_MinMaxBase = _print_Function def _print_LambertW(self, expr): if len(expr.args) == 1: return "ProductLog[{}]".format(self._print(expr.args[0])) return "ProductLog[{}, {}]".format( self._print(expr.args[1]), self._print(expr.args[0])) def _print_Integral(self, expr): if len(expr.variables) == 1 and not expr.limits[0][1:]: args = [expr.args[0], expr.variables[0]] else: args = expr.args return "Hold[Integrate[" + ', '.join(self.doprint(a) for a in args) + "]]" def _print_Sum(self, expr): return "Hold[Sum[" + ', '.join(self.doprint(a) for a in expr.args) + "]]" def _print_Derivative(self, expr): dexpr = expr.expr dvars = [i[0] if i[1] == 1 else i for i in expr.variable_count] return "Hold[D[" + ', '.join(self.doprint(a) for a in [dexpr] + dvars) + "]]" def _get_comment(self, text): return "(* {} *)".format(text)
[docs] def mathematica_code(expr, **settings): r"""Converts an expr to a string of the Wolfram Mathematica code Examples ======== >>> from sympy import mathematica_code as mcode, symbols, sin >>> x = symbols('x') >>> mcode(sin(x).series(x).removeO()) '(1/120)*x^5 - 1/6*x^3 + x' """ return MCodePrinter(settings).doprint(expr)